Request for Proposals

Water Infrastructure

Assessment and Planning Grants

Round 4

COMMBUYS Bid #: BD-18-1045-BWR00-BWR01-19393

Agency Document Number: BWR-2018-04

September 6, 2017



No.Description Page


1.1Procurement Scope and Description 4

1.2Background Information 4

1.3Applicable Procurement Law 5

1.4Number of Awards 5

1.5Eligible Applicants 5

1.6Acquisition Method(s) 5

1.7Performance and Payment Time Frames 5

1.8Contract Duration 5

1.9Estimated Value of Contract 5


2.1Written Questions via the Bid Q&A on COMMBUYS 6

2.2Locating Bid Q&A 6

2.3Amendment Deadline 7

2.4Physical Bidders Conference 7


3.1General 7

3.2Scope of Work 8

3.3Compensation Structure/Pricing 9

3.4Applicant Requirements10

3.5Priority Considerations and Evaluative Criteria11

3.6Proposal Format11

3.7Eligible and Ineligible Proposals11

3.8Environmental Specifications (Not Required)12

3.9Compensation Structure 13





4.4Failure to Perform Contractual Obligations13



6.1Mandatory Requirements13

6.2Reporting Requirements13

6.3Conference Call with Prospective Respondents14

6.4MassDEPs Evaluation of Responses14

6.5Supplier Diversity Plan – (Not Required)14



7.2Bid Opening Date/Time14

7.3Environmental Quote Submission Compliance14


8.1General Procurement Information15

8.2Terms Pertaining to Awarded Contracts15







1.1 Procurement Scope and Description

Pursuant to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - State Capital Plan for 2018, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) for grants to assist public entities in developing water infrastructure asset management plans.

It is the intent of MassDEP to award grants of up to forty thousand dollars ($ 40,000.00) for planning projects that identifyand prioritize water system infrastructure assets that are utilized regularly, provide replacement costs with accompanying timelines, and outline cost adjustments to existing user charge systems for governing entities to consider implementing.

A ten percent (10%) match or a twenty five percent (25%) match will be required for public entities. The match may be provided as in kind services and/or cash (IKS/$). The available percentage match for public entities is outlined in Section 3.3.2 (d).

1.2 Background information

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - State Capital Bond Plan for 2018 authorizes four hundred thousand dollars ($ 400,000.00) for Water Infrastructure (drinking water, wastewater and storm water) Assessment and Planning grants. The total amount of four hundred thousand dollars ($ 400,000.00) will be made available for grants to public entities.

The purpose of the grant monies is to provide public entities with workable plans that establish regular maintenance routines for replacement of mechanical and static water system infrastructure that are utilizedregularly, by either drinking water, wastewater or storm water systems.

Amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA) require the preparation of Fiscal Sustainability Plans (FSP) as part of a Clean WaterAct State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan application. Clean water projects that appear on the 2017 Clean Water Intended Use Plan, that have not yet completed a FSP, will receive priority points for grant funding. (See Section 3.1 - Note 1).

The grant project will be required to be completed by May 30, 2018.

It is the intent of MassDEP that the preparation of these plans will assist grant recipients in meeting and Federal government Drinking Water and Clean Water Acts and Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulatory requirements.

The grant project, when completed, will provide a worthwhile basis for public entities governing bodies to consider annual budget appropriations and rate system adjustments to ensure regular timely replacement of equipment prior to failure, thus ensuring the operating capability of their infrastructure systems.

Planning projects have to be complementary to existing infrastructure, not for new infrastructure.

1.3 Applicable Procurement Law

This Bid is issued under the following law(s):

MGL c. 7A, § 7; St. 1986 c. 206, § 17; 815 CMR 2.00 (Grants)

1.4 Number of awards

The target maximum number of awards is 10. MassDEP may award more or fewer contracts if it is in the best interests of the Commonwealth to do so.

1.5 Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants are Public Entities, defined as: any city, town, special district, or other existing municipal governmental sub-unit which owns and controls a drinking water, wastewater, stormwater or water re-use treatment or conveyance system.

1.6 Acquisition Method(s)

The acquisition method(s) to acquire goods and/or services from this Solicitation are Fee for Service.

1.7 Performance and Payment Time Frames - Standard Contract Language

All term leases, rentals, maintenance or other agreements for services entered into during the duration of this contract and whose performance and payment time frames extend beyond the duration of this contract shall remain in effect for performance and payment purposes (limited to the time frame and services established per each written agreement).

1.8 Contract Duration

The expected duration of this contract is as follows:

Contract DurationNumber of Years/Months

Initial DurationFrom the execution date through May 30, 2018

Renewal OptionsNone

Total Maximum Contract DurationFrom the execution date through May 30, 2018

1.9 Estimated Value of the Contract

The estimated value of purchase(s) resulting from this solicitation is four hundred thousand dollars

($ 400,000.00). The maximum grant to any public entity is $40,000.00. The Commonwealth makes no guarantee that any services will be purchased from any Contract resulting from this solicitation. Funding in additional years is possible, but applicants must re-apply. Any increased funding for this program is contingent upon appropriation by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA).



Bid Release DateSEPTEMBER 6, 2017

Conference CallSEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Deadline for Submission of Questions

ThroughCOMMBUYS “Bid Q&A” SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Official Answers for Bid Q&ASEPTEMBER 27, 2017

RFP Amendment DeadlineSEPTEMBER 27, 2017

Deadline for Quotes/Bid Responses OCTOBER 11, 2017

Est. Notification/ Successful Bidder(s)OCTOBER 26, 2017

Estimated Contract Start DateNOVEMBER 8, 2017

Times are Eastern Standard/Daylight Savings (USA), as displayed on the COMMBUYS system clock displayed to Bidders after logging in. If there is a conflict between the dates in this Procurement Calendar and dates in the Bid’s Header, the dates in the Bid’s Header on COMMBUYS shall prevail. Bidders are responsible for checking the Bid record, including Bid Q&A, on COMMBUYS for Procurement Calendar updates.

2.1 Written questions via the Bid Q&A on COMMBUYS

The “Bid Q&A” provides the opportunity for Bidders to ask written questions and receive written answers from the Strategic Sourcing Team (SST) regarding this Bid. All Bidders’ questions must be submitted through the Bid Q&A found on COMMBUYS (see below for instructions). Questions may be asked only prior to the Deadline for Submission of Questions stated in the Estimated Procurement Calendar. The issuing department reserves the right not to respond to questions submitted after this date. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to verify receipt of questions.

Please note that any questions submitted to the SST using any other medium (including those that are sent by mail, fax, email or voicemail, etc.) will not be answered. To reduce the number of redundant or duplicate questions, Bidders are asked to review all questions previously submitted to determine whether the Bidder’s question has already been posted.

Bidders are responsible for entering content suitable for public viewing, since all of the questions are accessible to the public. Bidders must not include any information that could be considered personal, security sensitive, inflammatory, incorrect, collusory, or otherwise objectionable, including information about the Bidder’s company or other companies. The SST reserves the right to edit or delete any submitted questions that raise any of these issues or that are not in the best interest of the Commonwealth or this Bid.

All answers are final when posted. Any subsequent revisions to previously provided answers will be dated.

It is the responsibility of the prospective Bidder and awarded Contractor to maintain an active registration in COMMBUYS and to keep current the email address of the Bidder’s contact person and prospective contract manager, if awarded a contract, and to monitor that email inbox for communications from the Purchasing Department, including requests for clarification. The Purchasing Department and the Commonwealth assume no responsibility if a prospective `Bidder’s/awarded Contractor’s designated email address is not current, or if technical problems, including those with the prospective Bidder’s/awarded Contractor’s computer, network or internet service provider (ISP) cause email communications sent to/from the prospective Bidder/Awarded contractor and the Purchasing Department to be lost or rejected by any means including email or spam filtering.

2.2 Locating Bid Q&A

Log into COMMBUYS, locate the Bid, acknowledge receipt of the Bid, and scroll down to the bottom of the Bid Header page. The “Bid Q&A” button allows Bidders access to the Bid Q&A page.

2.3 Amendment Deadline

The SST reserves the right to make amendments to the Bid after initial publication. It is each Bidder’s responsibility to check COMMBUYS for any amendments, addenda or modifications to this Bid, and any Bid Q&A records related to this Bid. The SST and the Commonwealth accepts no responsibility and will provide no accommodation to Bidders who submit a Quote based on an out-of-date Bid or on information received from a source other than COMMBUYS.

2.4 Physical Bidders’ Conference (in person)

The Bidders’ Conference is the physical conference conducted by the SST for the purpose of informing prospective Bidders about general Bid information and answering questions from prospective Bidders.

For the purposes of this RFP, there will not be a Physical Bidder’s Conference. A Conference Call will be provided on the date outlined in this RFP. Please refer to the COMMBUYS website for any updated information, including the location, time and date of the Bidders’ Conference Call. (See Section 6.3)


3.1 General

Proposals should be specifically targeted to produce a usable Asset Management Plan (AMP), that does not include capital improvement projects for non existing infrastructure. AMPs identify equipment utilized regularly, and provides a system for recording time frames and needs for replacement, prior to failure. Proposals for the planning grants may include the following types of projects:

Water Infrastructure Asset Management or Fiscal Sustainability Plans (AMP): For existing drinking water, storm water and wastewater systems. AMPs should be developed in accordance with Good Engineering Practices and the EPA issued “Asset Management – A Best Practices Guide, April 2008.” (See Note 1)

Public entities should consider implementing an available US Environmental Protection software program, such as CUPSS (Check Up Program for Small Systems) that is free, and can be utilized for any sized water infrastructure system, along with the purchase of hand held tablets or other devices, provided a completed inventory is includedforregularly utilized equipment. (See Note 2)

At a minimum, the AMPs should include the following:

1. An inventory of regularly utilized assets for the water infrastructure system(s) being evaluated;

2. For ‘regularly’ utilized assets - aTable that includes; replacement cost, useful life (life cycle), materialand integrity (if applicable) and a rated criticality. Criticality is considered to be a ranked system that cites end of useful life and importance to the operation of the infrastructure system.

3. If utilized in the AMP, non proprietary software for asset management, or adaptation to a public entity’s’ existing software system. The software should allow: preparation of work orders, interaction with a tablet to eliminate unnecessary paper work, and easy entry of information to track assets.

4. After prioritizing assets based on criticality for replacement, a Priority List of Assets (PLA) will be provided that includes;AMP line item costs for each of five (5)successive annual budget years, and the cost effect on the public entity user charge system. The PLA will summarize the annual cost to replace prioritized assets for that particular year, that may includethe use of outside labor.

5. Training for use of the computer software, data entry and tablet uses and other asset management duties. A written management plan that describes the operation of the proposed asset management program will be provided in the AMP for the public entities management team and staff to utilize.

6. Preparation of a written report that outlines the summary of the completed project along with an ImplementationPlan (IP) for the governing authority to consider implementing. For the PLA line items (Years 1 – 5), a cost to the existing user charge system shall be provided for the public entity to consider and act upon.

8. Each grant project shall include - a Presentation - that will be given at a regularly scheduled public meeting conducted by the governing public entity,outlining the recommendations included in the IPfor consideration and action.

9. Upon project completion, provide MassDEP with one (1) hard copy and a compact disk (CD) of the Asset Management Plan.

Note 1: In order for the completed Asset Management Plan to meet the Fiscal Sustainability Plan requirement of the 2014 CWA amendments for SRF loans (for wastewater and storm water), an evaluation of water and energy conservation efforts at the facility, along with certification that these efforts will be implemented. This supplemental energy plan may be submitted as part of the SRF Application, and is not required to be included with the asset management plan grant.

Note 2: The purchase of asset management software, tablets and other necessary equipment is an eligible cost for inclusion in the grant. Purchased software must be compatible with the public entity existing computer software system and be usable upon completion of the project.

3.2 Scope of Work

Submitted grant projects shall include the following information: Submittal are limited to six (6) pages.

  1. A ½ page narrative description of the relevant water infrastructure system; the governing authority; population served; and the purpose for which grant funds are being requested.
  2. A brief description of the public entity’s’ existing asset maintenance system.
  3. A brief description of the proposals enhancement and changes of this existing asset maintenance system.

4. A scope of services that includes a proposed Table of Contents (TOC) for the proposed AMP.

5. A description of the grant proposal project team, which includes the public entity staff, along

with contact emails and phone numbers.

6. A written outline of the proposed project work plan, complete with a time line. A Draft Project

Report is required to be submitted three weeks (3) prior to the contract completion date to

MassDEP DMS for review and comment prior to the Public Presentation and report finalization.

7. A Table of Tasks (TOT) consisting of two (2) sections:

Section 1 will be labeled Grant Project Expenses and shall outline the indicated tasks, hours, and

total costs for grant money related items, which shall equal the total grant request.

Section 2 will be labeled In Kind Services/Cash (IKS/$), and equal the Total IKS/$ dollar value

requirement, and detail the planned cash contribution and/or in kind services contribution from

the public entity. This section of the TOT shall include staff name(s), along with tasks, charge

rates and total planned hours of contribution. The sum will equal the Total Eligible (10 or 25%)

IKS/$ required in the grant.

IKS/$ services must be provided as a detailed and realistic assessment of the public entity contributions to the project. The IKS/$ submittal for payment will be required to be certified by signature of a public entity authorized representative, upon completion of the project (see Section 3.9.1 – Payment).

8. For software and peripheral purchases, costs may be provided under Section 1 or 2.

9. TOTs may include hours and costs as a level of effort for each section of a planning report.

10. A signed written Commitment from the public entity governing Chairman, hat the completed

project will be presented at a regularly scheduled public meeting for discussion and possible

action. Publication of the Recommended Implementation Plan (IP) adopted by the public entity will be provided on the Web Site; through the billing process; or Annual Water Quality Report.

11. As part of the Final Report, a written recommended Implementation Action Plan (IPA) for the

public entity governing board to consider for adoption.

3.3Compensation Structure/Pricing

3.3.1 General

a) The funds for this grant program will be made available from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - State Capital Plan 2018 appropriation of four hundred thousand dollars($ 400,000.00) from EEA.

b) Grant awardees must provide and identify in kind and/or cash (IKS/$) of either ten percent (10%) or twenty-five percent (25%) match of the requested grant amount (up to $40,000.00). The percentage match to be provided as IKS/$ is outlined below in Section 3.3.2.

c) Compensation will be based solely on the cost tables (budget) provided by the Bidder and accepted by MassDEP. Cost tables must contain all goods and/or services to be provided in the Contract. The cost tables for IKS/$ shall include a listing of project employees, wage rates, supplies, printing costs, postage, mileage and any other costs that are deemed to be part of the grant.

3.3.2 In-kind Services and/or Cash Match (IKS/$)

a) IKS/$ matches are calculated as a percent of the Total Grant Award, not additional funds to be added to the total grant amount.

b) For example, with a Total Grant Award funding request of $ 40,000.00, then for a ten percent (10%) IKS/$ request, $ 4,000 is the match, and the Total Grant Costs from MassDEP is $ 44,000.

c) For a twenty five percent (25%) IKS/$ request, with a Total Grant Award request of$ 25,000, then

$ 6,250 is the match, so the Total Grant Costs from MassDEP is $ 31,250.

d)IKS/C Match Percentage: A public entity is required to provide a ten or twenty-five percent match of the grant funding request. The percentage required will be based on that public entities Massachusetts Median Household Income (MHI) for 2009 – 2013andavailable updates, found on the United States Census Bureau website.

A community falling at or below the average Massachusetts statewide MHI of $66,686 is eligible for the ten percent (10%) match. All other communities above the Massachusetts statewide MHI average will be required to provide a twenty five percent (25%) match.The Massachusetts public entity MHI can be found in the following link: - which is a part of the United States Census Bureau 2013 report.