South Leverton Parish Council
Draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
Wednesday 10th February 2016 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Institute
Present: Cllr G Muir – Chair, Cllrs G Wareham, J Cawthorne, R Loates, Clerk D Langmead.
South Leverton Residents: One. Guests: None.
A resident wished to discuss/ask about four issues with Council.
1. The number of lorries travelling down Cottam Road to the power station is growing and the question was asked about progress with the replacement of the old signage. See also agenda item 11.3.
2. The resident was also concerned about the weight limit on the bridge with the number and weight of HGVs travelling over it.
3. The resident thanked Council for the two new Waste bins which are now being used by dog walkers, particularly the one on Station Road. It was agreed to ask Bassetlaw DC to ‘level up’ the waste bin on High Street. Action Clerk.
4. Council noted a request for the old BT exchange box outside Fulbeck House on Town Street to be removed. Action Clerk.
Declarations of Interest – Planning Meeting. - None declared.
New Applications - None
15/01552/FUL | Install 10Kw Solar Panel System on A Ground Mounted Frame | Land Adj. Burley Lawn Meetinghouse Lane South Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0BS. Application Granted
The Sturton Ward Neighbourhood Plan.
The Clerk reported that all is set for the Referendum on Thursday 11th. A leaflet explaining why people should vote has been distributed to every household in the Sturton Ward. Posters and flyers have been posted around the Ward and a press release issued. The count will take place in Wheatley Village Hall starting soon after the close of poll at 10pm.
Further information can be found at
02.16.01 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Rickards, Jones, and Darlow which were accepted by Council.
02.16.02 Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality
None at this stage
02.165.03. Report from the Chair – Agenda Issues.
No agenda changes were required.
02.16.04. Police Report / Speedwatch Report
Police Report.
No report received this month
Conformation of the Police contact numbers are as follows: - Notts Police – Non-Urgent – 101. Notts Police Urgent – 999. Mobile numbers for other non-urgent matters: PCSO Lucy Campion – 07525 989445; PC Bill Bailey – 07910 336844. Lucy’s e-mail address is
Speedwatch Report.
No report received this month.
02.16.05. District and County Councillor Reports.
No reports received this month.
02.16.06 Minutes of Meeting held on 13th January 2016
The draft minutes of the meeting were discussed and it was agreed to amend the section within the Planning Meeting, Sturton Ward Neighbourhood Plan. The revised draft minutes are to be presented to the March meeting of the Council for signing off. Action Clerk.
02.16.07 Matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda.
Tyre Removal – Glover Close. Council noted the Clerk has written to the ‘owner’ of the stack of tyres requesting their removal from the entrance to Glover Close.
02.16.08. The Lengthsman Scheme
Council discussed the disposal of ‘green waste’ and noted the offer by Bassetlaw DC to provide additional green bins for this purpose. Council agreed not to proceed with this offer for the time being, and to pursue other alternatives within the village in the first instance. If these alternatives are not available Cllr Wareham agreed to house a couple of extra green bins for use by the Lengthsman. Action Cllr Loates
02.16.09. Correspondence
There were no items of correspondence received this month.
02.16.10. Parish Paths/Rights of Way Broken Stile.
Council noted that the stile where its handrail was missing (06.15.11.) will be repaired by the end of April following a conversation with the landowner. Action Clerk to follow up. Footpath along the Catchwater Drain
The Clerk reported no further progress from the last meeting although Council noted that the issue is on the list to be carried out by the County Council. Action Clerk to follow up Issues to report
Council noted that the footpath from Pine Croft to Bramble Dene is completely overgrown and the gutters blocked. It was agreed to ask the Lengthsman to have a look to see what can be done to clear the path. Action Cllr Cawthorne.
02.16.11. Highways/Pavements/Public Safety Issues Street Lights & Pot Holes.
Council noted the large pot hole on Cottam Road outside Highfield Farm.
Action Clerk to report. Speed limits in Cottam Road
No further progress to report this month. Routes to EDF Energy and Sundown Adventure sites
Council noted that the two ‘brown’ directional signs that were taken down during the heavy movements of kit for the new gas station at West Burton, are no longer available. The Clerk reported on a conversation with EDF Energy who confirmed that with regret they will be unable to fund any new signage for the foreseeable future. Council agreed to design and cost two new signs to be sited on ‘Cricket Field corner and the junction of Church Street and Town Street.
Action Cllr Cawthorne and Clerk. Deterioration of Byways and Green Lanes
Following the discussions at the January meeting about the deterioration of some of the Byways and ‘Green Lanes’ around the Parish and in particular the appalling condition of sections of Brickings Lane and Meadow Dyke lane, Council noted that the issue has been reported and discussed with the County Council. It is understood that the County Council are in the early stages of looking at a scheme to rectify the position. Action Clerk to follow up. Issues to Report.
Cottam Road Dyke. Council noted that the dyke running from Bramble Dene to Sun Haven needs to be cleaned out. It was agreed to request Dick Hewitt to carry out the job.
Action Cllr Cawthorne.
Second Post Box. Council discussed the request for a second post box and it was agreed to ascertain the correct contact point within the ‘Post Office’ in the first instance. Action Cllr Cawthorne.
02.16.12. Finance Monthly Bank Reconciliation.
The Clerk presented the bank reconciliation to the 20th January 2016 which was agreed by Council. Payments.
The following payments were approved this month: Action Clerk.
D Langmead – Salary and Expenses £ 279.55
J Taylor – Lengthsman Work £ 116.25
S Rockcliffe – Website costs £ 22.33
NALC – Annual Subscription £ 101.01
Bassetlaw DC – 2 Litter Bins £ 250.00
02.16.13. Reports from Other Committees
Council noted that the next Parish Council Forum is to take place at Retford Town Hall Monday 22nd February starting at 7pm.
Council also noted that the Memorial Institute will be hosting an afternoon tea party, which will include a presentation on the history of South Leverton, in honour of the Queen’s 90th birthday. Council agreed to fund the teas.
02.16.14. Village Website
Nothing to report this month.
02.16.15. Cambian Beeches / Redbank
Council noted that the next meeting between the Beeches and the Parish Council is to take place during the w/c 15th February.
02.16.16. Defibrillator for the village
Following discussion Council agreed to speak with the First Responder in North Leverton in the first instance to enquire on the area covered by him for emergency first aid. Action Clerk.
02.16.17. Clerk Vacancy
Council agreed to meet in closed session to discuss the vacancy and advert for the job.
02.16.18. Matters to report
Council noted some hedge/shrubbery overhanging the highway on High Street and it was agreed to write to the owner requesting that it is cut back. Action Clerk.
Council also noted that many of the lime trees on Station Road appear to be rotten in the middle and could be dangerous in high winds to passing traffic and pedestrians.
Action Clerk to report to Notts County Council.
02.16.19. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th March 2016 in the Memorial Institute starting at 7.30pm.
Proposed dates for 2016 are as follows: 6/4; 4/5; 15/6; 13/7; 14/9; 12/10; & 9/11.
Dave Langmead – Clerk, tel. 884756
NB. Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting