Cosby High School

March 24, 2014

PTSO Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:03p.m. by President Kim Donlon. A motion to approve minutes was made by Michele Farren and Dr. Mayo seconded the motion. All were in favor and minutes were approved as presented. There were 11members in attendance.

SCA REPORT- No report

TREASURER’S REPORT- Michele Farren presented her report. The current balance in checking account is $ 24,861.82. There is now a $0 balance on both the Target and Amex gift cards. Total funds are $24,991.28 .

Highlights include:

·  Valentines Flowers/Lollipops profit $253.75

·  International night concessions $132.00

·  Chick-Fil-A Jan & Feb: $43

·  Mexico Jan & Feb $50

·  Invest Now Donation $25

·  Post Prom Donations $3,891.83, business donations $1,000, Basketball game funds $595.00.

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report was made by Wendy Holt and Anne Canipe seconded the motion. All were in favor and the report was approved as presented.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Kim Donlon presented her report. She detailed the timeline for Executive Board nominations for the 2014/15 year. The nominating committee, comprised of Wendy Holt, Carol Stearns and Tonya Johnson will present a slate of officers by May 5, 2014. The slate will be publicized on the PTSO website, and Facebook page.

The slate will also be emailed to all current PTSO members and should a member wish to be nominated for a Board position, they will need to attend the next PTSO meeting.

Post Prom will need a committee Chair for the 2014/15 year. If Tonya Johnson accepts this position we will need a Chair for Fundraising.

Spanish teacher, Laura Colon has submitted a request to the PTSO for a contribution towards a recertification course through VCU. The course includes a week spent in Cuba. The course is $500 and she will be grateful for any assistance. There are available funds earmarked for staff development. Wendy Holt made a motion to present Ms. Colon with a check for $300 towards the cost of the class. Tonya Johnson seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Bricks - Darline presented pictures of Tomahawk’s installed bricks and of Cosby’s that are currently installed. It is apparent from the condition of Cosby’s bricks that the ours have been installed incorrectly.

Michele Farren suggested asking a parent who has a landscaping background in paving to advise us on installing the bricks correctly. Darline has a professional landscaper contact and will ask him to evaluate the installation for us. There are currently 12 bricks that need to be installed and orders for two more. The Tomahawk custodian is still available to do the installation.

Invest Now - Donation of $25.

Fundraising - it is currently a Cosby Chick-Fil-A spirit week. New location’s opening is delayed and so the next spirit week, scheduled for April will be in the old location.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Dr. Mayo presented her report, highlighting Prom. She has been to the DoubleTree to inspect the venue, and although the space is smaller than the convention center, Dr. Mayo feels the students will be comfortably accommodated. Tickets are printed and everything is on schedule.

FACULTY REPORT - Mrs. Canipe confirmed that the invitations for the Memorial Day Program scheduled for May 19 have been mailed out. The Reception following the program will be a Meet and Greet. Mrs. Canipe will confirm the numbers by the May 5 PTSO meeting. Guest speaker is Paul Galanti, Commissioner of Veterans Services. Purple Hearts will be sold for a $1and will be displayed on the Tree of Life in the library during the Fundraising period.


HOSPITALITY REPORT- Dawn reported that they are starting to formalize plans for the Teacher Appreciation lunch on May 7. Mexico Restaurant will be doing the food for 2nd through 5th lunches, the PTSO will provide the tacos for first lunch. Dawn will email Reverend George from Clover Hill Assembly of God as they have offered to provide lunch for the staff. She will provide him with a list of food items needed for Teacher Appreciation and let them decide what they would like to contribute. A request for donations for the remaining items will be sent out via sign up genius.

Dr. Mayo will confirm the time the hospitality team can start setup on the day of the lunch.

MEMBERSHIP - One new family membership received.

VOLUNTEERS- There is a shortage of volunteers for the sale of Prom tickets. A sign up genius will be sent out again this week.

LOLLIPOPS- next sale will be week of April 7.

GROUNDS- Kim Kebler reported that two Eagle projects are under way.

Project #1 - Senior Courtyard should be completed by April.

Project #2 - Baseball Bleachers - will begin in April (weather permitting)

Kim will update the front entrance planters and these will be maintained throughout the summer as Cosby will have summer school and PBL classes this year. Kim will also maintain the courtyard during the summer.

POST PROM - Wendy Holt reported that Post Prom is on schedule and the committee is very pleased with the donations that have been made to date and thanked Dr. Mayo for successful Phone-a-thon. She requested that the PayPal link be kept on the website until the day of Post Prom.

Michele Farren will send out a sign up genius for Prom ticket sales.

Wendy will send out a sign up genius for additional volunteers and donations of food and drinks.

This year no signs will be printed a saving of $1,400.

Entertainment includes caricatures, tattoos and henna, and there will be a magician walking around.

The check in and check out procedure will be streamlined this year.

Wendy needs a spreadsheet of all Cosby Juniors and Seniors for check in/check out.

BACCALAUREATE - Sign ups for water bottle donations will go out a week before the event

WEBSITE REPORT - website has had a few changes added to it including sign up genius and meeting minutes.

BOOSTER SHOTS - As Booster Shots have an obligation to volunteer at school events, we should direct them to the Post Prom signup genius link.



ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 8:15p.m.