Healthy Eating Active Living - San Luis Obispo

Coordinating Council

March 16, 2009

2009 Goal Setting Meeting

3:00 PM


Present: Joel Diringer-Facilitator, Kathleen Karle, Jim Glinn, Kim Pasciuto, Janice Fong Wolf, Jenifer Rhynes, Suzanne Michaud, Vanessa Adame, Sandra Miller, Nancy Orton

Absent: Adam Fukushima, Jan DiLeo


Self-introductions were made by all present.

1. What have we accomplished in the past year?

As background, Joel briefly reviewed the Community Action Plan that was developed by the Obesity Task Force. The Task Force used the socio-ecological model and came up with recommendations. Thus far, HEAL-SLO has accomplished:

·  Web site complete

·  Logo developed

·  Walk to School Day in San Miguel – twice

·  Received TCE grant

·  Presence at the CenCal forum (Kim was a speaker this year)

·  Prescription Trails brochure was completed and disseminated

·  Hired a FT Health Educator at the Public Health Department to assist HEAL-SLO efforts – other staffing changes in PH

·  Walkability surveys were done

·  COPE matured and has worked on Pink Chefs and has several events planned for community

·  Smart Growth principles will appear on BOS agenda

·  Project LEAN has scheduled 2 local trainings – first was well-attended by diverse groups

·  Coalition meetings are well-attended

·  Local Food Service Directors will attend a Farm to School Conference in Portland

·  Media coverage was given for many of these things including articles on the Walk to School Day, the TCE grant, Pink Chefs/Dude Chefs, Prescription Trails, and KSBY coverage for the CenCal obesity forum

2. What are our major goals for this year?

COPE will be organizing the Hands on Health Symposium at Cal Poly on October 30 & 31. Joel has asked TCE for funds to help support the symposium. Jamie Lopes has offered to do a presentation on Smart Growth at the event. HEAL-SLO’s 3 committees will assist in the following ways:

·  Healthy Eating Workgroup – There are already several activities that will be focused around cooking demonstrations, taste testing etc in the nutrition pavilion. Sandra Miller suggested that the Healthy Eating Workgroup could sponsor a CME activity on day 1 for medical professionals, based around the Physician Toolkits that were distributed by the CMA for obesity prevention. She will work on this with her group. The group could also do supermarket tours leading up to the event, or could help with a restaurant week.

·  Physical Activity – Prescription Trails are complete and they are a great idea but they need more exposure. The Physical Activity group could get stickers to place on the brochures identifying HEAL-SLO and could staff a booth distributing them. It was suggested that the brochure needs to be translated into Spanish.

·  Community Mobilization – One of the biggest things the coalition can do is get people to go to the symposium. The Community Mobilization group will work with the COPE committees to help get the word out. It was also suggested that the group can help on a poster contest.

Other goals the committee will focus on this year:

·  Community Mobilization will work on branding and more name recognition of HEAL-SLO in the community. They want to expand the web site and are also willing to coordinate press releases.

·  The Physical Activity group would like to sponsor at least 3-4 more Walk to School Days this year. It was suggested they coordinate with the work being done by Rideshare and Morgan Marshall on their Safe Routes to School grant. The Y will also hold a “jump rope” competition this year

·  Public Health will be coordinating a ReThink Your Drink Campaign with the Gold Coast Collaborative, and also will be working on getting more of the San Miguel Hispanic community involved in the TCE grant through a promotoras program that Vanessa will lead.

·  The TCE grant will be implemented. Public Health will be the primary point of contact for sub-grantees, and the Coordinating Committee will act as the advisory body to the grant.

·  CenCal will hold another forum in the fall. They also have a Live Better Program in which patients identified as overweight by doctors are sent a list of resources for low-cost nutrition classes and exercise programs in the community.

·  The Kinesiology Department at Cal Poly is working on a program they call Exercise for All, which are low-cost alternatives available for people in the community to increase their level of exercise.

·  The Coordinating Committee will seek funding for programs to expand the impact of HEAL-SLO. The Community Foundation has a small pot of money to help fund programs.

·  It was suggested that we consider getting businesses, worksites and the medical community more involved in HEAL-SLO efforts. This may be a long-range goal.

3. What are some of the structural changes/clarifications we need to make to accomplish our goals?

The coalition is an open group with quarterly meetings. The Coordinating Committee was originally planned to include a diverse group. Current membership should include:

·  The chair and co-chair of the 3 committees

·  The SLO Bike Coalition


·  Hospital representatives

·  CenCal

·  Planning department

·  San Miguel Resource Connection and Oceano Boys and Girls Club

·  C-Can

·  Public Health

·  SLO Community Foundation

·  County Office of Education

·  SLO Medical Association

A quorum will be a majority (50%+1) of seated member. Decision making will be done on a consensus model. If voting needs to occur, a vote will pass based on a majority (50% plus 1) of the attendees who are present. Staffing to the coalition is done by the Public Health Department, with functions to be determined. Joel has a short-term contract from the Community Foundation to act as facilitator.

4. Other issues?

The next Coordinating Committee meeting is on April 13. Ann McDermott will be asked to present an overview of the evaluation component she plans to do for the TCE grant, as well as an overview of what she sees as COPE’s role as the school wellness consultant

The next coalition meeting is on April 21st. It was suggested that we approach Morgan Marshall about presenting on the Safe Routes to School project she is working on, as well as a presentation from Joanne Torres on the ReThink Your Drink Campaign. Also, Sandy Miller will have the students from the Destination Imagination group do a presentation.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Minutes submitted by Kathleen Karle