October 21, 2015

The regular meeting of the Town of Hammonton Planning Board was called to order this date by Chairman Edward H. Marinelli, in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m., with the announcement of the Sunshine Law and fire exit procedure. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The meeting was televised.


Paul Esposito Linda Byrnes Michael Malinsky, Esq.

Sal Capelli Phil DeMarco Patricia Berenato, Sec.

Thomas Gribbin Gordon Pherribo

Krystin Kent

Michael Hozik

Elsie Baez

Vincent Messina

Ch. Edward Marinelli

Chairman Marinelli designated alternate members Elsie Baez and Vincent Messina as full voting members.


Mr. Esposito made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of August 19, 2015 as received. Mr. Capelli seconded the motion. All board members agreed. Mr. Hozik abstained.


Mr. Malinsky stated board members reviewed a proposed resolution designating the town of Hammonton in need of rehabilitation. It is different from the redevelopement area previously adopted. A tax abatement program will give incentives to businesses and home owners to develop their properties further.

Mr. Gribbin stated Economic Development Initiatives will help to promote the economy. Improvements would be pro-rated for 6 years to fully assess. It will be beneficial to the community and taxpayers. The first year would not show an increase, the second year to the sixth year at increments to be fully assessed for the improvements at the end of the six years.

Mr. Malinsky stated that in order to do that, the town needs the Planning Board to recommend to Mayor and Council confirming the need for rehabilitation.


Mr. Hozik made a motion to recommend to Mayor and Council that the town is in need of rehabilitation. Mr. Capelli seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

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Being no further business, Mr. Gribbin made a motion to adjourn this meeting of the Hammonton Planning Board. Mrs. Baez seconded the motion. All board members agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Berenato
