A meeting of the School Academic Committee of the School of the Hertfordshire Business School will be held on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at 13:00 hours, in the Central Committee Room, MacLaurin Building.

Apologies should be conveyed to the Clerk, Mrs M Pardey. Telephone: 1056


(Members wishing to comment on any item in Part II of the agenda (which consists of items

requiring formal note and/or approval) are asked to inform the Chairman through the Clerk

at least 48 hours before the meeting. If no such indications are received, Part II will be taken as noted

and approved.)



To receive apologies for non-attendance at the meeting.


To note the terms of reference and composition of the Committee approved effective from 1 September 2014. - Paper 2


To note the membership of the Committee and the terms of office of those members serving in non ex officio categories. - Paper 3

(To follow)


To note the Standing Orders of the Academic Board, revised with effect from

1 September 2012, Standing Order 4.3 corrected on 19 March 2014. - Paper 4


5.1 Academic quality and standards

To receive UPR AS17 ‘Academic Quality’ effective 1 September 2014 and to note particularly the responsibilities which it assigns to School Academic Committees.

- Paper 5.1

5.2 Admissions policy

To note the following extract from UPR SA03 (SA03-Admissions-Undergrad and Taught Postgraduate Students-v05.0.doc).

“4.4 Deans of School (Chairmen of School Academic Committees)

Any admissions policies, regulations and procedures within programme regulations are

the responsibility of the relevant Programme Committee. They must be:

a consistent with the principles, policies, regulations and procedures set out in this document (UPR SA03) and with those of any relevant external validating or professional body and

b approved by the relevant Deans of School and such approvals noted by the School Academic Committee.”

5.3 Summary of changes to academic regulations (taught programmes) for 2014/15

To note the summary of the academic regulatory changes for 2014/15, affecting the University’s taught programmes:

- UPR AS11;

- UPR AS12 (and by association, to UPR AS13 too);

- UPR AS14;

- UPR AS17;

- A student summary of the relevant academic regulatory changes. - Paper 5.3

6 Academic and research health

To note that the annual statement concerning the academic and research health of the School, received by the Academic Board on 25 June 2014. - Paper 6


To noted and endorse the following:

7.1 Protocol for approval by Chairman’s Action – Minutes 5.1 and 141.1.1 refer

approved by the Committee on 10 October 2012; - Paper 7.1

7.2 Protocol for the conduct of business – Minutes 5.2 and 141.1.2 refer

approved by the Committee on 10 October 2012; - Paper 7.2

7.3 Membership – responsibilities and duties – Minutes 5.3 and 141.1.3 refer

the responsibilities associated with membership of the Committee and members’ duties. - Paper 7.3

7.4 Protocol for the appointment of External Examiners – Minutes 5.4 and 141.1.4 refer

the arrangements approved by the Committee on 10 October 2012, whereby External Examiner vacancies are identified, nominees are considered by the Committee and recommendations for appointment are made by the Committee for the approval of the Director of Academic Quality Assurance. - Paper 7.4


To note any declarations of interest by members, Officers in Attendance or others present in any of the matters to be considered during the meeting.

9 MINUTES – 14 MAY 2014

9.1 To confirm and sign the minutes. - Paper 9.1



10.1 To note the actions arising from the meeting on 14 May 2014. - Paper 10.1


10.2 Any other matters arising not taken elsewhere on the Agenda.

11 Student recruitment

To note recruitment for the Academic Year 2014-2015 to programmes offered by the School. - Paper 11 (Confidential)

(To follow)


12.1 Quality Assurance Agency – Institutional Review

12.1.1 To receive a report from Dr F L Haddleton, Director of Academic Quality and Assurance, concerning the QAA Higher Education Review of The University of Hertfordshire, 2015/16. - Paper 12.1.1


12.1.2 To note that a Group had been established within the School chaired by Mr J P Easter, Head of Department, Accounting Finance and Economics, to monitor the School’s preparations for the next QAA Institutional Review.

12.2 Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance) – Minutes 209.1 and 239.1 refer

To receive the report of Dr Ball, together with an oral report from her concerning any matters relating to academic quality and standards which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 12.2


12.3 Academic Standards and Audit Committee (ASAC) – Minutes 209.3 and 239.2 refer

To receive a report of the business discharged by ASAC at its meeting on 3 June 2014.

- Paper 12.3

12.4 Key information Sets (KISs) – Minutes 209.5 and 239.3 refer

12.4.1 To note that the data has been updated to reflect recent improvements in employability data and the 2014 NSS scores.

12.4.2 To note that information concerning the School’s Key Information Sets is available at the following location:$FILE/KIS%20Report%20for%20BUS.docx

12.5 HBS Quality Assurance Responsibilities Schedule – Minute 239.4 refers

To receive a report from the Chairman, concerning the School’s Quality Assurance Responsibilities Schedule. - Paper 12.5

12.6 Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (AMERs), Annual Short Course Monitoring Reports and Annual Subject Monitoring and Evaluation Reports

12.6.1 To note and endorse the arrangements for the formulation, consideration and approval of

Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (AMERS) (including, as appropriate, Annual Short Course Monitoring Reports and Annual Subject Monitoring and Evaluation Reports) and to note also, where relevant, the membership of any working group to which the Committee has delegated responsibility in this regard and that AMERs will be held in the electronic archive of the Committee’s business. - Paper 12.6.1

12.6.2 To note the AMERs which the Schools is required to provide and their completion and submission. - Paper 12.6.2


13.1 Associate Dean of School (Learning and Teaching) – Minutes 207 and 237.1 refer

To receive the report of Ms K Robins, Associate Dean of School (Learning and Teaching), together with an oral report from her concerning any matters relating to the student experience and learning and teaching which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 13.1


13.2 National Student Survey (NSS) – Minutes 207.4 and 237.1.3 refer

13.2.1 At the request of the Student Educational Experience Committee, to note, a report from Ms C Rendell, Deputy Director of Academic Quality and Assurance, concerning the results of the National Students Survey 2014. - Paper 13.2.1


13.2.2 To consider an analysis of the findings of the 2014 National Student Survey relating to the School. - Paper 13.2.2


(To follow)

13.3 Student Educational Experience Committee (SEEC) – Minutes 175.3 and 207.3 refer

To receive reports of the business discharged by SEEC at its meetings on 11 March 2014, 20 May 2014 and 8 July 2014. - Paper 13.3

13.4 Information Manager Action Plan - 2014-2015 – Minute 146.4 refers

To receive the Information Manager Action Plan for the Academic year 2014-2015 from

Mr M Mylles, School Information Manager. - Paper 13.4

13.5 Student matters

To note any student matters.


14.1 Modules – development and validation

To note section B2.3, UPR AS17 (Agenda Paper 5.1, refers):

‘A new module may be initiated by a Programme Committee, by a group of staff or by an individual member of staff. Schools are responsible for the approval of modules and may exercise discretion in determining an appropriate approval process in each case. Schools should ensure that initial approval to develop a new module has been sought from the ADoS(AQA)s and the relevant Programme Committee(s) for the programmes on which the module will be taught.’

14.2 Academic Development Committee – 2 July 2014

To note the programme and partner proposals submitted by the Dean of School for consideration by the Academic Development Committee and that Committee’s decisions in relation to these proposals. - Paper 14.2


14.3 Programme Specifications– Minutes 208.2 and 238.2 refer

In compliance with AQPR 8.3.6, UPR AS17, to approve proposed amendments to Programme Specifications. - Paper 14.3

15 External Examiners – Minutes 210 and 240 refer

15.1 To note the External Examiners appointed within the School and the programmes for which they have been appointed. - Paper 15.1


15.2 To receive oral assurances from Dr D Ball, Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance), that no issues of concern have been raised by the School’s External Examiners.

16 Programme Committees

16.1 Programme Committees – structure – Minutes 109.13 and 150.1 refer

To note and endorse the structure of Programme Committees that will operate within the School, their titles and chairmen, and in doing so to note that Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports constitute the Annual Reports of the Programme Committees.

- Paper 16.1

16.2 Matters referred by Programme Committees

To note that there are no substantive items that the Programme Committees wish to draw to the attention of the School Academic Committee.

17 Collaborative Provision – Minutes 212 and 242 refer

17.1 Link Tutors and Schedule of Link Tutor Activity 2014-2015 – Minutes 212.2 and 242.1 refer

To note the schedule of Link Tutors and Link Tutor activity. - Paper 17.1


17.2 Annual Activity Agreements – Minutes 212.1 and 242.2 refer

To note that there are no matters to report.

17.3 Link Tutors’ reports – Minutes 180.3 and 242.3 refer

To note that there are no matters to report.

17.4 Hertfordshire Business School (HBS) INTI Academic Quality Handbook

To receive the HBS INTI Academic Quality Handbook, October 2014 edition

- Paper 17.4

17.5 Collaborative provision – other matters to report – Minutes 212.3 and 242.4 refer

To note that there are no substantive items that the Link Tutors wish to draw to the attention of the School Academic Committee.

18 Validations, periodic reviews and revalidations - Minutes 213 and 243 refer

18.1 To note the schedule of validations, periodic reviews and revalidations. - Paper 18.1


18.2 To note a delayed commencement form for INTI Subang’s BA Business and Hospitality which has been authorised by Chair’s Action. - Paper 18.2


18.3 To receive oral assurances from Dr D Ball, Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance), that none of the School’s validated or re-validated programmes have failed to commence within six (6) months of the date of approval.

18.4 Validation, periodic review and revalidation reports - Minutes 213.2 and 243.3 refer


Partner / Programme title / Date of event and nature of event (validation or revalidation) / Date of conditions meeting / AQ4 signed
INTI International College Penang / BA (Hons) Event Management and Marketing / Validation
9 July 2014 / 16 September 2014 / No
University Campus St. Albans Ltd (UCSA)
(Oaklands College) / BA (Hons) / Graduate Diploma Leadership and Professional Development / Validation
11 June 2014 / 26 June 2014 / Yes
Vancouver Island University / Master of Science in International Business / Validation
5 June 2014 / 17 September 2014 / No
Vancouver Island University / Master of Science in International Management Programme / Revalidation
5 June 2014 / 17 September 2014 / No
INTI International College Penang / BA (Hons) Business and Hospitality / Validation
10 July 2014 / 16 September 2014 / No

- Paper 18.4


19 EXTERNAL ACADEMIC QUALITY – Minutes 224 and 254 refer

To note that the AMBA (Association of MBAs) accreditation visit will take place

24 - 25 November 2014.

20 RESEARCH DEGREES – Minutes 214 and 244 refer

Associate Dean’s Report

To receive the report of Dr S M Shelley, Senior School Research Tutor, concerning research degrees matters together with an oral report from him concerning any matters relating to research degrees which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 20


21 RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP – Minutes 215 and 245 refer

Associate Dean’s Report

To receive the report of Professor K R Randle, Associate Dean of School (Research), concerning research and scholarship together with an oral report from him concerning any matters relating to the research and scholarship which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 21


(To follow)


To note and approve the remaining items in Part II of the Agenda (Items A to M, refer.)


To consider any matters concerning compliance with University policy and regulation which have not already been considered during the meeting.


To note that the schedule of meetings is as follows:

Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 13:00 hours, Central Committee Room, MacLaurin

Wednesday, 4 March 2015 at 13:00 hours, Central Committee Room, MacLaurin

Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 13:00 hours, de Havilland Lounge, de Havilland


To note that the schedule of deadlines is as follows:

Date of meeting / Date for notification
of items / Date for receipt of
14 January 2015 / 24 December 2014 / 5 January 2015
4 March 2015 / 11 February 2015 / 18 February 2015
6 May 2015 / 15 April 2015 / 22 April 2015

26 Risk

To note any further risks inherent in the matters dealt with by the Committee during the meeting but not discussed when the item was taken.


(Admissible only with the consent of the Chairman given prior to the meeting.)