Department of Social Science Jackson Community College Jackson, Michigan


CRJ 111.01


Fall Semester 2016

Tuesday and Thursday

11:00a.m. – 12:27a.m. James McDivitt Hall, Room 115

Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald



It is the purpose of this course to provide the student with a basic understanding of the foundation of the criminal justice system. This course will examine both the ideals and realities of the criminal justice system. It is expected by the end of the course that the student will have a general understanding about the operation, issues, and problems besetting the criminal justice system.


1. To offer the student the legal foundation of crime and law.

2. To provide an overview of the criminal justice system.

3. To explore law enforcement, crime control, police community relations, and the police and the constitution.

4. To examine court and trial processes, bail, plea-bargaining, trial, sentencing, and prosecutor and defense counsel roles.

5. To seek an understanding of the corrections process, the role and problems of jails and prisons.

6. To discuss the conditions of incarceration and the rights of prisoners.

7. To examine community corrections programs such as probation, halfway houses, parole, diversion, and work-release programs.

8. To explore juvenile justice, how it has changed, how it differs from the adult systems.

9. To understand some basic criminal justice terminology.


This course will be based on the lecture format. A strong emphasis will be placed on student participation in class discussions concerning reading material, current criminal justice issues, and a class room presentation where students may include critical situations faced by a police officer, a prosecutor, a judge, and a warden. Student input and questions are encouraged.

All students will be expected to do the required readings prior to class. Field experiences of the instructor will supplement the textbook readings. Examinations will cover both lecture and textbook material.


"Criminal Justice: An Introduction", Cole, Smith, and DeJong, Cengage Learning Center (2014) 8th Edition, with MindTap package. (MINDTAP IS OPTIONAL).



There will be four (4) objective type examinations during the course. A combination of true/false and multiple choice will be used. The exams will contain no more than fifty (50) questions. Dates of the exams are listed in this syllabus. Make up exams will be given only in cases of documented emergencies and will be essay type at the option of the instructor. There will be (5) objective type quizzes during this course. The quizzes may contain no more than (10) ten questions each and will cover reading assignments and classroom discussions. A combination of true/false and multiple choice will be used. These quizzes may be given in-class, assigned on-line, or as take home assignments. There will be no make up for any of these quizzes as a result of an absence without prior authorization by the instructor. It is important you attend each class in order to be successful in both the examinations and the quizzes. Quizzes may be assigned to the students on any day by the instructor without notice.


You will design a special project research paper which includes: 1 cover page, 2 double spaced pages (body of the report/paper), 1 reference page (APA format) (Total of 4 pages). The paper will be turned in at the designated date provided by the instructor. This paper may be part of the student's presentation. 5 Points will be deducted from papers that are more than 4 pages in length. The paper and the presentation will be scored together. One guided learning day (1.5 hours) may be designated by the instructor for research purposes and research paper development.


You will be provided a group assignment. Groups will be designated by the instructor. Each student will participate in developing and presenting a group project. One guided learning day (1.5 hrs) may be designated by the instructor for group research, preparation, and discussion at discretion of the instructor.


Examinations, quizzes, attendance, class assignments, class participation, special project, and presentation will account for 100% of your final grade.


Extra credit assignments will be announced in class if available at the instructor's discretion. It is the student's responsibility to know when assignments are due and to complete them and hand them in on time. No late extra credit assignments will be accepted.

The following scoring schedule will be used in the assignment of grades:

90+ / 4.0 / 65-69 / = 1.5 / “Thunder is impressive
85-89 / = 3.5 / 60-64 / = 1.0 / but lightning gets the
80-84 / = 3.0 / 55-59 / = 0.5 / work done.”
75-79 / = 2.5 / Below 54 / = 0.0 / Mark Twain
70-74 / = 2.0

At the end of each course, each student is assigned a final grade as follows:

Tentative Grading Criteria: Maximum Points Possible
Attendance and Individual Participation / 15 points
Special Project/Paper and Presentation / 35 points
5 Quizzes / 50 points
4 Exams / 200 points

Total = 300 points

Participation is important to your success in this course. Up to three times, I will review your progress and provide feedback, accessible via e-Services as follows:

H- you would benefit from additional assistance and you will be referred to Foundation Studies for academic tutoring.

Q- your consistent lack of participation may prevent your success and recommend to the registrar that you be withdrawn from the course.

V- confirms that you are participating regularly.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance at all classes is expected!

Students who are absent from three (3) or more classes will have one point deducted from their final grade for each absence. For example: a student who averages a 77 in one of the above courses and who is absent from class three (3) times will receive a grade of 76. Students will receive 1 point for each week of attendance (only if both days attended) and classroom participation demonstrated. No points will be awarded if 1 day is missed during that week and/or no classroom participation demonstrated. Students who have perfect attendance and participate in class may accumulate a total of 15 points toward their final semester grade. Students who miss six (6) or more classes may be withdrawn from the class by the instructor.


The last day to withdraw from classes is posted on the Academic Calendar.

If the withdrawal from class is instructor-initiated, the student will be notified by letter by the Registrar’s office after the withdrawal has been processed to allow an opportunity for the student to appeal the withdrawal from class.

If the withdrawal from class is student-initiated, it is necessary for an advisor or counselor to approve the schedule change. The student’s official date of withdrawal will be the date received at the Registrar's office. A student is not considered withdrawn from class until the withdrawal form has been processed (add/drop form).



The incomplete grade is designed for students with extenuating circumstances to allow them to complete the course requirements after the semester or session has ended. Students may receive an “I” if, in the opinion of the instructor, their work is sufficient in quality, but is lacking in quantity to meet the objectives specified in the course syllabus. The course objectives are to be satisfactorily completed during the next full-length semester or within a shorter period of time as determined to by the instructor. If the student does not complete the course within the

designated time period, the Registrar will replace the “I” grade with the earned grade as assigned

by the instructor.

The grade of “I” is not awarded to students who did not attend, or seldom attended, or to those who simply are not pleased with their final grades. Students receiving an “I” submit only the remaining work that had not been completed at the end of the semester. Students do not redo work that had already been graded.


Students requiring special assistance (including those affected by the Americans with Disabilities Act) should contact the Center for Student Success. This is the first step in acquiring the appropriate accommodations to facilitate your learning.


Tutors, both peer and on-line for writing classes (plus additional services for academic success) can be accessed by calling 796-8415 or by stopping by the Center for Student Success, Bert Walker Hall, Room 123.

CELL PHONES, PAGERS, AND BEEPERS must be turned off or on vibrate during class.

NO TEXTING IS ALLOWED DURING CLASS! NO PHONES, PAGERS, OR BEEPERS SHALL BE USED IN CLASS. The instructor may ask you to leave the class if you are observed using them and you may lose attendance points and/or lose the points for the quiz if one is provided that day.


A 2.0 or “C” is a passing grade. Only courses with passing grades count toward graduation. Other colleges transfer in only courses with passing grades. Many financial aid sources,

including most employers, require passing grades. Additionally, earning less than a 2.0 in a class results in not being able to participate in the next level of courses in a discipline which requires this course as a pre-requisite. If you attempt to register for the next course sequence and have

not passed the pre-requisite course, you will be dropped from that class.


Office Hours are by appointment only. Email me if you would like to make an appointment.



Academic honesty is expected of all students. It is the ethical behavior that includes producing their own work and not representing others’ work as their own, either by plagiarism, by cheating, or by helping others to do so. While JCC encourages students to collaborate in study groups, work teams, and with lab partners, each student should take responsibility for accurately representing his/her own contribution.

Plagiarism is the failure to give credit for the use of material from outside sources. Cheating means obtaining answers/material from an outside source without authorization. Faculty members who suspect a student of academic dishonesty may penalize the student by taking appropriate action up to and including lowering the final grade by .5 and assigning a failing grade for the paper, project, report, exam, or the course itself. Instructors will document instances of academic dishonesty in writing to the Dean of Faculty. In the event of a student dispute, both student(s) and faculty should follow the Conflict Resolution Policy. This policy is presented in Student Rights and Responsibilities (student handbook) and the faculty Master



Feel free to visit a Web site of interest, but do not upload any copyrighted material in JetNet —anything from an article to a cartoon—without the permission of the copyright owner.


1. Crime Scene Evidence File:

2. Bureau of Justice Statistics:

3. Michigan State Police:

4. Community Policing:

5. The Corrections Connection:

6. Links to Criminal Justice Sites:

7. The Police Officers Internet Directory:


8. Michigan Department of Natural Resources:

9. Sex Offender Registration List: or

10. Police Academy Information: Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards: or


Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th or 5th Edition)

By American Psychological Association.


Students will need to access e-Services to view their grades. Please follow the instructions below:

1. Go to the JCC web page -

2. Click on e-Services

3. Click on student tab - at top of page

4. Click on View Transcript or Grades by Term - left side of the page

5. Enter login information - (first seven letters of student’s last name, first seven letters of

student’s first name, middle initial)

6. Click submit button

At this point, you will be able to view your grades for all completed semesters or only for the semester selected. Grade reports will no longer be mailed.

At the discretion of the Instructor, On-Line Quizzes, Assignments, and/or Examinations may be used. You will be responsible for registering. Students are expected to register before the second class meets through MindTap. MindTap is optional, however, you will be responsible for any assignment posted, and it will be your responsibility to determine what is posted on MindTap.

What is MindTap?

MindTap empowers you to produce your best work – consistently. MindTap has flash cards for definitions which may be helpful for this class. MINDTAP IS OPTIONAL, HOWEVER IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE ANY POSTED ASSIGNMENTS ARE COMPLETED. MindTap is designed to help you master the material. Interactive videos, animations, and activities create a learning path designed by your instructor to guide you through the course and focus on what's important. Get started today!

MINDTAP Registration

The course name and registration URL can be found below.

Class Name: Fall 2016 CRJ 111
Student Registration URL:

Follow the prompts to register for your MindTap course.
To assist students with registration, sign-in, and assignment completion, please visit the Digital Course Support site for resources such as the student user guide and self-training videos.

Below you will find a unique technical support URL that has been created specifically for the students. Using this unique site will provide several advantages over our standard Technical Support site. For instance, no login is required, there are streamlined live support options, as well as customized FAQ and alerts readily available.