Hazardous Compound: / Protocol: / Name:
SOP #: / Date Approved: / VMO Signature:

Instructions for Completing VMU Biohazard SOP Survey:

1.Identify the location (building[s] and room number[s]) where animals exposed to the specified biohazard are housed.

2.Indicate how the cages are identified. For example, is a chemical hazard, biohazard, or radiation hazard symbol placed on the cage? Is there a special color dot on these cages?

3.If this is a biological biohazard, please indicate the route of transmission (e.g. fecal-oral, aerosol, etc.). If this is a chemical or radioactive hazard, please indicate the route of elimination of active metabolites (e.g. feces, urine) and half-life (if radioactive).

4.Describe the clinical signs that exposure to this agent is expected to produce in humans. List the target organs for any chemical agents. In other words, what should the animal care staff be watching for with regard to their health?

5.Indicate all personal protective equipment needed to protect personnel working with these animals and their caging. If “Other,” please specify where requested.

6.Describe the special precautions that must be taken when handling cages. Remember that you are also protecting the animal care staff in the cage washing areas. Examples of special precautions include, but are not limited to:

  • Autoclave cages to kill infectious biohazards
  • Soak cages in bleach or weak acid to neutralize a chemical hazard
  • Use disposable caging that is bagged in biohazard bags and incinerated

7.Describe the special precautions that must be taken when handling live animals.

  • Handle with forceps to avoid bites
  • Use chemical restraint when handling to avoid bites

8.Describe the special precautions that must be taken when handling carcasses. Examples of special precautions include, but are not limited to:

  • Autoclave carcasses prior to incineration
  • Bag in biohazard bag and incinerate


PI Signature / Date / Page 1 of 2
Hazardous Compound: / Protocol: / Name:
SOP #: / Date Approved: / VMO Signature:



2.Cages Identified: Animals that have been injected with ENU will be housed in disposable caging and held in the changing station for the first 24 hours.

3.Transmission/Route of Elimination:

4.Disease in Humans:No persons of reproductive age should handle these animals.

5.Personal Protective Equipment Required:



Latex gloves

Other gloves Please specify Double glove

Hair covering

Eye protection Please specify Goggles

Biological Safety Cabinet

Chemical Fume Hood

6.Special Precautions for Handling Cages: Wire tops and filter tops will be saturated with or soaked in bleach or 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution before returning to dirty cage wash for processing.

7.Special Precautions for Handling Live Animals:

8.Special Precautions for Handling Carcasses:

9.Special Precautions for Weekend Animal Care Staff:If a dead animal is found, do not open the cage or handle the carcass. We will remove it when we come in to change the animals out of their caging 24 hours after administration of ENU.

PI Signature / Date / Page 2 of 2