Accounting 3313 Professor Moriarity

Cost Accounting 212 B Adams Hall

Fall, 2000 325-5809

This course builds upon the foundation you should have developed in a course on managerial accounting. It places emphasis on using information for planning and decision making. Debits and credits are rare, but thinking is required constantly. Unlike many accounting courses, rules are relatively unimportant in cost accounting, but concepts are very important. The key to success is to be able to recognize the general nature of a problem and adapt the concepts to meet the specific needs of the situation.

Text: Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Tenth Edition (Horngren, Foster, Datar)

Grading: There are 375 grading points available, distributed as follows:

3 In-class exams @ 75 225

1 Final exam @ 110 110

Homework (see below) 40

Total 375

Homework is due on the day assigned. It is to be handed in at the beginning of each class period. The homework will not be graded, but will be checked in if you have made a reasonable effort. The total points earned for homework will be determined using the following calculation:

(Number of problems handed in ´ 40) ¸ (Number of problems assigned – 8) = Score

However 40 is the maximum number of points that can be earned for homework. Note the calculation is based on the number of problems handed in, not the number of assignments. The calculation allows you to miss eight problems. This allowance is to cover those situations when you cannot hand in problems for reasons beyond your control. Late assignments will not be accepted. Note that the homework points are relatively easy to obtain, but if you fail to earn them, it will have a significant adverse affect on your grade.

Grade Distribution: Course grades will be assigned approximately as follows (the percentages are based on the highest number of points earned by a member of the class—not the total points available):

93% and above A

86% to 93% B

75% to 86% C

65% to 75% D

Below 65% F

Office Hours: I am generally on campus 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday. I have classes this semester at 9:30 MWF and 10:30 MWF. I generally eat lunch from 11:45 to 1:00. Friday afternoons are frequently devoted to a variety of sometimes useful, but usually tedious, faculty meetings. Although appointments will make more efficient use of your time, feel free to drop by whenever I am in my office.

In the schedule below the numbers under the heading “Problems” give the chapter and the problem or problems due from that chapter. Thus on August 25 you should hand in problem 35 from Chapter 2 of the text. Problems referred to by name will be handed out. The problem Treat O’Lay is also due August 25. Many of the handout problems will require the use of Excel and may require you to access tools or data from my web page at:

Please drop your homework on the desk in front of the classroom as you come into class. You may wish to make a copy to follow along when I work problems in class.

Date Reading Topic Problems

Aug 21 Chapter 1 Introduction --

23 Chapter 2 Overview German Shepherd

25 Chapter 2 Terminology 2-35, Treat O’Lay

28 Chapter 3 Cost/volume/profit 3-24, Civic Club,

30 Chapter 3 Taxes/multiple products 3-38,40, AlphaMart

Sept 1 Chapter 3 Uncertainty Boyd’s Toys, Spring Fair

4 Labor Day --

6 Chapter 10 Cost behavior 10-22, Crunchy Corn

8 Chapter 10 Regression 10-35(use Excel), Wayland

11 Chapter 10 Regression 10-29, QualityMart

13 Chapter 10 Learning curves 10-27,32

15 Chapter 10 Learning curves Armored Solutions, Craftco

18 FIRST EXAM CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 10 --

20 Chapter 11 Relevant costs --

22 Chapter 11 Opportunity costs 11-19,21

25 Chapter 11 Alternatives 11-28,34

27 Chapter 19 Time/quality/TOC 19-22,34, Master Technology

29 Chapter 12 Pricing 12-22,32

Oct 2 Chapter 12 Life-cycle/other ElectroCam, Speedwriter

4 Chapter 20 Economic order quantity 20-19,Pet-Pal

6 OU/Texas --

9 Chapter 20 Safety stock/prediction error 20-27, Exotic Pets

11 Chapter 20 Just-in-time 20-29, Coastal Valve

13 SECOND EXAM CHAPTERS 11,19,12, 20 --

16 Chapter 14 Cost allocation --

18 Chapter 14 Dual rate, basic 14-19,23

20 Chapter 14 Service departments 14-25, 31

23 Chapter 14 Service departments Byte Write, Hoerscht

25 Chapter 14 Overhead allocation 14-24,34

27 Chapter 15 Joint costs 15-22,23

Date Reading Topic Problems

30 Chapter 15 By products 15-26, OK Prime Steak

Nov 1 Chapter 17 Process Costing FIFO 17-18, High Spirits

3 Chapter 17 Weighted average 17-35, Gold Mold

6 Chapter 17 Transferred in, % complete 17-38, Beaumanor

8 Chapter 18 Spoilage 18-17,30

10 Chapter 18 Rework 18-38, Tristate

13 THIRD EXAM CHAPTERS 14, 15, 17, 18 --

15 Chapter 9 Inventory Costing --

17 Chapter 9 Variable/absorption 9-18, Waukegan

20 Chapter 9 Denominator level Sport Craft, TransTech

22  Thanksgiving --

24 Thanksgiving --

27 Chapter 9 Throughput costing 9-19, Oryx

29 Chapter 22 Transfer pricing basics 22-27,28

Dec 1 Chapter 22 Transfer pricing, taxes West Coast, Intl Chem.

4 Chapter 23 ROI, RI, EVA 23-22,33

6 Chapter 23 Performance evaluation 23-25, Syntech

8 Overview of Chapters 14, 15, 17, and 9 Integrated Manufacturing


9:30 SECTION December 11 8:00 – 10:00 AM

10:30 SECTION December 12 8:00 – 10:00 AM