AP European History Name:______

Chapter 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages Period:______

Complete the graphic organizer as you read Chapter 12. DO NOT simply hunt for the answers; doing so will leave holes in your understanding of the text. Be sure to include details regarding political/diplomatic, cultural/intellectual and social/economic themes.

I.  Prelude to Disaster – How did the following events impact Europe in the 14th century?

“Little Ice Age”
“Great Famine”
Abandonment of Homesteads

II.  The Black Death – How did the following contribute to the spread of the plague?

Rats / Urban Conditions / Personal Hygine

a.  Social, Economic & Cultural Consequences

Social / Economic / Cultural

III.  The Hundred Years’ War (______-______)

Causes / Popular Support
Battle of Crécy / Joan of Arc

a.  Costs and Consequences

For England / For France
How did the Hundred Years’ War contribute to a new sense of nationalism in England and France?

IV.  The Decline of the Church’s Prestige

Define each of the following, and explain how they contributed to the decline of the Catholic Church

Babylonian Captivity / Great Schism / Conciliar Movement
Who was John Wycliffe?
Who was Jan Hus?
What did the Council of Constance accomplish?

V.  The Life of the People

Marriage / Prostitution
Craft Guilds / Violence
Fur Collar Crime / Peasant Revolts

In the space below, outline how you would answer one of the following Free Response Essay Questions

1.  Europe in the 14th century has been called the “calamitous century.” Defend this assertion.

2.  Describe the social and economic consequences of the Black Death.

3.  What were the immediate political, social and economic results of the Hundred Years War for both England and France?

4.  What were the religious, social and political consequences of the crisis in the Catholic Church during the late middle Ages?