Developmental Brain Lab ERP Bootcamp

  1. Audio sound meter
  2. When measuring and adjusting loudness levels how should the meter be positioned relative to the audio speaker and the test environment?
  3. To what dB level should the sound meter set? _____
  4. At what loudness level must the stimuli be presented for newborns? ______For children & adults? ______
  5. What scale is used for the sound meter setting? A or C? ______
  6. Why?
  7. Is the meter’s setting to be positioned at SLOW or FAST ? _____
  8. WHY?
  9. Exactly where should you stand when reading the meter during the sound test?
  10. What happens if you do not turn OFF the sound meter when you finish the sound test?
  11. In conducting the sound test, you can use any audio stimulus set.


  1. WHY or WHY NOT?
  2. If you are conducting a visual task, how far away from the subject must the LCD screen surface be positioned? ______
  3. List any other piece(s) of apparatus that must be plugged in and turned on in the test room before the room is ready for testing.
  4. List what supplies and their quantities that should be put out and ready before testing:
  5. What is the maximum number of people who should remain with the adult subject during testing? ______During a child or infant test? ______
  1. Equipment set up and preparations:
  2. What test/data forms must be readied prior to testing?
  3. Describe HOW such forms are used throughout testing.
  4. What happens to the forms immediately upon completion of the testing?
  5. Describe the ORDER in which the various pieces of equipment must be turned ON.
  6. Now Describe the ORDER in which the various pieces of equipment must be turned OFF.
  7. List all of the problems that could be responsible for no screen image appearing on the Macintosh computer AND how to correct them.
  8. List all of the problems that could be responsible for no screen image appearing on the PC computer AND how to correct them.
  9. List all of the problems that could be responsible for no sounds being presented through the speaker in the test room AND how to correct them.
  10. How long should the net soak in the saline solution before placing on subject?
  11. Describe exactly how to make the saline solution for soaking the net.
  12. When do you first determine the appropriate net size for the subject upon their arrival at the lab?
  13. How do you determine electrode net size?
  14. How do you sterilize and clean the electrode net?
  15. What light settings should be used in the TEST room? ______
  16. What light settings should be used in the CONTROL room? ______
  17. Is talking permitted in the Control room during testing? ______. Under what conditions can this occur and how loud are people permitted to talk (e.g., at regular speech levels, whisper only).
  18. Is talking permitted in the TESTING room during testing? ______. Under what conditions can this occur and how loud are people permitted to talk (e.g., at regular speech levels, whisper only).
  1. Netstation operation for data collection.
  2. Demonstrate how to activate Netstation AND which computer you use to do this.
  3. Demonstrate how to activate E-PRIME AND which computer you use to do this.
  4. Demonstrate how to read and write actigraph watches for Sleep studies.
  5. How do you name a subject file? Describe the convention that we use.
  6. What does the computer do when it runs GAINS?
  7. What does the computer do when it runs ZEROS?
  8. Where on the screen do you see information about what impedance level is set?
  9. Why is this important?
  10. WHAT does impedance mean?
  11. When and how do you record initial impedances prior to the first test?
  12. How many electrodes can be above 40 k Ohms and still permit testing to occur? ______
  13. How many times would you normally record impedances and how would you do it if there were 2 stimulus sets or tasks for a subject?
  14. What is the sampling rate setting used to record ERPs?
  15. How do you decide exactly when to begin recording ERP data using Netstation?
  16. What are the rules for determining when to temporarily suspend testing when subject artifacts occur?
  1. What are the rules for determining when to resume testing after subject artifacts dissipate?
  2. How do you know if the PC and Mac are communicating with each other at the beginning of a test? During a test session?
  3. What must you do if the PC and MAC either fail to communicate or stop communicating with each other?
  4. How do you know if the Mac is recording EEG and behavior responses during a test session?
  1. Data storage and backup
  2. What files are included in the subject folders to be copied during “backup”?
  3. How do we backup the data and how many copies are made?
  4. How do you know the data backup is successful?
  5. Where are the backup CD’s stored? Be specific.
  6. Who is charged with erasing data from the NETSTATION computer and the DVD transfer disk? ______
  7. What is the MINIMALnumber of backups of a one subject’s data that must be made for long-term storage? _____
  8. How many backups of a one subject’s data must existafter placed in long-term storage? ____
  9. Attach your wiring diagram for how the various parts of the ERP system are interconnected. ______


  1. You are testing an adult. List 3 reasons you may have high (RED) impedances. Explain what you can do to fix each reason.
  1. Suppose you are testing a subject and cannot obtain good impedances on a number of electrode channels. What can you do to fix the problem without the subject deciding to quite participating?
  1. You are setting up the computer for a test and notice the stimulus presentation monitor in the subject room did not come on. List at least 2 troubleshooting tips to solve this problem.
  1. What are the criteria for pausing stimulus presentation and data collection? Unpausing? Is this rule ever objective and why?
  1. You are in the room with a subject. You notice that the stimulus presentation is paused. What could be the causes of bad data that would lead the computer operator to suspend testing (list at least 3)? What do you need to do?
  1. You are running the computer. The data are noisy. You pause the program, and the computers stop communicating. What do you do?
  1. How many people should be in the testing room with the subject (including the subject)?
  1. Who should these people be?
  1. Why not include more or fewer people (give examples to support your answer)?
  1. When do you take the electrode net off? What is the appropriate technique?
  1. Describe what you should do after completing a test session and the subject has left the lab?
  1. What should be cleaned up in the lab following the completion of a test session (i.e. subject room, net, etc.)? Who is responsible for this?


  1. It is your turn to entertain a child. This is the first time this mom has been at the lab. What instructions would you give to her and what would you explain about the testing situation when you first enter the testing room for ERP testing? Be specific.
  1. What can you do to calm and/or entertain an infant/child participant before stimulus presentation begins?
  1. During the experiment?
  1. How do you ensure that your entertaining actions do not interfere with or contaminate data collection?
  1. You are trying very hard to entertain a fussy, upset and screaming 1 year old to no avail. What would / could you say to the mom if you feel the child has reached a point where further testing is inappropriate?
  1. What would you say to the parents when you are measuring the baby’s head? What measurements to you need to take? How do you place the “mark”?
  1. List all things you need to do when setting up for an experiment (assume that it’s the first test of the day and the subject room is empty).
  1. You are getting ready to put the net on a frightened 6 year old. What would you say to alleviate any fears the child or parent may have?

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