Sussex Estates and Facilities Integrated Policy
(Quality, Safety, Health and Environment)
This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for: / Quality, Safety, Health and Environmental ManagementOverall and final responsibility for policy is that of: / George Weekes – Partnership Director
Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to: / Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Sussex Estates and Facilities LLP (SEF) operate to Management Systems based on the requirements of :-
ISO 9001 : 2015 (Quality)
BS OHSAS 18001 : 2007 (Safety & Health)
ISO 14001 : 2015 (Environment)
Ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory and legislative requirements. / Partnership Director and the Senior Managers / The use of the SEF management systems that are integrated and designed around recognised standards in the areas of Quality,Health, Safety and Environment.
These systems facilitate the setting of relevant realistic objectives, targets and the monitoring of performance within SEF activities, addressing associated risks and opportunities.
Provision of appropriate resources in order to ensure that adequate information, training and supervision is provided to employees, contractors, and key stakeholders with regard to Quality, Health, Safety and Environment issues.
Adherence to the QSHE management system is achieved through management leadership and commitment, including regular audits, reviews, meetings and training.
To achieve the high standards expected,we believe that Quality, Safety, Health and Environment must be driven from the top down through visible leadership.
To use natural resources efficiently particularly through responsible energy management, promotion of reduction in water consumption and use of sustainable materials. / Partnership Director and the Departmental / Line Managers / Contribute to the effective protection of the environment and promote the use of sustainable resources.
To monitor, control and reduce (where possible) SEF’s:
- Use of energy,
- Harmful emissions and
- Waste.
- Use of energy, including electricity, gas, fuel in vehicles, transport and travel.
- Production of waste, including hazardous wastes.
Continual improvement of SEF’s performance with regards to Quality, Health, Safety and Environment. / Partnership Director, Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing and Head of Quality & Environment and the Departmental / Line Managers / Prevention of injury and ill health to our employees, contractors and other persons who may be affected by our activities.
Provide effective QSHE management as a business at all levels.
Operate a formal QSHE management system across our business and ensure our contractors uphold high standards of QSHE.
Improve company QSHE performance through effective identification of hazards, control of risks, investigation of accidents and incidents and implementation of appropriate corrective and preventive actions.
Provide the necessary and appropriate QSHE information and skills to integrate QSHE into the way we manage.
Encourage QSHE professionals to develop their career and play a critical role in the performance of SEF.
Apply our subcontractor QSHE code to all subcontractors as a condition of their contract. This applies standards for QSHE management and competence for personnel sent to sites.
To work in a way that minimises the likelihood and impact of environmental incidents.
To be proactive in looking for innovative methods for safer working, wherever applicable.
Quantifiable objectives and targets are set that demonstrate visible commitment from management to ensure they are achieved. These are documented and communicated to all staff and made available to any interested parties.
To meet our obligations to the University of Sussex and other customers with regard to the quality of our products and services. / Partnership Director, Head of Customer Service and the Departmental / Line Managers / The provision and use of products which are safe and fit for purpose.
Use of structured approaches to identify targeted business and efficiency improvements.
Ensuring the effective management of risk during design, construction, operation and maintenance of the University of Sussex’s facilities.
To implement measures which seek to minimise pollution from SEF operations and activities. / Partnership Director, General Manager, Head Quality & Environment and the Departmental / Line Managers / Ensure careful use, storage and disposal of material resources to reduce waste and prevent pollution.
This Policy is:
- Made available to all stakeholders and interested parties on request.
- Published on the SEF web page.
- Reviewed on an annual basis.
- Communicated to all employees on commencement of employment.
- Displayed on SEF QSHE notice boards.
Signed: (George Weekes – Partnership Director) / Date: / 22/11/2017
Subject to review, monitoring and revision by: / Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing / Every: / 12 / months or sooner if significant changes occur
Revision No. / Version G
SEF-QSH-03-PD-38: Version ALast Updated: 22/11/2017 Page 1 of 3
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Print Date: 14/09/2018