Navajo Ranch Homeowners Association

2008 Year End Newsletter

What a year 2008 and with all the bad news Navajo Ranch HOA is fortunate to have a lot of good news to report. The price of gas has gone down, we have a new president elect, and we don’t have to listen to election commercials for at least a year, we hope, but the real good news is what has been happening at Navajo Ranch, so here goes.

The first real good news is that the County finally finished putting down new road base and gravel on all our roads. The project was started in 2007 and completed around August of 2008. What an improvement! We did have to deal with a lot of truck traffic and some potholes on CR 510, but it is a consensus that it was worth the inconvenience.

The next good news is that the Kiosks, both on CR 510 and the Estates are up and in use. To those who don’t know, the wind gusts blew down the CR 510 kiosk and it had to be rebuilt. In May the Kiosks were repaired and built and the new plot maps were put up. In the process of rebuilding the CR510 kiosk it was discovered the kiosk was sitting on private property that was for sale. A decision was made that the HOA would put the lot we own (328 Cochise) up for sale and purchase the lot on the corner of CR 510 and Navajo Road, the lot where the kiosk is located. In June that lot was purchase for $9,500.00 and in December the 328 Cochise lot was sold for $11,500.00. We now have a well located lot and would like to look into improvements on it in the near future and eventually construct a Community Center building.

Again we are advancing into the internet age. It started a couple of years ago with emailing the minutes and notices of activities and issues to members with the next phase in the works. By the end of February we hope to have the Navajo web site up and running. It will contain the Bylaws of the HOA, covenants of each of the filings, a calendar of events, announcements, pictures of the clothing items that are for sale, and other items to be determined. The site could possibly have an area for items to be advertised for sale or residents who would like to advertise their businesses. The web address will be so check it out the end of February for its opening.

We have even more good news. In 2008 we had fewer covenant complaints and complaints about dogs running loose. There still are a few dogs running loose and if you feel they are aggressive towards you have a couple of options in handling the situation. You can protect yourself in whatever means necessary and then call the Huerfano Sheriff’s Department to report the dog or incident. If you know where the dog comes from you can contact the owner yourself. The covenants of all the filings require residents who have pets (dogs specifically) under control and leashed at all times and we ask that you abide by the covenants.

So how much more good new can you handle? Well, one last bit of good news is we finally broke 200 in our membership. With 42 new members in 2008 the bar has been raised and the goal for membership is set for 225 for 2009. The HOA encourages you to renew your membership and if you were a member in past years and did not renew your membership last year rejoin this year. We would like to work on getting our own Community Building plans going and could use your help with the support of your dues. At $25.00 a year that is about $2.00 a month and look at it this way with the building of a Community Building it could increase the value of your property and with the gas prices what they are now you have saved that much on each gallon each time you fill up your gas tank.

One area of concern in the area has been drilling for methane gas in the coal beds in the area. A company by the name of Presco would like to do some test drilling in an area northeast of Navajo Ranch. The concern is the tremendous amounts of groundwater produced and taken during the gas extraction process leading to the possibility of water depletion and contamination. Thanks go out to David Rinehart, a Navajo resident and owner of the Signature Newspaper in La Veta, for breaking the story. Otherwise the permits would have been granted with no voice from the Huerfano county residents stating our concerns. Both the Navajo Ranch Water Board and Bill Boeck, Navajo Ranch HOA president, have attended many meetings concerning the issue and making their concerns known. A moratorium was put on granting permits until 2009 and making certain Presco meets conditions dictated by our County Commissioners before any permits will be granted. You can count on the Navajo Water Board, Navajo HOA and other organizations and people in the county to continue to work with the County Commissioners as well as state leaders in 2009 to make sure our water system stays secure. We encourage every property owner to visit the Colorado Oil & Gas Commission web site; and educate yourselves as to the activities of the oil and gas industries in the state of Colorado.

In May we had our Spring Cleanup and collected many bags of trash that had been thrown out along CR510. July was that Navajo Picnic with a lot of great food at our potluck picnic. We have some really great cooks in Navajo. December brought the party at the La Plaza Inn with another great meal and a lot of fun with the White Elephant Exchange. The most sought after items were microwave baked potato pockets, a Christmas penguin cheerleader, and a set of wind chimes. We did not have a Chili Cook-off in 2008, but start perfecting those recipes because it will be back in March of 2009.

Now what to look forward to in 2009? There have been a couple of things mentioned above to look forward to in 2009 that being the Navajo web site and work on our new lot. In order to do the work we need people to volunteer for committees to draw up plans for what our building would consist of and cost and how to proceed with the plans, a committee to see if grant money would be available to us, a committee for maintenance and repair of items in our community, volunteers to head up our social activities during the year, and more participation at meetings. A Community Building would be a great asset to out community and the Navajo Ranch HOA and Board would really like your input and help on this project.

We need input as to what issues you, as property owner or residents, would like to have addressed throughout the year. We would like to know what you would like to see done to make this a better community. Contact an HOA Board member with your ideas or concerns. You can contact the Board in any means listed below:

Email to

Mail to: Navajo Ranch HOA %Jeanne Sittner, 34 Elk Trail, Walsenburg, Co81089

Board Members: Bill Boeck, President 1-719-738-2820

Jeanne Sittner, VP 1-719-738-1902

Barb Difino, Treasurer 1-719-738-1525

Dorothy Prailey Secretary 1-719-738-2406

Plans are in the works for more social activities for our community that will be listed on the website or at the both of the mailbox areas. Everyone is invited to attend any of our social events even if you do not have a home on your property. If you are in the area when we have one of our social events come join us and meet those that might be your neighbors some day.

If you are planning on building in the near future or want to do some adding on to your present structure you need to contact the Architectural Review Committee, in accordance with the covenants and submit your plans for approval. That can be done through or by emailing Bill Boeck at or calling 719-738-2820

Well, that is a recap of what happened in 2008 and what to look forward to in 2009. Here’s wishing you all a great 2009.


Jeanne Sittner, Vice President

A P.S. from the President of the HOA, Bill Boeck

Our community is in transition, that is, new folks are buying property, constructing homes and moving to Navajo Ranch at an increasing rate. Many are retirees that come from other states that realize the beauty of the Spanish Peaks area and the peace and quiet of Navajo Ranch. It is through support and membership in the HOA that we can maintain and improve the integrity of Navajo Ranch. It is because of the receipt of dues that we can make improvements to our community and make it an even more pleasant place to live.