Information Management

Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust

St Mary’s Hospital


Isle of Wight

PO30 5TG

Tel: 01983 552078

Fax: 01983 534893


Date: 27 September 2018


Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Please find below/attached the Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust’s response to your request.

1. How you procure construction consultancy services.

Please see below for all questions answered.

2.How you procure construction contractors.

3. If by your own framework please tell me:

a) The titles and content of the relevant frameworks.

b) Who is on the current frameworks?

c) The start and end dates of the frameworks.

d)Any possible extension periods of the frameworks.

e) The name and contact email of the person responsible for the frameworks.

The Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust currently does not have our own framework, therefore Kevin BolanAssociate Director Facilities has broken down a summary of processes we do have in place.

We procure Construction Consultancy services by using a combination of Constructionline, the OGC Buying solutions or PASA frameworks via Solent Business Supplies (Construction Contractors, as above).

It is different for each service and would depend on the type of requirement and complexity of the scheme. Generally for Construction line contractors and consultants register with Construction line then when we want to procure a service we go to the data base and it lists those contractors/consultants that are registered for us to select from.

The OGC Buying solution is a government run service where again you register and they list services that have been pre-qualified to go on the list, you can then select by short listing or some form of competition.

With the Purchasing and Supplies Agency (PASA) they set up frameworks for supplies, we would go to Solent Supplies who would provide the details of the frameworks that are available.

We would like to bring to your attention the unique set up of the Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust. The Primary Care Trust is a commissioner of health services, and also incorporates multiple services including Acute, Mental Health, Ambulance and Community, which could lead to a higher reporting rate data in comparison to other PCTs. Therefore you will need to take this into account when reviewing our data against other NHS organisations.

This letter also confirms the completion of this request. A log of this request will be held on a database by the PCT. All hard copy correspondence relating to this request will be held for one year from the date of this letter, before being confidentially destroyed.

If you are unhappy about the response you have received your first line of action should be to write and request the Trust to undertake an internal review of your application. A senior member of staff, who was not involved with your initial application, will undertake this review. If after this process you are still not satisfied with the response you receive from the Trust you can complain to the Information Commissioner at the following address:

Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Please don’t hesitate to contact this office if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely

Information Management Specialist