Why cycle to school?

The government has highlighted its concern over increasing levels of obesity in children. Cycling is a great way to combat this.

Increasingly schools are promoting cycling for children over 9 years old, and cycle training and cycle proficiency courses are often part of the curriculum. Some schools are still hesitant to encourage students to cycle as they feel it is too dangerous, however lack of exercise and the associated health problems bring far greater risks to children.

By cycling to school, children and parents are taking daily exercise which will have immediate benefits as children will be more alert for the day ahead, and long term benefits as both parents and children will become healthier. Whilst cycling to and from school, children are able to socialise with other children who live locally and form connections within their community.

Studies have shown that the heavy traffic around schools when parents are dropping off and collecting children makes them especially dangerous areas for all students, including those being delivered by car. By leaving the car at home you will help improve the safety of roads around schools, as well as reducing traffic congestion and pollution.

Cycle parking at schools

It is important that children are able to park their bikes securely at school. Without secure cycle parking your child's bike is more at risk of being stolen and cycling to school can prove an expensive exercise.

By having cycle parking, schools send a positive message to students and parents that they support cycling to school. There have been a number of grant programmes to schools who wish to put in cycle parking, for more information on these you can contact your local authority or the London Cycling Campaign on 020 7234 9310.


T: +44 (0) 20 7234 9310
F: +44 (0) 20 7234 9319

London Cycling Campaign, 2 Newhams Row, London, SE1 3UZ
Registered Charity No: 1115789