Central Magnet School

Choir Course Syllabus

Mr. Brenner

Room 339

Course Description:

The choir course is designed to present an overview of musical principles and theories as they relate to the voice and to develop the student’s technical skills. The basic musical elements of melody, harmony and rhythm are studied and discussed. Musical notation and terms are emphasized and are assessed on a regular basis. The course is designed to develop self-sufficiency with the voice and allows the individual to set and achieve personal goals and expectations, while also learning to collaborate within the greater ensemble of musicians, making up the chorus. This course may require extra study and/or practice during the students’ own time. In addition, research will be assigned in areas relative to the field.

Texts and Materials:

-Music to be provided by Mr. Brenner throughout the school year

-Handouts related to content we are learning in class

Each student must bring to class each day:

-Class notes and handouts (to be kept in a binder in the classroom.)

-A pencil for completing class work (NO pens)

-A composition notebook, spiral notebook, or loose-leaf paper that will serve as a journal.

(Failure to have these items will result in the loss of participation points for that day.)

  • A refillable water bottle is HIGHLY encouraged for chorus – your voice is your instrument – take care of it by drinking water throughout rehearsal!



This is a participatory class and every student must actively participate throughout class. Every student receives 3 points daily based on his/her active participation, bell work and class conduct and working on proper technique.


Students will spend a lot of time assessing musical performances and performers, whether it is a recording or a live performance. As they reflect on their progress and the skills they are developing, students will aim for future growth and development.


Regular assessments of student learning and understanding of music theory concepts, notation, and terms will occur in written format.


Students will perform within a smaller group than usual for the class at least 2 times per semester. They will perform the skills that they are mastering in the current unit.


Students will be required to perform at least 2 public performances/recitals during the school year.

Total: 100%

Performance Policy:

Participation in concerts and performances is required.

  1. If for some reason a student cannot attend a concert, a parent must send a request to excuse their student to Mr. Brenner well in advance (2-week minimum). If the request is approved, the student will be given a project to make up the grade.

-Excused absences include personal illness (did not attend school the day of the performance), or a major family emergency.

2. Work is not an excused absence from a performance. It is the student’s responsibility to

communicate with your work supervisor to ensure you will be present for each concert.

  1. Performance No-Shows: Students will receive a zero for that particular performance if they do not attend and have not received approval from Mr. Brenner.
  2. Any conflict that does not fall under the excused absences above will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Factors in the decision-making include (but are not limited to) the student’s previous attendance record, role in the concert, and the nature of the conflict.

***Remember, the arts are an official part of the academic curriculum by law. Performances are to be treated with equal importance as a typical class examination.

Classroom Behavior Policy and Expectations:

It is expected that all students will adhere to the guidelines of the CMS Handbook. In addition, the following standards are in place to help our class achieve its goals:

  1. Start each class on time: “In seat working on daily assignment before the bell rings.”
  2. See school tardy and absence policy in the student handbook.
  3. Use appropriate and positive school language.
  4. No put downs, teasing, mocking, bad language or profanity.
  5. Come to class prepared with all materials and ready to learn.
  6. Be responsible for your own materials; don’t expect others to be responsible for you.
  7. Loss of participation points will occur for failing to have required materials.
  8. Have an attitude of respect at all times.
  9. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  10. Respect others, their property, and the classroom (keep it clean!)
  11. Always follow the instructor’s directions and procedures.
  12. Take turns talking. Listen silently until you are asked to respond.
  13. Obey classroom policies
  14. NO FOOD OR GUM is allowed at any time in the classroom.
  15. Water is the ONLY drink allowed in the classroom, and students SHOULD bring one to class every day.
  16. No horse play or throwing items

Consequences for inappropriate classroom behavior:

1st Offense:Verbal warning to student

2nd Offense:Student is separated, given written work and conference held after class

3rd Offence:Referral to principal, parent notified

4th Offence:Referral to principal for ISS, parent notified and conference held


Mr. Brenner has a website that will list the syllabus and calendar for the year. This site will also have an e-mail link so that students and parents can e-mail him with questions, comments or concerns.

Please find Mr. Brenner under the staff directory at central.rcschools.net in order to reach his website.

Teacher Commitment:

“I commit to working hard so that everyone involved in a CMS Choir has a positive and rewarding experience. I commit to helping everyone meet class and personal goals and objectives. I commit to helping students grow to reach their full potential and succeed in life, both inside and outside of the classroom. I believe in an ‘open-door’ policy and will gladly meet by appointment with any student or parent to discuss problems or concerns in order to work out a positive solution.”

Mr. Kevin Brenner

615-904-6789, ext. 23395

Student/Parent Consent Form:

Student’s Name: ______

*Return this signed form to Mr. Brenner no later than Mon, August 14, 2017

By signing this contract I am stating that I have read through the Chorus Class Syllabus and understand the policies and procedures listed. I assume all responsibility for my actions, and will follow the classroom behavior plan as outlined.


Student Signature



By signing this contract I am stating that I have read through the Chorus Class Syllabus with my student and understand the policies, procedures and expectations listed. I will support my child in keeping his/her responsibility to the class.


Parent(s) Signature




Phone number


E-mail address

Interested in chaperoning a future event? YesNo

(Please circle one)