
Thursday 8 August 2013162 Hume Street, Disability Services

Bronwyn Herbertson – ASSERT Services, Tonia Jackson - HCAP, Rodney Watton – YWCA and Co-chair, Liz Downing – Oz Care, Noelle Hudson – Q Shelter, Maria O’Keefe – Department of Communities, Tim WilsonDCCSDS Manager – Contract Management, Jackie Youngblutt - SVDP, Leigh Ward – SVDP, Shanti Padne – Child Safety,Mareta Elisasia – YHARS Red Cross, Terry-Ann Dwyer - TASC, Paul Carlton – Dept Housing-Community Housing Development, Ipswich Service Centre, Sharon Harper – Department of Housing-Community Housing Development, Michael Cuthill – USQ, Sarah Davey – Red Cross, Toowoomba Corrections, Oz Care, Tamara Clucas – Red Cross, Adam Waterhouse –TASC, Laura Clark –TRAMS, Child Safety, Lee Ward - St Vincent De Paul, Jackie Youngblutt - St Vincent De Paul, Simon King – Department of Housing, Michelle Wiersma – TYS, Clemence Webb – Probation and Parole, Jayne Swift – Oz Care, Evelyn Scheuber – Dept of Human Services, Centrelink
Ricky Fletcher, Evelyn Scheuber, Michelle Smith,Jayne Swift, Ingrid Reichelt, Lynnette Pirie, Anna Nicholls, Denise Whitelaw, Kristy Date, Cassandra M Taylor, Shona Travis, Alison X Anderson Toni X McNamara, Maureen Brosnan, Darce Foley, Meg O’Neil, Mike Mutze, Kelly Hoey, Di Burgess, Heather Luck, Lindyll Van Den Ende, Matt Gregg, Rebecca Schroder, Darryl Bates, Mark Cook-Long, Heather Luck, Lorelle Burton, Donna Macdonald, Ann Holden, Leah Percival, Robyn Giddings
Discussion / Action
Welcome/Introductions/Apologies – Rodney Watton.
Rodney welcomed attendees and introduced himself and Terry-Anne Dwyer as co-chair of the Forum.
Acknowledgment of Country and traditional owners.
Rodney asked for people to quickly go around and get them to introduce themselves and why you’re here.
Minutes from last meeting – Rodney Watton
  • 20 June 2013
  • Last meeting minutes – add Maria O’Keefe and Ingrid Reichelt as being present last meeting.
/ Done
Toowoomba Housing & Homelessness Coalition–Tim Wilson
  • Homelessness services are being transferred to the Department of Housing and Public Works. The details are still being worked out as far as contract management goes. Tonia should be in a position to provide some support for this group however HCAP may be expanding to other locations and in this region that would be Ipswich. If working on a 12 month timeframe we would have to work with the community to see what is achievable. Tonia may have to work across the region. Simon is working in the Ipswich area as far as we know. There are some directions for HCAP and Tonia may be better placed to talk about those.
  • Tonia – there have been some initial directions that are being finalised – it is around the sustainability of HCAP. The program direction supports continuing to do what we are doing without additional resources. Closer look at the program – still be expectations of quarterly reporting. Closer links with Housing and in reference to their regional housing plans. Also linking closer to Local Government – we need to improve in this area and should link into their Regional Housing Plan. Linking with the private sector: philanthropic/faith based organisations. Picking up HCAP in other areas and what that entails. Over the next 6 months we will see a similar amount of Tonia with her involvement tapering off.

HCAP - Home on the Range – Report on Actions
THHC Coordinating group meeting yesterday – Terry-Anne put it to the group in regards to utilising Google Group or Community Door. Looking for some feedback. Government workers can’t access the Google group. Should we duplicate the information on the two sites? The other issue raised - do we need to look at a delegation or a different approach to local Council in regards to their involvement and how we can work together. Look at a delegation to go and see the Mayor seeking a Councillor and someone else to attend these meetings as well as updates as to where Council are up to. Ideally we would like Council to take on a lead role for an action in the HCAP. Feedback and ideas are sought from the group.
Rodney – two things: Unless strong negative feedback re duplicating what is on Google group and Community Door? Noelle stated that Community Door needs someone to manage it and take control.
Rodney asked the group if the delegation to Council is a good idea. The group indicated consent. There may also be some contacts within the group.
Brief Action Update
  • Home on the Range: Mareta. We would like the lead agencies to do updates on the actions prior to these meetings.Discussion around getting the lead agencies together. There will be a space for updates at these THHC meetings for lead agency updates. We would like to discuss what the role is, the template report and what is expected from the lead agencies. Mareta would like the reports two weeks prior to these meetings and she will follow up. With the MOG and us having less reliance on Government we will establish a foundation for us to move forward.
Action Updates – Tonia Jackson see handout
  • Action 1 Lifeskills & Action 3 Outreach: Emergency relief network – we want to link this network with the Outreach working group. The outreach working group is working through the data and information collection. Sarah reported that they are still collecting data and working to physically map those areas. At the moment we have big maps with markers to note rough sleepers. If anyone has data let Sarah or Mareta know. Also working with USQ re links and also linking to Option 6 – housing options. This will be informed by Council and the Department’s Housing strategies.
  • Action 10 Promotion: Next event – pre-Christmas event. Last year we had a gathering of community services and faith based organisations before Christmas to look at who has hampers etc and which services were open over Christmas.
  • Action 9, 11 & 14 Indigenous Recruitment, Retention & Retainment: A copy of draft LEAP (Learning Earning Active Places) Community Action Plan provided from Cassandra Taylor – DATSIMA. The draft is tabled and Cassandra needs some feedback by next Monday 12th. Focus of the working group– cultural capability training. Any input appreciated.
  • Homelessness-to-Housing Strategy 2020 – tabled. Emphasis on place based planning around homelessness, emphasis on bricks and mortar. Page 4 of the report – a diagram with the system – wrap around support and streamlined processes. Some discussion. Focusing on a triage system – offering people a range of options with Departmental housing as a later option. Offering community housing and private options – Rent Connect program. Working with local housing providers and private real estate agents.FINAL PUBLIC - HomelessnesstoHousingStrategy2020 - DHPW website 27 June 2013.pdf
  • Tonia – most services will have received the flowcharts and the key worker cards in the post. If you are after some more or some templates let Tonia know. The flowcharts are being updated by Red Cross (not TASC as advised at the meeting) – if contact details need to be updated let Red Cross know. (If you have updates to the Food and Accommodation Directory let TASC know.
  • Also included as a handout was some local information/stats that we have pulled together for Homeless Persons Week.
/ Bronwyn to look at duplicating the resources on Community Door and the Google group site and to manage this process.
Follow up meeting with the co-ordinating group and the lead agencies. Suggestion about when this could be – any leads in the room if we could indicate availability. Friday 16 August 2013 – 10am to 12pm at the YWCA 112 Mary Street. Noelle will ring in – Rodney to let Noelle know the phone number.
Input on draft strategy to Cassandra by next week.
Toowoomba Regional Council
  • No update submitted. No delegate.

Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services Update–Tim Wilson
  • Regional Partnership Forum – significant reforms, Disability Care, Carmody enquiry, recommissioning at the social inclusion area starting with Youth Services, the HSQF (Human Services Quality Framework) coming in. In that context we have decided to expand the partnership arrangements. We originally had the Regional Compact Committee then with the change of government we changed it to the South West Area Table. We now want to expand the membership and are approaching key networks to seek delegates. Previously we were after individuals to nominate. We have now approached networks to nominate delegates. Commitment – one to two hours a month for meetings. No budget so the commitment wouldn’t be too onerous.
  • Rodney – happy to discuss this now. Mareta has indicated some interest at our coordinating group meeting yesterday. Rodney nominates Mareta. If there is anyone else interested to be proxy. Michelle Wiesma seconded Mareta. Anyone else want to nominate? There were discussions about it being someone else from Red Cross. Unless any strong objections – Jackie Youngblutt at St Vincents de Paul as proxy.
  • Tim Wilson – seeking five representatives from each of the sectors – Disability, Child Safety and Social Inclusion services. Workforce Council also have a position.

Department of Housing and Public Works Update
Housing Service Centre update – Simon King
  • Toowoomba Housing Service Centre – been doing triage for quite some time now. Intake team do assess people at the front counter to work out what are their barriers, how do we assist them, how do we get them into the private system. We know that social housing is not the answer. We have seen an increase in the Rent Connect and looking at addressing the issues that the clients have. Looking to overcoming their barriers to accommodation. Outside of that process if they still wish to put an application in they do. Some statistics – last month. Processed 126 applications– out of Rent connect secured 10 tenancies for private market. They have also worked with the real estate agents to maintain their tenancy. The Toowoomba Service Centre has been doing this for some time and strengthened our relationships with the community housing sector. More and more complex clients, anti-social behaviour is on the increase with damage to properties –complaint management is a huge part of our workload. Minister has bought in three strikes – Magistrates don’t recognise the three strikes – for them they work to the Act. The letter gives the tenant a clear indication about what they have done wrong.
  • In relation to the Housing 2020 Strategy – the Minister wants Rent Connect expanded and more integral in the office. Utilising the staff in the office for the Level 1 and Level 2 assistance. Providing cross skilling of staff. Performance targets have increased re statistics for Rent Connect. Now Housing Service centre officers are using the Rent Connect software.
  • The transfer of the property and tenancy stock to the NGO sector. The biggest single issue for staff and clients at the present time. Uncertainty at the moment. Logan first cab off the rank followed by Robina. Robina may overtake Logan. A lot of work going on. Opportunity to look at Social Housing and how to build your capacity. Had an interesting conversation with property providers in Brisbane - exceeding what Government does. Challenge for providers to take on what they are being asked for. Simon talked to Assert and St Vincent de Paul and needs to talk to the Y. Maranoa Regional Council are opting out of property management. Inviting 5 new proponents to take over in the Maranoa. Watch this space at this time. Following the work in Logan and Robina, a model for how this will work will be developed. Media release has gone out re transfer of property from Maranoa – tenants have been calling. Local providers should be asked to be involved – Simon has asked them to inform the local service providers.
  • Community Housing Development – Paul Carlton & Sharon Harper. Paul said we could use his team for any issues and to discuss future directions (develop capacity for this change). Paul – some of the areas are complex situations and the Government needs to consider sustainability – there is no rush to get something done and get something out. There is a dedication to probity – that services are able to tender. Maranoa keeping their CAP program but opting out of Department owned stock. Robina 4,000 plus stock wise. The providers need to have capacity to do it. Maranoa have 161 properties. Existing Council contract till November 2013.
  • Roadmap – Toowoomba Service Centre not on the schedule for a few years yet. What providers have done in their bidding will form part of a model to inform and assist other providers. Simon suggested getting out and having the conversations.
  • Rodney – what is being proposed is not the transfer of stock in the old model – this is handing over the whole operation from the Housing Service Centres to the NGO sector including property management, tenant engagement etc. Tender will be that NGOs will do the property management. The State will still own the stock.
  • Noelle – maintenance of the stock, Federal/State Government funding – some issues to work out.
  • Simon – apprehension from the staff – uncertainty is rife. What is this going to mean for us?
  • Noelle – Minister Maunder said that staff were to be considered as part of the tendering process. Big ask as their entitlements, etc outside of our pay equity award. The Minister is seeing the staff as part of the process. Logan – the decision isn’t being made until January next year.
  • Paul – anxiety of tenants. They are not sure what the future means to them.
  • Jackie – Maranoa – challenge with tenants going to a new landlord.
  • Noelle – charting that process.
  • Simon – the process that was done in Maranoa will not be done again. It was a pilot. Given the undertaking that the process would not be handled the same way. Got to be a clear communication protocol.
  • Bronwyn – Q Shelter conference – example of it being done badly from SA. Shelter SA has done the studies. We don’t want to replicate this experience.
  • Simon – rent increase. Rent assistance cut and the basic rent levels. Explaining to tenants and being responsive to repairs are very important.
/ Look at a meeting with the housing providers and Paul and Sharon.
Bronwyn to see if she can put the SA paper on the Google groups/Community Door
Noelle to get a copy of the press release for Maranoa tenants.
  • MDA– will get a report for the minutes
  • BRIC – will get a report for the minutes
  • TRAMS – work with refuges from 6months to 5 years. Two case workers – referrals to other organisations. No specific housing but we do run workshops. Funded through DIAC settlement program – humanitarian assistance.
  • Jackie – St Vincent De Paul. Trying to organise a session on the visa situation and who is doing what support and where it all fits. Within the next month.
Service Updates:
  • Red Cross Mareta – have Rent Connect coming out to do a session with young people in regards to tenancies. Those in community housing and ready to go into the private market. Lots of social activities happening. Looking at a transitional approach – reintegrating young people into the specific services. Email to Mareta for any information re: programs.
  • St Vincent De Paul Jackie/Leah – focus on how we will take on stock when the opportunity arises. State based organisation – some apprehension from staff and how it will change the organisation. Feedback from the participants and valuable partners has been excellent. Helps to not be reliant on Government. We have had great outcomes from the sleep out. The Mayor saying he will be there next year – great support for the Council. A huge thanks to St Vincent de Pauls – and comments on how great the sleep out was. It may be good to have someone from St Vinnies in the meeting with the Mayor.
  • Child Safety Shanti – starting conversations with Toowoomba North. Conversations about children on short term orders – not until we know parents are doing well do we look for appropriate housing and we need to look at this earlier. Joint action plans to get them housed a lot earlier – working with the Department. Anticipation in Child Safety that children on Long Term Orders being reunified with their birth family. Those families need to have somewhere to accommodate the children. CSOs are identifying the families – we need new avenues to get them supported.
Noelle – Carmody Inquiry – housing wasn’t named as a key area. Q Shelter did a submission – apart from the early intervention – utilising the whole of Government approach to work across departments.
Paul – joint action plans in Logan. 80 applicants for each vacancy – we can’t leave houses vacant in case someone achieves their goals and can get the children back.