1.1Explain why the heading of this passage is “Movers and shakers”.

The Notting Hill Carnival has many music and dance items, allowing for the visitors to dance therefore the title refers to movers and shakers. It refers to all the dancing and movement going along with the carnival. (2)

1.2What is “soca”?

A beguiling mixture of calypso and Indian rhythms (1)

1.3What is “steelpan”?

Bands playing music on steel pans. (1)

1.4What does the phrase “beads-and-bikinis” refer to?

A masquerade where you dress up in bikini’s and beads. (1)

1.5Say whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. Quote a PHRASE from the passage that supports your answer.

If you plan carefully you can see every single event at the Notting Hill Carnival.

True, “Arrive early for a place on the “hill”, “take up a vantage point near the judging area”(2)

1.6How do the journalists Ruth Tompsett and Stephen Spark suggest you kick off your carnival?

Visit the Saturday nigth Panorama, listen to the steelpan music. (1)

1.7Name the two most famous steelpan groups.

Metronomes, Ebony (2)

1.8What does the phrase “at full stretch” refer to when it refers to steelpan music?

When they are playing loud and all together. (2)

1.9How do you know these bands are competing against each other and that it is not just an ordinary show?

There is a judging stand. (1)

1.10Why is the event in the Jouvert known as “Dirty Mas”?

People are covered with flour, paint, mud and chocolate. They also have to wear old clothes because everybody gets covered. (2)

1.11What does the word “Tube” refer to in the context of this passage? Choose the correct answer:


BA Tuba, a very large trumpet

CThe underground train


1.12Why would people give you strange looks on the Tube when you go home after you have visited the Jouvert event?

You will be covered in flour, paint, mud and chocolate. You will be very dirty. (2)

1.13How will you “get paid” if you arrive early at Notting Hill on Sunday and Monday?

You can explore the route, check out the most tempting foodstalls, and listen to the kind of music that you like. (2)

1.14Which abbreviation is used for bands masquerading in costumes?

mas (1)

1.15If you take up a vantage point are you above or below something?

above (1)

1.16Write down synonyms for “clever” and “creative”.

Witty, Imaginitive (2)

1.17Which characteristic makes the following group special: Mahogany?

They are technically advanced. (1)

1.18What would you be doing if you are waving your “rag”?

Your body (1)

1.19Write the following saying in standard English: Yuh can't play mas an' 'fraid powder"!

You can’t play masquerades and be afraid of powder. (1)

1.20Where must you go at the Notting Hill carnival if you have a passion to party?

Ladbroke Grove (1)

1.21What does the word “static” refer to?

Creating electrical charges or standing still. (1)

1.22What type of carnival is a carnival without quite so much pepper?

You go to Hyde park where it is much quieter and events take place on stage. There is more space to move around. (1)



Read the following passage and answer the question.

2.1What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

The stage. (1)

2.2Write down 3 characteristics of Cave’s stage persona. Use YOUR OWN WORDS.

He moves a lot, He sings out of tune, He sometimes screams (3)

2.3Write down information about the band and the way they sound in pointform. USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

They look overstaffed

They sound awesome

They can play delicately and loud

They are successful and sounds wonderful 


2.4Give two reasons why it is difficult to perform at the Alexandra Palace. Write your answer in point form. USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

Rotten sight lines

Duff acoustics (2)




3.1 Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.1.1What is the literal meaning of “let the chips fall where they may”?

Let each piece of rock fall where it falls. (1)

3.1.2“Let the chips fall where they may” is also an English idiomatic expression. What does the expression mean?

What happens to you must happen because destiny determined it. (2)

3.1.3Explain why an apostrophe is used in the word “you’ll”.

It shows a letter is left out. (1)

3.2Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions.

* The name of the Senator from West Virginia is Joseph Byrd, and the President of the United States is George Bush.

3.2.1Write down a homophone for the word “Byrd”.

Bird (1)

3.2.2The word “Byrd” is also an example of which figure of speech. Explain your answer.

Pun, the word Byrd sounds like bird and refers to an English idiom. (2)

3.2.3“A byrd in the hand is worth two bushes” refers to the idiom “A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush”. Why did the cartoonist change the expression?

He wants it to sound that if you have senator Byrd on your side it is better than having the president and first lady on your side. (2)

3.3Refer to the following cartoon and answer the questions:

3.3.1What does the expression “It’s raining cats and dogs” mean?

It rains a lot. (1)

3.3.2Is reign a homophone or homonym of rain?

homophone (1)

3.3.3What part of speech is “reigning” in this cartoon?

verb (1)

3.4Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions.

3.4.1What type of simple sentence is “Not so fast!”

Command (1)

3.4.2Explain the function of the dash.

It shows an explanation is going to follow. additional information, comment afterward(1)

3.4.3What part of speech is “greeter”? Use the word “greeter” as a finite verb in a sentence of your own choice.

Noun. He greets his family. (2)

3.5Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.5.1What is a palindrome?

A word of phrase that read the same backward as forward. (1)

3.5.2Create your own phrase of two or three words that would qualify as a palindrome.

Own palindrome (2)

3.5.3“Ah!”is also a simple sentence. What type of sentence is it?

Interjection (1)

3.5.4What is the function of the commas in “You’re a natural, Ernie, a natural!”

Additional information(1)

3.5.5What is the function of the colon in frame 2?

It shows an explanation will follow (1)

3.6Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.5.1Change the question the monk asks, into a statement.

I will put off my vow of poverty until after they announce the lotto winners. (1)

3.5.2What do you call the head of a monastery?

Abbot (1)

3.6Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.6.1What is ironic about the statement made by the dinosaur?

He is the most powerful and you expect him to be able to do anything but he can’t even do as simple a thing as scratch his back. (2)

3.6.2Is this a complex or a compound sentence? Give a reason for your answer.

Compound, it is two simple sentences combined by the word but. (2)

3.7Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.7.1Why do the little children call their teacher a “strict constructionist”?

In the multiplication table you need to be very strict and the number always get bigger as if you are constructing something. (2)

3.8Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.8.1Which figure of speech is portrayed in this cartoon? Give a reason for your answer.

Irony, implies the opposite. It sounds easy but is very difficult to achieve. (2)

3.9Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.9.1Why is the doughnut the reason for the viking helmet?

The doughnut has a hole in it and the viking’s helmet has horns on which to place the doughnut. (2)

3.10Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.10.1What is the meaning of the prefix “anti-”?

Against (1)

3.10.2What is the root of the word “prescription”?

prescribe (1)

3.10.3Write down an example of a compound noun.

headache (1)

3.11Look at the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow:

3.11.1What famous quote is the dog referring to?

To be or not to be (1)

3.11.2What do you call this figure of speech?

Pun (1)

3.11.3What is the meaning of the word “bay”?

A deep prolonged bark (1)


A conference in Copenhagen in 1980 reported that about one marriage in three ends in divorce in the Western world.

  1. In Australia, research indicates that the figures are closer to one marriage in four or five.
  2. It is time that the seriousness of this problem was addressed.
  3. We can no longer afford to ignore the problem of marriage breakdowns.
  4. For one thing, it is clear that marriage breakdowns affect more than the two partners.
  5. Often children are involved.
  6. The result of this is that they, too, have to go through the struggle of readjusting their lives.
  7. Sometimes this is very difficult, and there are many reports of young and older children becoming rebellious and hard to manage.
  8. We have not provided enough support or understanding for the children of divorce.
  9. There is still much to be done.
  10. We need to awaken our government to the fact that we must have more funds allocated to this area of need.


4.1In sentence 1 there is a spelling mistake. Write down the spelling mistake and correct it.


4.2In sentence one there are two punctuation errors. Write down the sentence so that it contains no errors.


4.3In sentence 2 there is an error of concord. Correct the error.


4.4In sentence word a word in inflected incorrectly. Write down the correct form of the word.


4.5In sentence 3 there is a spelling mistake. Write down the incorrect spelling and correct the spelling.


4.6In sentence 4 the incorrect pronoun is used. Write down the incorrect pronoun and correct it.


4.7In sentence 4 there is a spelling mistake. Write down the incorrect word and correct it.


4.8In sentence 5 the two incorrect words are used. Write down the correct words that should have been used.


4.9The word order of sentence 6 could be changed so that it is more appropriate. Change the word order of the sentence so that it is more appropriate.


4.10Sentence 7 needs more punctuation. Rewrite the sentence and write in the appropriate punctuation.


4.11Change sentence 8 into three simple sentences. The sentences must retain its original intention.


4.12The incorrect preposition is used in sentence 9. Write down the incorrect preposition and then the correct one.


4.13The incorrect word is used in sentence 10. Write down the correct word.


4.14Use the two words “wake up” as one word.

4.15Choose the most appropriate word in sentence 11: allocated/given/awarded

