Spring Scientific Meeting – 23rd and 24th April 2015


This year BASCD would like to increase the emphasis on poster presentation at the conference. We are holding two poster competitions AND have a general category of presentation:

·  The Roger Anderson Poster Prize - £100.00 cheque and certificate

·  An Oral Health Promotion Research Prize - £200.00 book token and certificate. This prize has been introduced to mark the integration of the Oral Health Promotion Research group with BASCD

·  Dissemination Posters

The Dissemination Poster category is because we know some of you have work that may not be eligible for a prize or you have presented at other conferences, but which may be of interest to BASCD members. We would be delighted to display such work in poster format. You can indicate on the abstract submission form which type of poster you would like to submit. If you do not indicate a preference we will assume it is entered in the dissemination category.

Please return the attached form if you would like to submit an abstract to the conference. We will endeavour to reproduce the conference abstracts. In order to help us do that, please adhere to the following guidelines:

·  Write the whole thing in Times New Roman font size 12

·  For author’s names please use the format: Smith AB, Jones CD

·  Write your title in bold font

·  Please limit your abstract to 200 words and ensure it is structured following the named sections:

o  Introduction

o  Objectives

o  Methods

o  Results

o  Conclusion

Abstracts will be reviewed by the committee and their decision will be final. At least one presenter must be a member of BASCD or its partner organisations (NOHPG).

At the conference posters will need to be presented no larger than A0 Portrait format (84.1cm x 118.9cm). Extra guidance on how to devise a nice poster is enclosed with this mailing.

Closing date for abstracts is 9.00am on Friday 27th February 2015.

Please submit your abstracts to Jenny Godson, email

Presenter’s name: ______

Presenter’s address: ______



Email: ______

Telephone: ______

Nature of poster (please tick only one box):

Roger Anderson Poster Prize entrant

Oral Health Promotion Research Prize entrant

Other poster

Abstract template

Please replace the template guidance with your author’s name(s), title and abstract. The required font to use is Times New Roman 12pt. Please fit the box to your abstract.

Author’s name(s) – please use the format Smith AB, Jones CD
Title – in bold
Abstract (200 word maximum)