Smiley Face Campaign

The survey box was opened by the PPG team on Wednesday 25th September 2013 and the survey cards were distributed, counted and discussed with the PPG members.

30 Green cards “We are performing well”


  • Dr Lakshmi was really lovely and very thorough. Thank you!
  • Pleasant, friendly and efficient
  • Dr Willett was very good. Mr Peat
  • Helped put my mind at ease and explained about my condition. Mrs Morrison
  • Dr Garala is the best! She listens to me and I feel she cares that means a lot for me. Mrs Poultney
  • Dr Makaza has been a fantastic gp. He was very thorough in my treatment and was far superior to any other gp in this practice. I do hope he becomes a resident in the practice.
  • Dealt with my situation very well
  • Excellent service. Mrs Le Roux
  • Excellent. Mrs Blower
  • Receptionist courteous and friendly, phone answered politely and professionally. Excellent. Mrs Kavanagh – Jackson
  • Receptionist friendly, helpful and understanding. No long wait, either for appt or in waiting room. Mr Graham

5 Amber Cards “we are performing satisfactory, but maybe we can perform even better”


  • 3 cards without a comment
  • Some Gps do need to face and look at the patient when talking as some of us are hard of hearing and need to lip read in most cases.
  • From a customer service perspective waiting time on calls i.e. waiting to speak with receptionist long.

5 Red Cards “we are not performing as we should”


  • Waiting time always late on every visit
  • Unable to find surgery as there is no sign outside
  • Phone can ring 10-20 times in the evening before anyone will answer but no one seems to care
  • 3 times ring surgery in a 1 weeks waiting time to be answered 20 minutes, which is too long.
  • Waiting time are really quite poor and I find it this way on every visit

Since receiving the comments the practice has now fitted 2 large signs to the front of the building.

Discussed telephone waiting times with staff, they explained that when they receive calls for x-ray, blood results and other queries they can take some time to deal with, it is not that the staff do not care its that some calls do take longer than others. They attempt to answer every caller as quickly as they can as per the practice requirements. The Practice will discuss other options with the telephone provider but results then go directly to a message system and this will delay result responses. This has been tried in the past and patients were not particularly happy with waiting for results, they preferred to speak to someone on the same day for results despite the wait. The last 250 patient survey results did not reflect a telephone problem, but this still requires investigation.
