Chapter One

  1. What army was seen upon a riverbank at the novel's opening?
  2. What was the general reaction to Jim Conklin's rumor? A) despair B) arguing C) complaining D) fright
  3. When Mrs. Fleming said, "'Henry, don't you be a fool,'" she was attempting to persuade Henry not to A) follow in his father's footsteps. B) join the army. C) dream so much about heroic deeds. D) be a coward in conflict.
  4. On his way to Washington, which food was not served? A) bread and cold meats B) coffee C) pickles and cheese D) chocolate cake and ice cream.
  5. What was Henry's reaction to veterans? A) He believed them. B) He suspected them. C) He confided in them. D) He reported them.
  6. Jim's response to Henry's question about running in the face of battle indicated that Conklin could A) stretch the imagination. B) pontificate with pride. C) calculate the future. D) speculate upon options.
  7. To conclude that all "untried men possessed great and correct confidence" was A) an assertion made by loud Wilson. B) a belief held by tall Jim Conklin. C) a tenant espoused in the Civil War training manuel. D) an assumption on Henry's part.
  8. Cite and explain the animal metaphor in chapter one.
  9. What was one of Henry's "new laws of life." A) to look out, as far as he could, for his personal comfort B) to win the mental, mathematical argument for holding steadfast C) to show his mother he was a man D) to show the sun-tanned, philosophical lot that Yanks were not scum bags
  10. Henry's mother relied on whom to take care of similar women in her plight? A) men who hadn't joined the army B) the Lord C) city folk D) tithings from soldier paychecks
  11. What "reality of war" was Henry learning from his army experiences?A) Hurry up and wait. B) Winning the internal war of courage over "fear and shame" were requisites to facing battle in a real war. C) Uniforms were cool to wear, especially in a procession. D) Idealistic patriotism would be met with contempt. E) He was not alone in his self-wonderment about running.

Chapter Two

  1. Upon discovering the falsehood of the moving-out scuttlebutt, why was Henry not relieved? A) Delays meant a postponement in the test to his courage. B) Waiting shredded the spirit. C) He would have to bond with his comrades. D) He would have to listen to Wilson.
  2. What were the "red eyes" from across the river? A) Confederate camp fires across the Rappahannock. B) veteran red coats from the American Revolution. C) morning torches across the HannarappaRiver. D) angry Confederate soldiers taking early-morning aim with blood-shot eyes.
  3. Which animals were mentioned twice? A) dragons and monsters B) monsters and cranes C) dragons and serpents D) serpents and monsters
  4. T/F: The colonel shared a cigar with the messenger horseman.
  5. Henry's despondency was connected to what? A) listening to rumors B) drilling C) the ambivalence caused by his internal conflict D) moving away from the river
  6. T/F: Catcalls were shouted and whistles were blown toward the farm-house young woman because of her pretty legs.
  7. Which character used "lick," "thump," and "skeddadle" as part of his lexicon?
  8. Which was not a part of Henry's nostalgia? A) memory of laboring with farm animals B) the barn C) the house D) memory of his temper E) fondness toward parents
  9. Henry proved to be what? A) a wizard with weapons B) a mental outcast C) incapable of demonizing his plight D) quite the poker player
  10. The internal bidding at the chapter's end alluded to what? A) the time soldiers would be awoken B) the rhetorical bet cast out by the loud one C) the number killed in the first skirmish D) the number of days necessary for innermost warfare to subside

Chapter Three

  1. Why were there "perspiration and grumblings"?
  2. Why were veteran regiments "small aggregations of men"?
  3. Which term or phrase did not synonymously pair up with the other two? A) mob B) moving box C) merciless government
  4. What was "the Question"?
  5. T/F: When feeling corraled and hearded, Henry twisted the fact of his enlistment and began to blame the government for his imagined slaughter.
  6. Who first mentioned "that there was denoted a lack of purpose on the part of the generals"?
  7. Why was the youth anxious to enter battle?
  8. As Henry scrambled up a bank expecting to see a battle scene, which feeling did he possess? A) cowardice B) curiosity C) courage D) contempt
  9. From examining the level of "ardor" in chapter one with the level of "ardor" in chapter three, which one moved like a thermometer from hot to cold? Explain.
  10. Which event occurred first? A) the exchange of letters from the loud soldier to Henry B) the dialogue about useless walking
  11. T/F: The chapter ended with Wilson apologizing for having kicked Henry awake earlier in the morning.
  12. Similar to what occurred in Chapter Three, where battle was viewed from a hilltop, give a contemporary example where battle was viewed from afar.

Chapter Four

  1. Why did the Union troops in the field of battle begin running toward the reserves?
  2. What caused a shower of pine needles?
  3. A thousand wee and invisible axes were compared to what?
  4. T/F: Henry became known to the captain of the company because the youth bandaged the lieutenant's wounded hand.
  5. Which word best characterized the impact of the officers' words and actions upon the target soldiers? A) precise B) effective C) ineffective D) imprecise
  6. By the chapter's end, Henry was determined to get a view of what?
  7. The haze through which the reserves saw a friendly regiment engaging the enemy represented what?
  8. The blue line saw in its approaching comrades the look of A) fortitude B) wild terror C) intense commitment D) benign stubbornness

Chapter Five

  1. Who were the "brown swarm of running men"? A) attacking Rebels B) members of the circus C) dusty deserters D) back-up troops
  2. Wondering if he (Henry) had loaded his weapon was an example of A) agoraphobia B) claustrophobia C) anxiety D) paranoia
  3. Concluding that Henry shot before the captain yelled "fire" would be A) a mistake B) an inference C) a proven fact D) an in-depth analysis.
  4. In the following passage, which set of words are an example of alliteration? "There was a consciousness always of the presence of his comrades about him. He felt the subtle battle brotherhood more potent even than the cause for which they were fighting. It was a mysterious fraternity born of the smoke and danger of death."
  5. T/F: The sounds of fire forced the youth to contemplate amputating himself from his regiment.
  6. What contemporary weapon would have subdued Henry's rage?
  7. Which one died? A) the lieutenant B) the soldier who couldn't reload his piece C) the captain D) the color guard
  8. Which part of nature offers the best opportunity for comparing the flow of the battle? A) stars B) mountain tops C) shore line D) canyons
  9. A "dirty smile" bore what?
  10. Fallen bodies from the sky was an image used to reinforce what effect?
  11. Noting the color of red in the victory flags of Union troops was followed by what? A) a positive connotation B) a negative connotation
  12. The chapter ended with what observation about nature? A) Nature was angry with man. B) Nature was impervious to man's fiendishness. C) Nature was personified as a caring mother. D) Nature was depicted as a stern father.
  13. Why didn't Henry kill any Confederate soldiers in Chapter Five?
  14. The battle scene in Chapter Five depicted man as what? A) a mob without a purpose B) a sputtering motor about to stall C) a mechanical machine with each part working D) a mountain of heroes

Chapter Six

  1. Why did the luster fade from the eyes of the men in the 304th?
  2. Endurance, skill, and valor were exaggeratingly attributed to whom?
  3. Henry's retreatful running was compared to all but A) a rabbit B) a chicken C) a blind man D) a wounded dog E) an insane sprinter
  4. What objects did the youth leave behind?
  5. What were Henry's two opinions of the brigade that "was hurrying briskly to be gulped into the infernal mouths of the war god"?
  6. T/F: Henry's prediction of impending doom for the back-up brigade turned out to be false.
  7. Why was the general in a carnival of joy?
  8. The action of the chapter followed what pattern for the soldiers who stayed and fought? A) reprieve, engagement, rejoice B) relief, remorse, rejection C) joy, amazement, defeat D) victory, failure, victory
  9. T/F: The Rebels were defeated by a red and green monster.

Chapter Seven

  1. Justifying fleeing because of impending annihilation was an example of what? A) rationalization B) realization C) recognition D) remonstration
  2. By seeing himself under "iron injustice," Henry saw himself as a what? A) victor B) smart soldier C) victim D) champion
  3. T/F: The youth felt his punishment fit the crime.
  4. "He conceived Nature to be a ______with a deep aversion to tragedy." woman
  5. What literary technique did Crane employ by attributing feelings to nature? A) Alliteration B) Personification C) Magnification D) Detachment E) Irony
  6. The actions of what creature were used to elevate and align the youth's actions with the laws of nature?
  7. What comment about life can be made from the actions of the ants?
  8. "After a time he paused, and, breathless and panting, listened. He imagined some strange voice would come from the dead throat and squawk after him in horrible menaces." Were the voice to have materialized and spoken uninterruptingly without reply, it would have been what? A) monologue B) dialogue C) catalog to courage D) boulevard back to battle
  9. Whether in battle or in the forest chapel, what was there to greet Henry?

Chapter Eight

  1. What effect did the panther-like clashing of the two armies have upon Henry?
  2. Battle was compared to what? A) colored apparel B) a wave upon a rock C) two bolts from Zeus clanging one another D) a grinding machine
  3. "He must go close and see it produce ______."
  4. "In this place the youth felt that he was an ______. This forgotten part of the battleground was owned by the dead men, and he hurried, in the vague apprehension that one of the swollen forms would rise and tell him to ______."
  5. The forgotten spot where Henry encountered ____ corpses was not a place where he would longingly look into their eyes as he did with the other dead ____ soldier. A) three, Confederate B) four, Rebels C) five, Union D) six, New York
  6. "One [of the wounded] was swearing that he had been shot in the arm through the commanding general's ______of the army."
  7. The torn bodies of the injured that the youth joined were part of what? A) an extension of war B) an extended metaphor C) the juxtaposition of opposites D) the clarity of a simile
  8. T/F: Henry was quick to exchange stories of battle with the tattered man.
  9. For Henry to double his speed away from the one with two wounds was an example of what? A) a defense mechanism B) passive avoidance C) active engagement D) a subtle invitation
  10. Fidgeting with his button was an indicator of what? A) external shame B) internal anxiety C) external uneasiness D) internal peace

Chapter Nine

  1. At the beginning of the chapter, which emotion did Henry feel? A) guilt B) pride C) waxy D) terrific
  2. "At times he regarded the wounded soldiers in an envious way. He conceived persons with torn bodies to be peculiarly happy. He wished that he, too, had a wound, a ______of courage."
  3. What caused other wounded soldiers to shift their attention away from the youth?
  4. As indicated from Jim Conklin's "shaking whisper," of what was he afraid?
  5. Whose "eyes rolled in the wilderness of his terror"?
  6. Which word was not used to describe Jim's condition? A) paste B) stone C) dull D) dazed
  7. Explain "He was at the rendezvous."
  8. Internet question: The movie Alien had a scene depicting similar contortions to those of Jim's, where it appeared "an animal was within and was kicking and tumbling furiously to be free." Could the movie be shown on a high school campus without parental and district consent? Explain.
  9. What creature(s) killed Jim Conklin? A) wolves B) alligators C) man D) Southern Rebels E) the green monster F) the beast of mismanagement
  10. The imagery at the chapter's end depicted what? A) man's indifference B) nature's indifference C) the sun's intolerance D) that nature, too, could paste a mirror image of man's unsweetened plight
  11. Explain the meaning of new red blood. Jim's wound wouldn't coagulate and heal on its own.
  12. T/F: After seeing Jim's grey-lipped smile on his dead face, Henry turned toward the battlefield with rage.

Chapter Ten

  1. What did the tattered man mean by referring to Jim as a "reg'lar jim-dandy"?
  2. Who said, "'...we might as well begin t' look out fer ol' number one'"?
  3. Which occurred? A) Pea soup was consumed. B) The youth buried Jim's body without help. C) The tattered man gained insight into the direction from which Henry had come. D) Henry's internal wounds were tended.
  4. Why were "the simple questions of the tattered man" like "knife thrusts" to Henry?
  5. Explain the irony of the arrows?
  6. Why couldn't Henry smile in chapters nine and ten?

Chapter Eleven

  1. Which men did Henry envy most? A) the men with the mass of wagons B) the forward-going column of infantry C) slain soldiers D) angry, animal-like men
  2. Why were rifles "extraordinarily profuse"? Explain.
  3. What killed Henry's courage to fight again?
  4. "A certain ____ quality within him kept him in the vicinity of the battle."
  5. When did Henry imagine lying to his companions? A) before the worm and moth B) in between the worm and moth C) after the worm and moth D) when the worm became the moth
  6. T/F: The youth contemplated the personal advantages of a Union loss.
  7. T/F: The youth could not find a good excuse to give his regiment.
  8. That Henry imagined himself as the brunt of derogatory gossip made him worry about becoming a what?
  9. How would a moral vindication help Henry wear the sore badge of dishonor?
  10. Why would a Union victory doom the youth's life to isolation?

Chapter Twelve

  1. Some of the infantry men stampeded in retreat like ______.
  2. Finally, Henry's head wound came from what?
  3. Why was Henry afraid to move rapidly?
  4. To escape head pain, Henry reminisced about all but what? A) his mother's cooking B) swimming in a shaded pool C) Conklin's painful death
  5. Who was the drunken man?
  6. T/F: The red animal of war had its fill with the cheery man's blood.
  7. Who joined the fray?
  8. Henry was guided in the dark of night back to his what?
  9. T/F: The cheery man's magic wand was actually a compass.

Chapter Thirteen

  1. Paragraph one revealed Henry's what to be down? A) defensive guard B) night vision C) memory of purpose D) rifle
  2. T/F: The black and monstrous figure was a wandering Rebel behind enemy lines.
  3. T/F: Henry lied to the loud Wilson.
  4. The corporal's words indicated what? A) that Wilson's letters weren't lost after all B) that more wayward men, or deserters, were returning to the regiment C) that the witche's prophecy was all wrong D) that their maps were good enough
  5. T/F: The corporal and the nurse knew that the youth really hadn't been grazed by a bullet.
  6. Wilson put what on Henry's head?
  7. Similar to what he had done in Chapter ____, Henry began fumbling with his coat buttons whenever he was nervous about the truth piercing his lie.
  8. Which term best characterized Wilson's behavior toward Henry? A) caring B) callous C) concerned D) cautious
  9. Why was Henry not put into an ambulance wagon and taken to the hospital?
  10. T/F: The men circling the fire symbolized buzzards 'bout to pick away at Henry's cover up.

Chapter Fourteen

  1. Upon waking, the youth felt he was in the house of the A) somber B) sullen C) tortured D) dead
  2. Henry saw the sleeping soldiers as what? A) ready to rise and squawk at the officers B) ready to rebend the sun's rays C) ready to silence the drummer and bugel boy D) a prophecy of their future positions and conditions
  3. Wilson's reaction to Henry's protest was what? A) persistent calmness B) perturbed friendliness C) gregarious silence D) silent fortitude
  4. Henry noted all of the following changes in Wilson except which? A) better at cooking meat on a stick B) not so pompous about his physical prowess C) less irritated by trivialities D) more inner strength to help others
  5. What was "tinsel courage"?
  6. Which soldier had "climbed a peak of wisdom"?
  7. Which soldier felt the Union troops handled the Rebels pretty rough yesterday?
  8. T/F: Wilson motioned toward the Pacific to get arguing soldiers to move away westward and not disturb the peace before the war.
  9. Why did Wilson think the Rebels had killed half his regiment?
  10. What lies did the youth let live in Wilson's head?

Chapter Fifteen

  1. How did the youth use Wilson's letters? A) for insight B) for reflection C) as leverage D) as an anecdote
  2. Which was not true about Henry's imagination of himself? A) He felt confident his mistakes in the dark would not be exposed to judges. B) He felt his flight of foot was dignified and different from other deserters. C) He felt feverish about viewing war from afar. D) He felt he could face the dragons of war.
  3. T/F: Henry returned Wilson's letters without hammering home comments about Wilson's prior weakness or fears or incorrect intuitions.
  4. Why did Henry feel pity toward Wilson's shame?
  5. Which character exemplified the power of the mind to be dishonest with oneself? A) the molested B) Henry C) Wilson D) females falling for war stories

Chapter Sixteen