Name ______Date:

English 7 Per:

Tangerine: 123-180 (126-182)

1)  How does Lake Windsor win its first football game?

2)  How does Mr. Fisher look at the situation on how they won their first football game?

3)  On page 129, Paul thinks, “Forget it, Dad. Forget it, Mom. Erik can’t laugh this off. Erik can’t leave this humiliation behind him. Someone has to pay for this. I’m not sure why I’m sure. But I am. Someone has to pay for this.” Erik’s action hasn’t really warranted this type of reaction. He hasn’t done anything that bad. Why do you think he feels someone “has to pay for this”

4)  What does it show you about Paul’s parents when they weren’t at his game on pg 130?

5)  Does Paul respect Shandra in goal? How do you know this?

6)  Victor calls Paul “Fisher man,” How is this different from his name at Lake Windsor? What does this demonstrate about the kids at Tangerine Middle School?

7)  How does Paul win respect from Victor on page 133-4?

8)  On page 141 Paul says, “For Joey, our house may as well be covered with canvas and bound by ropes, because it’s filled with poison.” What is the metaphor? Who is the metaphor referring to?

9)  Why do you think Shandra doesn’t want any part of newspapers or publicity? (Think of her last name, who else has this last name?)

10) What type of person does Joey turn out to be?

11) On page 160, Luis says, “The rough lemon is totally worthless in the supermarket, and yet there is no more valuable tree out here in the nursery.” How could this be a metaphor for Paul and his “new” friends?

12) On page 162, Paul states, “I saw a billowing white cloud enter the backyard, like an angel of death. It came from the right to the left, in white waves, and quickly filled up the whole yard. But as I watched the scene, it happened again. Just like in Houston. Just like at the gray wall. A feeling came over me, overpowering me. Like I had to remember something, whether I wanted to or not.” What do you think happened to Paul?

13) On page 164-5, Paul states the change in the town’s attitude toward Erik; what does Paul think about their change of attitude?

14) On page 171, Paul tells Tino that he ratted him out; why did he tell him?

15) On page 176, what were Erik and Arthur doing?