BiSc 114

Developmental Biology

Fall 2003



Dr. K.M. Brown

Office: 332 Lisner Hall (Lab: 308 Bell Hall)

Phone: (202) 994-6193

Office Hours: M & W 8 a.m. - 10 a.m., and by appointment


Purpose of the Course:

Basic concepts of the biology of developing systems will be discussed. Lectures will stress current views of the morphogenetic, biochemical, and genetic basis of embryo cell differentiation and the experiments from which these observations were derived.

In the laboratory, we are primarily interested in histogenesis (tissue formation) and organogenesis, the development of organ systems as they emerge from different combinations of tissues. Echinoderm , amphibian, bird, and mammalian embryos will be studied. Since these embryos are small, their internal anatomy is investigated by microscopic examination of embryo sections. Experiments utilizing live embryonic materials will also be performed.

Reading Material:


Gilbert, S.F. 2003. Developmental Biology. Seventh Ed., Sinauer Associates

Schoenwolf, G.C. 2001. Laboratory Studies of Vertebrate and Invertebrate

Embryos, Eighth Ed., Prentice Hall

Grading Procedure:

Lecture 60% Lab 40%

Lecture Midterm 25%

Lecture Final 35%

Lab Test 1 10%

Lab Test 2 15%

Lab Test 3 15%


Total 100%

BiSc 114 Developmental Biology Fall 2003

Lecture Schedule

Date Topic Readings

T 9/2 Introduction-developmental systems and developmental Ch.1; Ch.2, 25-26, 39-40

processes, historical perspective

R 9/4 Primoridial germ cell specification and migration, sex deter- Ch.3, 56; Ch.4, 93-100; Ch.9, 263-265,

T 9/9 mination mechanisms, hormonal regulation of gonad 270-276; Ch.14, 477-480; Ch.17; Ch.19,

R 9/11 development in mammals 613-628, 637-638; Ch.22, 731-732

T 9/16 Meiosis, spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis, hormonal Ch.7, 183-186; Ch.19, 628-631

R 9/18 regulation of spermatogenesis in mammals

T 9/23 Oogenesis, egg maturation and ovulation, human Ch.5, 134-135; Ch.7, 186-189; Ch.19,

R 9/25 menstrual cycle 631-636, 638-641

T 9/30 Fertilization and egg activation Ch.7, 189-214

R 10/2

T 10/7

R 10/9 Cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, neurulation Ch.3, 69-77; Ch.8, 221-242; Ch.10, 305-

T 10/14 317; Ch.11, 345-363; Ch.12, 391-398

R 10/16 Lecture Midterm

T 10/21 Mammalian embryogenesis, experimental manipulation Ch.3, 68-69; Ch.4., 100-105; Ch.11, 363-

R 10/23 of mammalian eggs and embryos, determination of inner 374; Ch.15, 516-517; Ch.21; Ch.22, 739-

cell mass and trophoblast 745

T 10/28 Genome equivalence and differential gene expression Ch.4; Ch.5, 107; Ch.18, 584-588

R 10/30 -embryological and molecular investigations

T 11/4

R 11/6 Transcriptional regulation of gene expression: Ch.5, 107-126; Ch.18, 590-592

T 11/11 differential gene transcription during development

R 11/13 Control of development by regulation of RNA processing, Ch.5, 127-136

T 11/18 translational, and posttranslational events

R 11/20 Autonomous specification: cell commitment by Ch.1, 10-11; Ch.3, 56-58; Ch.8, 228-

cytoplasmic specialization 232, 242-250

T 11/25 Conditional specification: cell commitment by Ch.3, 59-63; Ch.6; Ch.10, 317-338;

induction Ch.12, 413-415; Ch.13

T 12/2 Pattern formation Ch.3, 63-68; Ch.16; Ch.18, 592-600

R 12/4

R 12/18 Lecture Final Exam, 8:30 a.m.

Bisc 114 Developmental Biology Fall 2003

Laboratory Schedule

Lab Manual: Schoenwolf, G.C. 2001. Laboratory Studies of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Embryos. 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc.

Additional Reference Texts: An assortment of lab manuals and other reference books

are available in the lab room.


T 9/2 Intro., sectioning procedures, echinoderm ( sea urchin) 6.2, 6.4, Echinoderm handout; S: 3-21,

R 9/4 development 6.6 281-284 G: Ch.8, 229-241

Experiment - in vitro fertilization of sea urchin eggs, G: Ch.8, 221-239

observation of cultured sea urchin embryos, exogastrulation

T 9/9 Frog oogenesis, spermatogenesis and development 7,8,9, S: 11, 25-31, 38-39, 46-49

R 9/11 through gastrulation 10,11,12 G: Ch.2, 26-30; Ch.10, 305-310

T 9/16 Frog neurulation and organogenesis (neural fold, 13,14,15 S: 31-37, 39-45, 49-50

R 9/18 neural tube, hatching [4mm]) 16,17 (midsa- G: Ch.12, 395, 398-399;

T 9/23 gittal only), Ch.15, 491-492


R 9/25 Lab Test 1 - echinoderm, frog

T 9/30 Bird oogenesis and spermatogenesis, chicken 22,23,24, S: 53, 74-102

R 10/2 development through 24 hr. 25,26,27 G: Ch.11, 354-360; Ch.12, 391-

394; Ch.14, 465-466

T 10/7 33 hr. chicken embryo 28,29,30 S: 53-73, 100-104

R 10/9 G: Ch.15, 491-495

T 10/14 Experiments - observations of live chicken embryos, S: 290-302, 314-315

R 10/16 in vitro embryo culture; formation of a double heart G: Ch.15, 491-495

T 10/21 48 hr. chick embryo, extraembryonic 31,32(midsa- S: 104-137, 143-145

membranes, film gittal only), G: Ch.2, 46; Ch.14, 471-473;

33 Ch.15, 516-517

R 10/23 48 hr. chicken embryo (cont.)

T 10/28 " " "

R 10/30 Lab Test 2 - chicken

T 11/4 Mammalian oogenesis and spermatogenesis, 10 mm pig 38,39,40, S: 217-224, 236-239

R 11/6 embryo whole mount, 10 mm pig embryo nervous 41

T 11/11 system and somites

R 11/13 10 mm pig embryo digestive, respiratory and 41 S: 225-229, 236-239, 242-269

T 11/18 urogenital systems G: Ch.14, 477-480; Ch.15, 510-516

R 11/20 10 mm pig embryo circulatory system 41 S: 229-239, 242-269

T 11/25 G: Ch.15, 495-501

T 12/2

R 12/4 Lab Test 3 - 10 mm pig

1. The slides which correspond to the numbers given below are listed on a separate sheet.

2. S and G refer to the Schoenwolf lab manual and the Gilbert lecture text, respectively.