Letter: September 6, 2011


Here is a combination news update and brief add-on to My Iceland Report. I had so many details to put in that report, and one of the most important ones was left out--meeting the lady and her son from Israel. In the work that our Master gives us to do, He always links assignments, so that we have a link to the one before, and the one after. It is a modus operandi of Abba. He did so overwhelmingly on the seven-part assignment, February 25-May 25, 2010, that I am still mind boggled over it. But, in my meeting with the Israeli lady at Geysir, the link went from Iceland, in which I was instructed to open portals for the return of the remnant of the House of Israel--the prodigal son--to Israel, and the calling back of the House of Judah. This Israeli Jewish family who had made aliyah to Israel was from America.

I find it very interesting that Obama has re-declared September to be "National Preparedness Month". There is even government information available online on how to prepare for natural disasters. The eve of August 31st, by the sighting of the new moon over Jerusalem, began the month of Elul and the season of T'shuvah--the return. Thus in the spirit and in the natural, September (Elul) in preparation for Tishre 1, Yom Teruah, as we go into 2012 on the Jubilee calendar, September is indeed preparation month!!!

Take this month to read, memorize and proclaim the victory Psalms. Praise thwarts the enemy and gives physical and mental strength to us. Downsize and simplify your life. Take drastic measures to free yourself from debt. See what you can, give away everything not needed, and prepare to follow the Master as He has called us to do. Use this time to free yourself of "the sin that so easily entangles you", and to submit yourself to the will of the Master.

Use this month to repent of all known sin. Also, ask the Spirit to show you things that are inside of you that perhaps you did not even know were there--things that have been obstacles to your forward progress.

From “Prophecy in the News” September 2011, page 35: “Psalm 51 gives the description of a sinful people who are seeking the forgiveness of God. The Psalm was written after David’s sin with Bathsheba. However, according to C.I. Scofield the chapter has a dispensational reference. He says: `it will be the pathway of returning Israel’. He wrote that in 1909…” Though I am not a dispensationalist, it is obvious that the pathway of return must be made of repentance, not only for the House of Ephraim, but also for the House of Judah. Daniel 9:1-19 is the outline to be used for the return of a repentant remnant.

This September, month of Elul and the beginning of Tishre, will hold events that will change the world forever, as we know it now. We are rapidly reaching the mid-point of the last seven-year cycle, “Daniel’s Seventieth Week”. You will see radical events unfolding soon that will shake the world. Pray for the remnant of Israel that He is restoring!

For reference, be sure to go over: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”, and like articles, like “Pole Shift”. We are in a pole shift. Even Brian Williams on NBC news has commented on it. It is public information. These radical storms and other weather anomalies, whether manmade or natural, are part of this pole shift. It appears from more analysis that Comet Elenin is simply a hoax to produce fear and unite the world’s people under the fast forming world government. But, something’s out there that could soon begin the trumpet judgments, which are over 1/3rd of the earth.

Refer to the recent article “Planet X”. The Scripture is filled with natural disasters that are coming soon. But, all the more, we must remain in the fear of Yahuweh, not the fear of man, or the fear of nature’s revolt. Don’t fear as those of Luke 21:25-26,

Pray Psalm 139:23-24. Let go of all negative emotions—stop all griping, complaining, whining, and acting like a toddler. It is time to grow up. He seeks mature and disciplined servants whom He has taught and trained, who are prepared for the battle that is now upon us. We must let Him prepare us to endure and overcome, or die with victory and valor at least, so that our eternal life in assured. Many will have their names erased from the Book of Life in the days to come. Already the great apostasy that is happening is causing many to let go of the Lamb of Elohim who has bought our salvation.

In Dr. L.A. Marzulli’s book The Alien Abductions, he interviewed several people who had been involved with aliens--some were backslidden Christians. Several said that the aliens they encountered (fallen angels, demons) emphasized the denial of the deity of Messiah. I had heard for years that those who had been abducted by aliens came back with disgust for the Elohim of the Bible and for the Savior. The Raelian movement, which has moved into Israel and tried to buy land in the area of Jerusalem for their gods to come down, says that these aliens call themselves “elohim”.

Did you hear that!!! – These aliens teach the denial of the deity of Messiah, and instruct others to do so! Today, so many are being influenced by hell-bound rabbis, ministers, and gurus to deny the deity of the Savior. This is clearly a soul take over by Lucifer’s agents! The denial of the deity of Yahushua is rampant among Messianic people more than any other, but among Christians too. Their names are being taken from the Book of Life. To “deny” Him, means to deny His character and person, as well as deny his having come. Some Messianic Ephraimites are pretending to not believe in Messiah in order to get citizenship in Israel. These fools do not realize that to be “ashamed” of Him constitutes denial. Refer to my article: ”Ashamed”. Throughout the Tenach, Yahushua is referred to as “Yahuweh”—the family name! II Thessalonians 2 tells us that Messiah will not come until the lawless one, Apollyon, son of Lucifer, takes his place as world ruler in Jerusalem, and there is a great falling away (apostasy) of people who have believed in Messiah, but who have denied Him. I John tells us that this is the spirit of anti-messiah--the denial of the relationship between the Father and His Son.

Our Abba has His agenda, and it is flowing fast towards completion. The enemy has his agenda and he is furiously putting it in place. This Fall/Autumn will open many portals for the fulfillment of his agenda. But, Abba is in control, and once the enemy has tried his best, Yahushua will come and reign.

For some time now many churches worldwide are receiving spirits from Hinduism. The “Kundalini” spirit has been spreading like wildfire. To learn about that, watch the two short YouTube videos by New Zealander Andrew Strom about this spirit--The Kundalini Warning. Demonic spirits are taking over charismatic believers and they think it’s the “Holy Spirit”. Messiah tells us that, if possible, even the elect will be deceived. For many years, I was an ordained charismatic evangelist, a pastor and teacher. I saw the beginnings of this turning from solid truth to mysticism, to greed, using the Scriptures for personal gain, and to justify experiences that are not from Yahuweh. Because I am strongly Word-based, I began seeing the deceptions early on. Please learn about these things, to warn others.

I’ve written on trans-humanism, trans-genics--the mutating of human beings, mixing human DNA with other species as well as robotics. This happened before the Flood, when fallen angels mixed with human women and produced Nephilim, and giants (Rephaim). These hybrid beings became the gods of the nations. (Genesis 6) For this reason, Yahuweh had to destroy mankind, except for faithful Noah and his family.

Today Nephilim walk among us, as well as other human hybrids, but they look like normal people. I had a dream about this not long ago, which ended in the Master saying: “Nothing is as it appears”.

There is now a deadline by the trans-humanists to create the perfect man-animal or man-robotic combo to cause "evolution" to make a quantum leap. The goal is to erase human beings from this planet, and produce a race of gods. This is key in the Pentagon, and in the US and UK governments, and in other countries like China and parts of Europe. It is a key study in colleges. Experiments now are so advanced that human cloning and the creation hybrid humans are common. It is also called "transgenics". To find out more about this, listen to the one-hour presentation by Tom Horn at the heading of his site this week: www.raidersnewsnetwork.com

Read my article: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind” for a brief overview. Instead of just killing off mankind, mankind is being used in laboratories as an experimental animal. This is not being done in secret. You can read about it in the Pentagon’s DARPA reports.

The occult hierarchy, working through the Illuminati, the Vatican, and the Scottish Rite Freemasons of America, are dedicated to bringing back the gods -- the ancient Nephilim -- with Apollo to rule them--son of Lucifer--the Greek version of the Egyptian Osiris and the Biblical Nimrod. I’ve also written a lot about this.

There is a group with the Pentagon, called the "Jasons" who are an ultra brilliant group of scientists who are dedicated to creating ultra "super soldiers" for the Pentagon, who will be so far advanced in all ways that America can win all wars. The only problem is that other governments are working to do the same thing. It was recently stated by the Jasons that they have to advance ahead of everyone else within 18 months, or else other nations will surpass America.

From the time the Jasons gave this information, 18 months puts us in December of 2012. Our government is now talking about the "Hybrid Age"--"the post human era". Our government and other governments are now working on laws to govern non-humans. This information is not secret. Britain is a leader in this, as well as the US Pentagon’s DARPA program. You can google in all of this information—it is being spoken of quite openly! In Tom Horn’s lecture, he gives many ways you can do your own research to find out this for yourself.

Years ago I was condemned because I said I heard George Bush give a speech (2004) saying we must prepare our youth to colonize the moon and Mars. Now that NASA is not sending up space shuttles, private space industry will be used to take people into space. Wealthy individuals are already buying tickets for these space flights. The UN already has a “Moon Treaty”, to dibby up moon land to different nations. I have a copy of that.

These things are not fringe topics. These are mainstream topics! College students are exposed to these things. Major colleges even have degrees in these subjects. These things are well known by the intellectual elite, and also by those who have done their homework—being led by the Spirit to learn the plans of the enemy. These are mainstream happenings, sponsored by the US government.

I have offered to send you a transcript of Dr. Sam Vaknin’s interview with Tamar Yonah (Arutz Sheva, Israel News, 2009, 2011), both which I heard, showing the dangerous narcissistic personality of the US’s proven-to-be illegal President. This narcissism is obvious in his radical use of power, not only in America but around the world. His calling for Middle Eastern leaders to “step down”, and enforcement of his will, is obvious. He is now being looked upon as the world president who will bring peace to the world. EU leaders are shocked at how much power he has to tell them what to do.

I have offered to send you information on his background, which is wrapped in mystery. I will send these articles if you ask for them. You need to know these things so that you can better understand why our loving Abba tells us to flee from America, or die here. Things are now surfacing from 2008, 2009, from diligent researchers, that are helping to put the puzzle together. The picture that is taking place is indeed terrifying. Here is some information that was just in a newsletter by the excellent researcher David J. Smith, from 2008, which further confirms our suspicions.

From David J. Smith’s Newswatch Weekly Newsletter August 27, 2011

“The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised Meet the Press. Fro September 7, 2008, 11:48 EST. the then Senator was asked about his stance on the American Flag.

General Bill Ginn, USAF (retired) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn’t follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Section 171, that during rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all civilians present are expected to stand at attention, facing the flag, with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, stand and face it.

Senator Obama replied `As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides…there are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression…The anthem itself coveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air, and all that sort of thing. The National Anthem should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song `I’d Like To Teach the World to Sing’. If that were our anthem, then I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It is my intention, if elected, to DISARM America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails, perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments.

When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting, oppressive thoughts. We as a nation have placed upon the nations of Islam an UNFAIR INJUSTICE, which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past.