The Guidelines for

What is it?

The school pays for, a program that compares student papers to other papers, articles, song lyrics, etc. from all over the world. This anti-plagiarism software is used by many universities and does an excellent job of spotting papers that have not been truly written by the “said” author. Plagiarism is cause for expulsion in universities across the country, and in our high school it is cause for receiving a zero on the assignment. Self-plagiarism is also plagiarism—you may never recycle old papers you turned in to other classes. You must always write and submit new papers for each assignment.

Thus, all papers that are assigned to be turned into must go through the system or a zero will be given for the assignment EVEN IF THE HARD COPY IS TURNED IN DURING CLASS. All papers must have a hard copy turned in during class time, and the paper must be submitted to the set time (usually 11:59pm of the day the paper is due in class). BOTH of these things must occur on time for any credit to be given. Please understand that a zero will be issued if the hard copy is on time but the paper is not put into the system on time OR if the hard copy is not on time but the paper is put into the system on time. BOTH of these things must occur on time for full credit. If one is late, there will be a 12 point deduction from the final grade for the first day late, another 15 point deduction for the second day late, and a zero will be the final grade if the paper is not turned in on the 3rd day.

I do not like to issue zeroes in this circumstance, but this is the policy. Unfortunately, with the growing number of plagiarized papers, it is necessary to use this system. Please be clear; this policy will be followed on every paper for every student.

On very rare occasions, students have submitted a paper to does not show as being submitted. Students are always sent a receipt upon submitting a paper that shows they did the submission. ALL STUDENTS must print this receipt and attach it to the back of their papers to be turned in during class. This is the student’s proof that they have done as asked and avoids problems later when the system shows me something else.

How to avoid problems

1. Don’t wait until the last minute to write the paper and/or turn it in to

2. Save your paper to a flash drive and save often as you write it.

3. If your printer is not working, bring the paper on the flash drive to school and print it in the library. Do not plan on doing this during class time.

4. If your internet is not working, bring the paper on the flash drive to school and submit it to in the library. Do not plan on doing this during class time.

5. If you are having technical problems, either do #3, #4, or go to a friend’s house to finish. And, another solution is to e-mail your paper to yourself on your school address so that you can print and submit from the library.


Printed Student NameStudent Signature Class Period


Parent SignatureDate