2002 Introduction to Business CommunicationPage 1

For each item below, mark A on your answer sheet if the group of words is a correct sentence and B if the group of words cannot stand alone as a sentence.
  1. If less than a tenth of the energy stored as heat were converted each year.
/ a. Correct sentence / b. Can’t stand alone
  1. Less than 5 percent of the incoming warm water is turned into steam.
/ a. Correct sentence / b. Can’t stand alone
  1. Call for your free brochure today.
/ a. Correct sentence / b. Can’t stand alone
  1. In September, when the students have left their summer jobs and have returned to school.
/ a. Correct sentence / b. Can’t stand alone
  1. Having completed the planning stage, we began the project.
/ a. Correct sentence / b. Can’t stand alone
  1. The purpose of the project that has been outlined in detail.
/ a. Correct sentence / b. Can’t stand alone
For each item below, mark your answer sheet using the following choices:
Mark A if the statement is a simple sentence
Mark B if the statement is a compound sentence
Mark C if the statement is a complex sentence
  1. Our office building is in need of repair on the outside and remodeling on the inside.
/ a. Simple sentence / b. Compound sentence / c. Complex sentence
  1. We have called an interior decorator, but he is out of town until next week.
/ a. Simple sentence / b. Compound sentence / c. Complex sentence
  1. The ceiling in Mr. Jackson’s office is stained from the last rainstorm.
/ a. Simple sentence / b. Compound sentence / c. Complex sentence
  1. When the carpenters repair the roof, they plan to install a new chimney.
/ a. Simple sentence / b. Compound sentence / c. Complex sentence
  1. Because we want to take advantage of the furniture sales, we must choose the color schemes now.
/ a. Simple sentence / b. Compound sentence / c. Complex sentence
  1. The project will be finished in time for our seminar; thus, we can have an open house at that time.
/ a. Simple sentence / b. Compound sentence / c. Complex sentence
For each item below, mark A on your answer sheet if the statement is correct and B if the statement is false.
  1. The sentence My brother has taken a new job with a consulting company contains a pronoun.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. The sentence You did not voice opposition; we implemented the plan contains a conjunction.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. The sentence Three plans were considered before we made the final decision contains a conjunction.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. In the sentence Nobody wanted to see Ms. Lindsay leave the company for another position, the word for is a conjunction.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. In the sentence Mick continues to give good advice, even though he is no longer our consultant, the word consultant is an adjective.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. The sentence No one can convince me we are losing sales to the competition contains three pronoun examples.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. The sentence I will call Lindy in the morning to arrange an appointment with Dr. Hayward contains two prepositional phrases.
/ a. True / b. False
  1. The sentence The whole reason for our meeting is to increase efficiency in the department contains a linking verb.
/ a. True / b. False
For each item below, mark A if the capitalization is correct and B if the capitalization is incorrect.
  1. Next year Jill plans to be a Sophomore.
/ a. Capitalization is correct / b. Capitalization is incorrect
  1. I lived in the west last year.
/ a. Capitalization is correct / b. Capitalization is incorrect
  1. I very much enjoy both English and math.
/ a. Capitalization is correct / b. Capitalization is incorrect
  1. His Grandfather is still alive.
/ a. Capitalization is correct / b. Capitalization is incorrect
  1. I just finished my Spring cleaning.
/ a. Capitalization is correct / b. Capitalization is incorrect
For each item below, mark A if the bold number is correctly used and B if the bold number is incorrectly used.
  1. Expect to pay a service charge of 2 percent for a loan with the terms you desire.
/ a. Number is correctly used / b. Number is incorrectly used
  1. On August 19th, we expect a visit from the vice president in charge of production.
/ a. Number is correctly used / b. Number is incorrectly used
  1. Of the questions asked on the questionnaire, only 2 of 10 were answered correctly.
/ a. Number is correctly used / b. Number is incorrectly used
  1. 25 days were required to complete the journal.
/ a. Number is correctly used / b. Number is incorrectly used
  1. The carton contained four 8-pound bags of sugar.
/ a. Number is correctly used / b. Number is incorrectly used
For each item below, mark A on your answer sheet if the punctuation is correct and B if the punctuation is incorrect.
  1. We recently traveled to Idaho, and went down the Salmon River.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Conder played the first half at the quarterback position, Eardley played quarterback during the second half.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Scott has a solution, and I think he will share it with us tomorrow.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Our school has several problems; such as overcrowded classes and a lack of supplies.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. My father buys a new automobile quite frequently; for example, this year he bought a Cadillac after buying a Corvette just 15 months ago.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Although the newly-developed index has several weaknesses, it still is a very useful tool.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. As soon as you send us your purchase order we will ship your replacement parts within 24 hours.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. To complete all your assignments on schedule requires appropriate discipline on your part.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. No, you will not be expected to conduct all the exit interviews.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. The ten questions, that Alex did not answer, were the most interesting ones.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Relatively few of your classes, however, are taught in the TannerBuilding.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Guy is preparing an article on “The Office of the Future”.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. My father moved to Bergenfield, New Jersey, on June 1, 1994, and immediately began looking for work.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. The question we want answered, Ms. Simkins, is whether the Bartlett Project will be finished this month?
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. Ms. Kent quietly said, “It would be nice if a normal shareholder could read the annual report and say, ‘I see how the company is doing that.’”
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
  1. I still remember reading “Laughter Is the Best Medicine” in issues of Reader’s Digest.
/ a. Punctuation is correct / b. Punctuation is incorrect
For each item below, mark your answer sheet using the following choices:
Mark A if the statement is a comma splice sentence
Mark B if the statement is a run-on sentence
Mark C if the statement is a correct sentence
  1. We spent the entire night in the airport we didn’t get home until the next evening.
/ a. Comma splice sentence / b. Run-on sentence / c. Correct sentence
  1. Allyson has the answers, she’ll share them at the study session.
/ a. Comma splice sentence / b. Run-on sentence / c. Correct sentence
  1. We ended up in Denver after one day, and we took two days to get to Pueblo.
/ a. Comma splice sentence / b. Run-on sentence / c. Correct sentence
  1. The students wanted to rent the apartment the owner decided not to rent to students.
/ a. Comma splice sentence / b. Run-on sentence / c. Correct sentence
For each item below, mark A if the grammar is correct and B if the grammar is incorrect.
  1. Have you seen my glasses? I last seen them this morning.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. I drove the pickup all the way to California. Have you ever drove one that far?
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. We payed our mortgage payment by the 15th of the month.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. We did nothing but lay in the shade today.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. The sun had risen before the alarm went off.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Please find out where the old shipping records were taken to.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. The only ones available for the meeting were we.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Cliff asked for permission from both Sondra and me.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. The teachers liked the idea more than we.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. The goals for the department were set by Marilyn and myself.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Just between you and I, let me assure you that Shelley was the cause of the problems.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Have you tried the lunchs in the cafeteria since the new chefs began working?
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. The Mitchell’s have not yet picked up their new automobile.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Both my brother-in-laws have recently changed occupations.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. My favorite place to shop is the womens’ department at the mall.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. After reading your report, I can see that the project is well on it’s way to success.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. The set of glasses were broken when we opened the package.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Neither of the stars was informed of the cancellation of the show.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Beside the car are the flat tires that must be repaired.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
  1. Each of the new contestants have been informed of the guidelines for the competition.
/ a. Grammar is correct / b. Grammar is incorrect
For each item below, select the correct word from the choices given.
  1. I left package by the door.
/ a. their / b. there
  1. Stan and I are going, , if you have room for us.
/ a. to / b. too / c. two
  1. The counselor gave excellent to the students.
/ a. advice / b. advise
  1. We drove the stadium on the way to the airport.
/ a. passed / b. past
  1. If you drink and drive, you will your license.
/ a. loose / b. lose
  1. Have you seen the new company letterhead ?
/ a. stationary / b. stationery
  1. I a little late for our conference.
/ a. may be / b. maybe
  1. We may make payments to reduce the without penalty.
/ a. principal / b. principle
  1. Have you located an appropriate for the construction?
/ a. cite / b. sight / c. site
  1. Since the contract had been signed, we were liable.
/ a. all ready / b. already
  1. We cannot your explanation.
/ a. accept / b. except
  1. What will be the of the court’s ruling?
/ a. affect / b. effect
  1. Which officer has to that information?
/ a. access / b. excess
  1. The teaching schedule can be to suit various individual needs.
/ a. adapted / b. adopted
  1. I move that the committee the proposal as amended.
/ a. adapt / b. adept / c. adopt
For each group of words below, mark the incorrectly spelled word. If no word in the series is misspelled, mark D on the answer sheet.
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. occasion / b. decision / c. pamphlet / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. weird / b. gaurantee / c. athletics / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. library / b. priviledge / c. ninth / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. occasionally / b. eligible / c. recieve / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. questionaire / b. maintenance / c. embarrass / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. convenience / b. exaggerate / c. similar / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. preceed / b. referred / c. accidentally / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. auxiliary / b. canceled / c. absence / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. definite / b. develop / c. liaison / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. quantity / b. seperate / c. itinerary / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. accommodate / b. congradulate / c. pronunciation / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. dissatisfied / b. advantagous / c. eliminate / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. supervise / b. criticize / c. summarise / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. miscellaneous / b. mischievious / c. voluntary / d. none
  1. Which word is spelled incorrectly?
/ a. restaurant / b. outrageous / c. preferrable / d. none