TSSA Policy 31 Guidelines

1) You will need to have all BOD (Club Leadership), Coaches, and Managers watch an approved Concussion video (CDC or NFS). Confirmation of this video must be sent to the club and kept on file for a minimum of 3 years. (EE1A below) They will need to sign off on a Concussions Signs and Symptoms Form that you have created for the club or you may use the one on TSSA Forms page. Coaches have a specific Concussion Form for Coaches that is also on the TSSA Forms page. You the club will need to keep this on file for a minimum of 3 years.(EE1B below)

2) You will need to have all Parents and players 18 and older to sign the Concussion Form for Student Athletes and Parent/Legal Guardian that you have created for the club or you may use the one on TSSA Forms page. You the club will need to keep this on file for a minimum of 3 years. (EE2A below)

3) You the club will need to have a plan of action in place to address how the coach or manager completes the Return to Play Form and speaks with the parents once a suspected concussion has occurred. We have a form on our TSSA Forms page or you may develop your own. (EE3A below)

4) TSSA would also suggest that you have a way that the club can close the loop on the Return to Play Form once a doctor has signed it. How do you plan to make sure that the player did in fact complete the form? You will want to keep this on file for a minimum of 3 years.

5) TSSA would suggest that clubs look into trainers who can assess concussions for Tournaments and Leagues within your facility.

Eagle Express Soccer Club Concussion Policy

  • EE1A - Mandatory Online Seminar (20 minutes)
  • EE1B - All Coaches and Managers must submit Concussion - Information and Signature Form (Coaches)annually to the club to be kept for a period of three (3) years.
  • EE2A - All Players must have parents submit Concussion - Information and Signature Form (Parents-Legal Guardians)annually to the club to be kept for a period of three (3) years.
  • EE3A – 1) Any incident that may have resulted in a concussion requires the coach to substitute the player immediately for evaluation using the Concussion Signs and Symptoms Checklist
  1. Any players exhibiting anysigns or symptoms of a concussion are not to go back into the game or practice under any circumstances. They are to be checked again at intervals of 15 minutes and 30 minutes.
  2. Just prior to departure the player should be checked again and a discussion had with the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the player.
  3. This discussion should provide details of the incident and going over the checklist citing reasons that a concussion may have occurred. In addition the parents/guardians are to be provided with the Heads Up Concussion Fact Sheetas well as a Player Return to Play form.
  4. Players must obtain written permission and clearance from one of the approved medical practitioners listed on the Player Return to Play Form before they may return to practice or games. These forms are to be kept by the club for a period of three (3) years.
  5. EESC suggests a graduated return to play
  6. Mandated by TSSA Policy 31 to be in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated Section 68-55-503