Newsletter: 21st October 2016

Barlow Hall Primary School School website:

Thank you to everyone for a great start to our new academic year, how quickly the weeks have gone!
Thank you also to all those parents who have attended the many events and workshops that have taken place over this half term.
Please ensure that we have your current email address so that you will be able to access messages and information through your smart phone, tablet or computer via our School-Cal App system as this is the last printed newsletter that we will be sending out. Parents will also be able to receive all letters sent out via the App and lots of school information. Have a lovely week and we will see the children back in school on Tuesday 1st November. Jayne Kennedy


Thank you to all those parents and children who attended our Halloween disco and to those who supported the event by cake-making, hall-decorating, and supervising the event. It was great to see such a good turn out and a fantastic effort with the costumes. A special thank you goes to our resident DJ – Mr Murray and to Sharon Drinkwater, our Parent Support Advisor for all the effort she put into making the event a great success. We hope everyone had a great time and that anyone celebrating Halloween on 31st October at home has fun and stay safe.,

This week in school we have been celebrating Black History month. All classes have produced some excellent work to celebrate diversity. For example, in the Nursery they have done some lovely art work about our different shades of skin colours. They have also been listening and dancing to some Ska music.

Children in Years 1-5 have been making an amazing start this half term with our Singapore Inspire Math’s curriculum. As it is now the 2nd year of doing this, it is really good to see the children much more confident with their Mathematical understanding. Year 3 have loved using with the bar model to help them work out difficult addition and subtraction word problems. In Year 1 the have been making up their own addition word problems which has been a great success.

Week Commencing 31st October 2016

Mon: INSET DAY – School closed to children

Tues: Children return to school; KS2 Intersports

Wed KS2 Behaviour Assembly

Thurs: 9:15 4AM Class Assembly

5MJ+1NA Forest School, Fri: Reception Class Autumn Walk 9:15 am

Swimming 3LH+3/4AC,

School Council and Sports Council elections

To see our regularly updated website calendar for more details of what is happening in school.

Well done to those children who have received Child of the Week Awards for demonstrating excellent behaviours that are supporting their learning and helping them to achieve well.

This week the following children were awarded Child of the Week Certificates:

Logan, Myles, Noor, Eka, Taliah, Alaia, Charlie, Emily, Aaro,

3/4AC Whole Class, Amayah, Xavia, Ezikiah

If your child is to receive a certificate in our Celebration Assembly on Monday at 9:10 am we will send out a text to let you know

Attendance and Punctuality


Barlow Hall attendance from 10/10/16 to 14/10/16

Present 96.5% Lates: 27 Unauthorised Absence: 1.1%

Nur B 77.6 % Nur Y 83.3 % Nur R 88.5%

Rec 95.7 % Rec P 96.0%

1NA 95.8% 1/2EH 96.4% 2SK 92.7%

3LH 96.3% ¾ AC 95.7% 4AM97.1 %

5AV 97.1% 5MJ 98.3 % 6AB 99.0%

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