Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg

Minutes of the Board of Trustees

March 9, 2017

Board members present: PaulBurnore, president; Laurie Clement, co-vp; Jane Fanning, co-vp;

Linda Paul; Reggie Craig; Morgan Gresham

Absent, excused: Lori Price

Guests: Jack Donovan, ex officio; Sally Carville, acting Treasurer; Howard Taylor, B & G

Paul called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. The group joined in reading the BOT Mission Statement.


Agenda approval – Jane moved to approve, Linda seconded. Agenda accepted.

Minister’s Report– see below

- Jack is pleased that a good number signed up for the new member classes.

- Katie Dietz, who organized the Tibetan monk’s events in St. Petersburg, is now a member of UUSP. She wants to doa follow-up event on April 2nd, encouraging people to share how the monk’s visit was spiritually or artistically meaningful to them.

- The Florida UU Ministers Meeting will be in April and Jack will attend.

Treasurer’s Report – see below

- The Operating Fund currently has a surplus of $11,400.

-Projection: we may break even at the end of this fiscal year. That may depend on whether we have to pay the real estate attorney sooner or later; there was nothing in the budget to cover the attorney.

- Paul asked if estimates of In Kind donations should be included when committee heads make out next year’s budget. Sally replied that currently yes, but she will talk to Pam, the accountant, on how to implement this without taking away from the committee’s ability to spend for necessities.

- Sally has contacted all committee heads about coming up with the three budgets, has received two responses. She needs all budget requests by March 20. Sally requested a special BOT meeting to begin planning the budget, members agreed to April 1, 9-11am. Final board approval of the budget will occur at the regular BOT meeting on April 13th.

Consent Agenda – see below

Laurie asked to remove B & G report; items contained in it need further BOT discussion.

Jane moved to approve the Minutes and remaining reports, Reggie seconded, all accepted.

Committee Reports– see below

B & G

- Jeri says we desperately need new chairs in Gilmour to remain a viable rental. She has found an offer online for 50 chairs in a matching style to those we have, with cranberry upholstery, a stacking cart and free shipping for $1750. Reggie noted that so far we’re $1200 ahead in rental income over what was budgeted. Jane suggested using the remaining money from Centennial Committee funds. Jack says that amount is $1800 and he feels chairs would be a good investment. Laurie made a motion to purchase the 50 chairs with Centennial Fund money, Reggie seconded, approved. Howard will place the order.

- Paul questioned whether the suggested spot treatment for termites would be adequate. Reggie says spot treatment will put off the need for tenting. Reggie has asked someone to come in and assess the termite situation.

New Business

1. Homeless people’s use of the parking lot

The meeting at UUSP last Tuesday was attended by two police officers, the manager of homeless and veterans group, theneighbor from Arlington management, Paul, Reggie andHoward.

The police recommendations were:

- Post No Trespassing signs - that would give the officers the option to arrest or warn

- Install flood lights to prevent sleeping

- A fence surrounding the parking lot, with open entry points, may or may not have an effect.

- More police presence – they’d add the alley to their night time route

Reggie clarified the No Trespassing sign: the police will give warnings for two weeks but after that the police have the power to arrest and UUSP would have no input into how the police use their discretion.

Jane asked about installing cameras. Response was that they are very cheap and easy to install but need someone to monitor.

Laurie and Howard noted that Duke Energy needs to fix a streetlight. Howard will request that.

Howard stated that getting locking dumpsters will cut down substantially on homeless traffic.

Howard noted that Duke Energy will send a proposal for setting up floodlights.

Jack would like UUSP to find a way to get the City to do more for the homeless. In Eugene, Oregon each church has three small houses on their property,occupants are strictly vetted by St. Vincent DePaul.

Paul reminded the group that legally, without a No Trespassing sign, the police have no option to do anything.

The majority of the group felt that we owe our congregation and the people next door a safe, clean environment. Arlington management has given us parking on Sundays and we need to pay heed to their request of us to end the problem of the homeless sleeping and fouling both our parking lots.

Laurie made a motion to put up No Trespassing signs around the perimeter of the parking lot and the front property, review monthly and track warnings and arrests and also put up signs with phone numbers where the homeless can get help. Jane seconded. Motion passed. Howard will purchase the signs.

2. Annual Meeting planning

- Jane gave Paul the packet that was sent out last year as a guide for all the necessary reports.

- Sally noted that we have to have a quorum, but for that need to know how many members we have. Sally will compile a list of everyone who signed the membership book and give it to Tee to cross off people who have not made pledges. This should relieve Tee’s concerns about pledge confidentiality.

3. Nominating Committee

- Jane clarified that the president needs to appoint a Chair,the board appoints two other members. Karen Frank is willing to be an advisor and Jane volunteered to be the BOT liaison. Jane will set up the committee after Paul gets a “yes” from his appointment of Chair of the committee. Jane is polling the BOT, by email, for names of two other members to be appointed.Once all three members are named, a meeting will be arranged, with Karen as the advisor, to find nominees for the open leadership positions to be voted on at the Annual Meeting on April 30.

4. Assumption of GA attendance costs by UUSP

Traditionally, we don’t cover the costs. If we’re sending a delegate though, we should budget for that.

Old Business

1. Parking lot decision – next step

Paul feels we should let it sit for a month or so and then call for a vote. There was concern that the decision may affect the budget so we need to have a vote before the budget is finalized. Sally clarified that, if the vote is to not sell, any work on the parking lot will be financed through loans, the Endowment Fund and/or a capital campaign, the budget will not be affected.

The question that brought much discussion: Do we have a straight Sell or Don’t Sell vote or a decision tree to include all the options?

Reggie moved that we hold a special congregational meeting on Sunday, April 2nd to vote on simply selling or not selling the parking lot, Laurie seconded. Motion passed.

2.Holding a 3rd retreat to discuss a 3-year plan

Jack pointed out that a 3-yr-plan is a legitimate time frame for a projection, anything longer is not workable. Reggie noted that we’ll have a new board soon, they might want to do it. It was agreed to leave the possibility up to the new BOT.


Jane reminded the group that a Financial Review that was done last year noted a number of deficiencies. The BOT needs to review it for discussion at a future meeting. Paul said this will be added to next month’s agenda.

Paul moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:22pm, Reggie seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Dani Skrzypek

Clerk to the BOT

Minister’s Monthly Report to the Board of Trustees – March 9, 2017

ACTIVITIES - 2/9/17 – 3/9/17

1. Worship Services: 2/12, 2/19/ 2/26, 3/5

2. Other Ministerial Activities

a.Pastoral visits and consultations – 14.

b.Tuesdays Meditation & Brown Bag Lunch– 10-14 attending.

c.Wednesdays Comparing Beliefs (Myths) 21-25 attending

d.Second Meeting with UU Community Minister Karen Day, 2/21.

e.Inquirers’ classes 2/7 & 14 – around 15 inquirers attending (13 signatories so far)

f.Take Heart gathering – Rev. Karen Day at UUSP – attended briefly – very nice

g.UUSP Town Meeting, 2/26

h.Tibetan Monk follow-up meeting on continuing “Art and Spirituality” programs, 2/27

i.UUSP Neighborhood meeting on homeless presence after hours – 2/28

j.RE Coordinator search committee planning – 2/3

k.New UUSP member orientation – 3/5

l.Pledge campaign skit practice – 3/9.

3. Church Business

a. Board meetings – 2/9.

b. All-Staff Meetings – 2/23.

d. President: 2/16, 3/2.

f. Worship Committee – 3/7.

h. Membership Team – 3/9.

j. Office Administrator meeting Tuesdays weekly.

4. Other related UUSP activities

5. Wider Community Activities

a. USF St. Pete International Affairs Conference – attended 7 sessions – 2/15-17


  1. Minister study leave 3/27-4/2
  2. Tibetan Monk follow-up event at FloridaCraftArt – Sunday 4/2, 2:00 pm
  3. Florida UU Ministers Conference 4/4-4/7
  4. UUSP Meditation Retreat, 4/22, 9:00-noon.

Treasurer’s Report – March 9, 2017

For the month of February, our income and expenses were nearly the same. Since we had a healthy operating surplus (over $11,000) before, we still have that surplus now.

Balance Sheet.Our checking account has a balance of almost $20,000. Our designated funds have grown to over $18,000. In addition, we have $10,000 in the Endowment trust fund which is being invested for us until we need it for operating expenses. Depending upon the income we receive in the next few months, we may need to draw on some of that $10,000.

Income/Expenses.We had budgeted $137,310 in income for this point in the fiscal year and we took in $152,230. As we know from past experience, our income is likely to fall off in the last months of our fiscal year, but we are doing well right now.

As with past months, we are over budget with our expenses. If our spending continues in the last five months of this year as it was in the last five months of last year, we should be close to breaking even on our operating income and expenses.

Budget.During the past month, I have started collecting expense budget projections from our committees and staff. I expect those to be complete by the end of March so that the Board can review them and put together a budget for next year.

In addition to the expense budget, it is the Board’s responsibility to estimate the income for the year as well as the salaries for our minister and music director, our denominational dues, and any other anticipated expenses that have not been managed by a committee.

I strongly recommend that we set an early April date for a budget meeting right away.

Membership Committee Report

Over the past month, Membership has been really busy:

1. revised sig-in book materials

2. completed two Inquiring Minds sessions for prospective new members - led by Rev. Jack, with introduction to Unitarian Universalism, history of UU and UUSP, sharing of spiritual paths

3.held orientation for nine new members, including website info and tour of facilities

4. revised greeter set-up, with one Membership Team member responsible for organizing and directing a team of greeters for each Sunday of the month

5.Worked on cleaning up membership records in PowerChurch - long way to go

I don't have a good list of names of new members right now - will try to send that later. I think 15 new so far this year!

Susan Burnore

Social Justice Committee Report – 3/9/17

Committee Purpose: To coordinate the various events and activities of each social justice subcommittee and communicate our strategies and plans with each other and the congregation. Each subcommittee also meets separately to plan the details of their actions and events. We use this time together to understand all that we are doing under the Social Justice umbrella and to ensure that we have no conflicting projects -- resource or date wise.

We do encourage member initiated social justice events and new projects, contact Karen Coale or Reggie Craig for next steps.


Subcommittee Reports:

AMERICAN PROMISE DanGreenfeld,Chair of this subcommittee, belongs to and has strong links with American Promise Tampa Bay. Dan will continue to have more information for the congregation at a monthly informational table after service

FAIR TRADE COFFEE Karen Frank, Chair of this subcommittee, reported sales are strong and expects good participation going forward. Twice monthly sales are every 2nd & 4th Sunday

FARMWORKER/IMMIGRANT FAMILIES Karen Coale, subcommittee chair

The work of our subcommittee with three Congolese families was recently recognized at an event put on by the Resettlement Office of Gulfcoast Jewish Family Services. The framed certificate recognizes UU St Pete as a helpful Community Partner. Suggest we find an area within the Church to display such awards as I expect other Church groups have received plaques in the past and will continue to do so. Nice reflection on the work we all do. So many members and friends continue to support theses families though our sub committee determines the needs.
Our current focus is ensuring each family files a tax return -- with the help of AARP. Because of their income they should get a nice return -- relatively speaking. We now have four people tutoring Mahoro and Gilbert: Barbara Archibald, Ellen Hayes, Sue Price and myself. A 5th person, Jill Oldenski, is in the approval process. We are working on enrolling them in a Spring Break Camp as well.
A recent meeting was held among Mahoro's teachers, the Resettlement Office caseworker, Mahoro's mother Rucia and myself concerning the school administration's desire to move Mahoro on to middle school. Because she cannot read, I have sought assistance from the ESL administration of PInellas County and the Director of Services from DCF.

UUs HELPING PEOPLE(Unitarian Universalists Helping People): Reggie Craig chairs this subcommittee.

Family Promise:Nancy Clark reported: .We continue to need more volunteers/bodies from UUSP We have three weeks weeks remaining in 2017: , July 2nd, Aug. 27th and Oct. 29th. It would also be helpful to have Jennifer Sunshine, Executive Director, make a presentation to our congregation at some date in the future.

Friday Night Picnic continues with volunteers from the community as well as our congregation. Serving around 90 people a nourishing meal weekly.

The Pancake Breakfast for March 26ndth, will be served right after the service

UUSC: Nancy Clark, Chair

Committee Recurring Events:

Every Monday @ 4:45pm Beacon House

Every Friday @ 6:00pm Picnic in the Playground

Every 1st SundayInformational table for American Promise & Farmworker/Immigrant subcommittees

Every 2nd & 4th SundayFair Trade Sales & informational table for Fair Trade and UUs

Helping People subcommittees

Every 4th Sunday Pancake Breakfast

1st Thursday @ 7:00pmSocial Justice Committee meeting

2nd Monday @ 6:00pmUUHP Ministry meeting

4th Tuesday @ 5:30pmFarmworker/Immigrant meeting

Personnel Committee Report 3/7/17

We have completed the following tasks:

*Employee File checklist

*Revisions to the Employee Handbook ( sent to BOT with revisions marked )

We reviewed:

*Status of search for RE Director

*BOT response to request for hourly rate change for Rental Agent

*The Personnel Committee agrees with consideration of an increased hourly rate for combined Office Administrator/Rental Agent in the 17/18 budget.

Community Events

March 2017 Committee Report

Objective: – To provide a means for our UU Church to be a part of our larger community. This will be accomplished by participating in events that are:

• Connected to principles

• Represent a diverse audience/mission

• Rally point for us and others to come together

• Show our support/stand in solidarity

• Can attract people / RE component

• 4 distinct events a year

• Not a fundraiser


 St. Pete Pride – 6/24 o We have paid to participate: 


•Would like to spend around $100 to do beads, cards, and clasps to pass out – exploring cost effective options.

•Will be sending a Save the Date to the MLK marchers and will put in the InfoNet and OoS.

 March for Science / Earth Day – April 22nd oThe March for Science came out of the current political climate (no pun intended) around empirical evidence and how we incorporate in making decisions.

oThere are preliminary discussions happening and we continue to determine what will take place, how/if we can partake.

We need to explore reordering our UU T-shirts. This can be a small money maker, but believe it needs to be captured somewhere in the budget (It may be somewhere, but would be happy for that to be a part of this committee so we can offset some of our expenses).

Worship Team meeting, Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Present: Susan Burnore, Jack Donovan, Bud Murphy, Sabine von Aulock

Input from Jack

1)Music pieces are going too long – Jack will talk to Nic about it

2)Membership Minutes way too long – Susan will speak to Patti to ask Gay and Sabine to stay UNDER 2 minutes

3)Changes in the schedule resulted in Jack being in the pulpit 6 straight weeks; avoid

4)New order of service has been good – i.e. – moving things in front of the sermon

Comment Cards

1)Print them 4 to a sheet, comments only, no ratings.

2)Print on card stock. Susan will send to Jeri.

This Sunday

1)Susan will remind Theresa that this week’s postlude should be very short so she can get into the luncheon

2)Susan would appreciate it if Jack would invite all to Pledge luncheon


1)Discussed three separate lighting requests

a)Light coming in from the side windows is too bright for part of the year

b)Light coming in from the front windows makes it hard for the speakers to see their papers, and produces backlight from the audience

c)Some people think it is too dark overall

2)Sabine will discuss with B and G, ( Howard and T). Consider bringing in window/light specialist, using plants to filter light and change color of wall to be less reflective.