Applications now open!

The Ferry Scholarship is funded by a bequest from the late Cedric Arnold Seth Ferry, for the purpose of promoting study and research in the scientific fields of Physics and or Chemistry. Public Trustee, as trustee of the Cedric Arnold Seth Ferry Trust intends to offer The Ferry Scholarship for students undertaking Honours study in 2017.


The Ferry Scholarship is available to students undertaking an Honours degree at Flinders University, University of South Australia or the University of Adelaide in 2017.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need, be under the age of 25 years at 1 January 2017 and be an Australian citizen. Applicants must be eligible for enrolment in an Honours degree in 2017.


Applicants must have obtained, or expect to obtain in 2016, an undergraduate degree majoring in Physics and or Chemistry.


The allowance for the scholarship(s) will be determined by the Ferry Scholarship Board, and could be up to $7,500 per year. Up to 6 scholarships will be available, again at the discretion of the Board.


Scholarship recipients will be selected from those applying from any of the three major South Australian universities. Selection will be undertaken by the Ferry Scholarship Board in early 2017, and is primarily based on the qualifying criteria, including academic merit and financial need.

Application Form:

Application forms are also available on the Public Trustee website under:

Further information:

Contact Susanne Schwarz on 8226 9263or e-mail

Closing Date

Applications by Tuesday, 31stJanuary 2017


application form for


The Ferry Scholarship is available to support academically gifted Australian citizens continuing with studies at Honours level in the fields of Physics and/or Chemisty.

The Scholarship is open to students studying at the Honours level who would otherwise find it financially difficult to continue with studies. The successful applicant(s) must enrol in an Honours course with Physics and/or Chemistry as the major discipline.

(To ascertain whether a specified Honours course is eliglible under the terms of The Ferry Scholarship, please check with the relevant university scholarships office.)


Title: ____ Family Name: ______Given Names: ______

Address: ______

Town: ______State: ______Postcode: ______

Expected contact details for 2017 academic year (where different from above):

Postal address: ______

Town/Suburb: ______State: ______Postcode: ______

Telephone: ______E-mail: ______

Are you an Australian citizen? Yes NoDate of birth: ____ / ____ / ____

* Please attach a copy of your birth certificate or (if born overseas) your Australian passport or Australian Citizenship certificate.

Details of Tertiary Studies: ______

(If you completed tertiary studies earlier than 2016, please attach a brief explanation for your deferral.)



Please attach a copy of your most recent acedemic transcript.

Undergraduate major(s): ______

Please list any awards, prizes or other achievements in the fields of Physics and/or Chemistry:



Proposed course of study in 2017: ______

University: ______Campus: ______

Will this be the first time you have enrolled in an Honours course? Yes No

If no, what course did you previously undertake? ______

What year? ______Institution? ______

Other scholarships &/or financial assistance available

Are you eligible for a different Honours scholarship, or some other financial assistance intended to assist with studies at the Honours level?  Yes  No

Details: ______

If yes, why are you applying for The Ferry Scholarship? ______



Note: If you are awarded a Ferry Scholarship, you are required to inform Public Trustee if you then receive another scholarship or other financial assistance.


Do you or your family have a Health Care Card or similar Social Security concession card?  Yes  No

Do you receive, or are you a dependent of someone who receives, income support from Centrelink, ie, Disability Support Pension, Carer Pension,Newstart or Pensioner Education Supplement?  Yes  No

Do you receive rental assistance from Centrelink? Yes No

Do you receive other assistance from the Commonwealth Government, e.g. Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy? Yes  No

Please attach supporting evidence for each of the “Yes” boxes ticked above, e.g. Youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy payment slip, group certificate etc.

If you are not eligible for any of the above, you are requested to supply any other relevant supporting evidence to demonstrate financial need.


(1)Briefly explain how the award of The Ferry Scholarship will assist you with continuing your studies at the Honours level:

(2)Briefly state your interests in the scientific fields of Physics and/or Chemistry, and your future career intentions:

You must attach at least two current written references in support of your application, including one which must be from an academic mentor. Each reference must include contact details for the referee.

Please sign and date the declaration below, and return the completed application to the address below.

Completed applications are to be received before the close of business on Tuesday, 31stJanuary 2017.

On completion of the studies at Honours level you will be required to provide a written report on the outcome of your studies.


I declare that the information I have supplied above is to the best of my knowledge correct. I authorise the Ferry Scholarships Board to obtain relevant information about me to support this application from educational and other sources as required.

Signature: ______Date: ____ / ____ / ____


Trustee for The Ferry Trust

Attention: Susanne Schwarz

GPO Box 1338