Chapter 5 – Mexico: Social Studies Name______

What is Mexico’s LARGEST physical feature? Plateau of Mexico

In which climate zone are most of Mexico’s people and farms found? Tierra Templada

Which civilization was the earliest one found in Mexico? Olmec

What was the major development that the Maya created to help keep track of crops? Number system (zero)

The Maya, Aztecs, and Olmecs all used innovations such as calendars, picture writing, and a counting system.

What was the Aztecs’ largest city called? Tenochtitlan

What was the major accomplishment of Hernando Cortes? He conquered and claimed land for Spain

In 1821, Mexico claimed its independence from this country Spain

Two major problems in Mexico today are poverty and overpopulation.

Mexico’s Constitution of 1917 established land reform and helped create a Presidential Democracy

Mexico’s economy relied on farming and mining until the development of manufacturing

What President ended special privileges for the Catholic Church and the army? Benito Juarez

Who was the first Mexican president to be a member of the political party, National Action Party (PAN), which defeated the other political party, PRI, that had ruled for 71 years?

President Vicente Fox Quesada

This president of 30 years wanted to reform the nation’s finances or money matters Porfirio Diaz


Mestizos: children from marriages between native Mexicans and European settlers

Maquiladoras: assembly plants or factories where workers put together products from imported parts

On a separate piece of paper, respond to the following short answer questions:

Describe how the Olmec and Maya civilizations are alike and different. Provide specific examples. (Use a VENN diagram to help organize thoughts) See VENN diagram done in class

Explain how the Aztec and Spanish civilizations contributed to the Mexican culture today.

Use at least 3 details or examples.

Aztecs: many Mexican places have names from the Aztec language (Nahuatl); tortillas, a staple in the Mexican diet, was an Aztec food

Spanish: Mexico’s official language is Spanish, most Mexicans practice Roman Catholic religion, Many buildings show the style of Spanish architecture, Mestizos are the children of Mexican and Spanish people who married