
Human Relationships Review Project

On May 6th and May 7th you will be taking your IB in Psychology. The exam is broken up in to three papers.

  • Paper I last 2 hours and will consist of questions regarding the levels of analysis.
  • Section A of Paper I consists of 3 8 mark questions, of which you must answer all of them. Each question will focus on one of the three levels of analysis.
  • Section B consists of 3 22 mark questions, of which you must answer one. This should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs, but a 7 paragraph essay will gain you the most points. This essay should include an analysis and evaluation of the three levels of analysis. You need to be critical of these questions.(CEGM)
  • Paper II is a two hour long paper that will require you to discuss one of our “choices.” There are three options for each section, you must discuss one of each, so will be writing 2 essays total. These essays should be between 5 and 7 paragraphs.
  • Paper III is an hour long paper. You will be given a piece to read, which will demonstrate a Qualitative study. Sometimes, they may include a page of data analysis, but this is not always the case. There are three questions, each worth 10 marks, of which you must answer each question. Be sure to use specific references to the study they give you to answer these questions.

For your review project, you will be asked to discuss the learning outcomes listed in the textbook. For each “learning outcome” please be sure to discuss theories and studies that can be applied to the topic. Also be sure to fully explain what the outcome wants you to know

  • Distinguish between altruism and pro-social behavior
  • Evaluate research investigating altruism
  • Explain cross-cultural differences in pro-social behavior
  • Evaluate research investigating bystanderism
  • Discuss the interaction of biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors in human relationships
  • Examine biological, psychological, and social origins of attraction
  • Discuss the role of communication in maintaining relationships
  • Explain the role that culture plats in the formation and maintenance of relationships
  • Analyze why relationships may change or end
  • Evaluate research on sociocultural origins of violence
  • Discuss psychological research on the reduction of violence
  • Explain short-term and long-term effects that violence can have on individuals