Health Status Requirement for Dogs in the Stock Pavilion (11/30/09)

Because the main use of the Stock Pavilion is for hands-on- use of University animals in the teaching, research and outreach activities of the University Program, it is imperative that privately owned animals not bring disease into the facility. Pets cannot be brought into the stock pavilion.

Service dogs :[see All-Campus Policy] are allowed in the stock pavilion and must meet the vaccination criteria laid out below. A certificate indicating that a dog brought into this facility has been vaccinated for rabies per Wisconsin statutes (within the last three years) and also is current on DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitus, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenze and Parvo) vaccination which must be presented/or be on record in the Animal Sciences Departmental office (the department overseeing the Stock Pavilion.). Dogs must have rabies and municipal tags, be leashed unless being leashed affects a required activity but must be under control at all times. Owner must clean up any and all waste. The chief campus veterinarian (Research Animal Resources Center, RARC) has sole authority to grant exceptions.

Dog Clubs -A certificate indicating that a dog brought into this facility has been vaccinated for rabies per Wisconsin statutes (within the last three years) and also is current on DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitus, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenze and Parvo) vaccination must be presented/or be on record in the Animal Sciences Departmental office (the department overseeing the Stock Pavilion.). Dogs must have appropriate tags, be leashed unless being leashed affects a required activity but must be under control at all times. Owner must clean up any and all waste. The club is responsible for their participating dogs’ behavior. The chief campus veterinarian (Research Animal Resources Center, RARC) has sole authority to grant exceptions.

Please submit a copy of the required records to Shelia Pink at or at the following address: Room 260 Animal Sciences, 1675 Observatory Drive, Madison WI 53706.