To: / Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Commissionthe City Commission / Date: / December 17, 2005
/ Subject: / Miami Sports and Exhibition
Authority (MSEA)
From: / Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk / References: / January 13, 2005 Agenda
Enclosures: / List of members

The Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority (MSEA) was created to promote sports, conventions and exhibitions and to strive to generate and further community support to achieve this purpose. The Authority shall endeavor to attract professional sports franchises to utilize facilities in the City.

Members of MSEA shall be qualified electors of Miami-DadeCounty. One member shall be the Mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof. One voting member shall be a City Commissioner appointed by the City Commission to serve as acting chairperson of the authority in the absence of the Mayor and not be reappointed for another immediately succeeding year until each Commissioner has served or has declined to serve. Each City Commissioner shall nominate two members, except for the City Commissioner appointed as a voting member, who shall nominate only one member. Of the two members nominated by each City Commissioner, one may be the Commissioner, as an ex-officio voting member, representing that Commissioner’s specific district.

Ten appointments are needed for members whose terms will expire on January 12, 2005:

  • Vice Chairman González has two nominationsfor seats currently held by:
  • Eli Feinberg, who has served as a member since March 13, 1987. City Code Section 2-885(b) provides that no member shall serve more than eight consecutive years on any one board. This provision may be waived by a unanimous (5/5) affirmative vote of the members of the Commission.
  • Commissioner González
  • Commissioner Winton two nominations for seats currently held by:
  • Sam Gentry, who has exceeded the number of absences allowed per City Code
  • Thomasina Williams
  • Chairman Sanchez has two nominations for seats currently held by:
  • Orlando Garcia, Jr., has exceeded the number of absences allowed per City Code
  • Diego Garcia
  • Commissioner Regalado has two nominations for seats currently held by:
  • Maritza Gutierrez, who requires a waiver by four-fifths vote of the Commission of the elector requirement
  • Commissioner Regalado (acting as chairperson of the authority in the absence of the Mayor)
  • Commissioner Allen has two nominations for seats currently held by the following individuals who were nominated by former Commissioner Teele:
  1. Pastor Dwayne K. Gaddis, who has exceeded the number of absences allowed per City Code
  2. Bob Beamon

For your convenience, we are including a copy of the current membership of said board. By copy of this memorandum to the Agenda Office, we are requesting that this issue be placed on theJanuary 13, 2005 Commission agenda.


c:Jorge Fernandez, City Attorney

Jim Jenkins, Executive Director, MSEA

Elvi Alonso, Agenda Coordinator