One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Family tree of Celeborn and Galadriel:

The name Celeborn originally meant "silver tree" from celeb meaning "silver" and orne or orn meaning "tree." The white tree on Tol Eressea was named Celeborn; from it was descended the White Tree of Gondor. But apparently Celeborn as a personal name later came to mean "silver-tall" where the element orn is derived from orna meaning "uprising, tall." This name refers to Celeborn's silver hair and his height.

The name Celeborn means Silvery uprising ( here in the meaning of tall ) From Quenya Celeb=Silver. And the adjectival form Orna=Uprising/tall. Not the related noun Orne=Tree.

Elda of the Teleri. King of Lórien. In the beginning of the Second Age Celeborn dwelt for a time in Lindon south of the Lune. He was a kinsman of Elwë.

His father was Galadhon. His brother was Galathil. His wife was Galadriel of the Noldor. Celeborn and Galadriel had one child: daughter Celebrian, who married Elrond Halfelven in 3A109. Elrond was at that time 3608 years old.

Thranduil and Celeborn met in the middle of Mirkwood on April 6, the Elves' New Year. They renamed the forest the Wood of Greenleaves and they divided it between them. The Woodland Realm of Thranduil was the forest north of the fir-covered mountains. The southern part of the forest below the Narrows became East Lorien and was part of Celeborn's realm. The land between the two Elf realms was given to the Beornings and the Woodmen. The Elves and Men of the Wood of Greenleaves remained untroubled for many years.


See THINGS: MIRROR OF GALADRIEL. King Galdaran's Mirror.









-LORD OF LÓRIEN. Lord of Lórien

-LORD OF LOTHLÓRIEN. Celeborn became the lord of the Elves of Lothlorien, who were called the Galadhrim.

-LORD OF THE GALADHRIM. Celeborn became the lord of the Eldar of Lothlorien, who were called the Galadhrim.

Lord of the Galadhrim


-LORD THE. Lord and Lady. A title for Celeborn and Galadriel. A dual title for Celeborn and Galadriel, Lord and Lady of Lórien during the later Third Age.

-PRINCE OF DORIATH. Celeborn was said to be the great-nephew of King Thingol of Doriath and was referred to by the title Prince of Doriath.


-TELEPORNO. Teleporno

Teleporno is the High-elven form of Celeborn. The element telep or telpe means "silver" in Telerin and later in Quenya.

-WISE THE. Celeborn the Wise. Celeborn was called this by Galadriel, who said he was the wisest of the Elves in Middle-earth at that time.

The Wise Title of the most far-sighted of Elves and Wizards.

See also LÓRIEN

Born in Aman

Years of the Trees.

According to the Annals of Aman Celeborn was born in Valinor in Aman and departet in the host rebelling against the Valar.( See the Elmo file for the difficulties concerned about the birth of Celeborn ) Celeborn was grandson of Elmo of the Teleri-Elves. Furthermore he and Galadriel, according to Annals of Aman, fought against Fëanor in the kinslaying at Alqualondë.

In Sil. it is just said he met Galadriel in Doriath.

1496. Departure of the Elves from Valinor.

First Age.

Around year 52 - 102. Celeborn meets Galadriel in Doriath ( maybe they had been separated one way or another ) and they are married.

Celeborn gives Galadriel ( Her real name was Artanis ) the name Galadriel which means Noble Woman.

0102 - 472. Celeborn and Galadriel forsook Beleriand and went over the Ered Luin into Eriador and with them came many Noldor, Green-Elves and Grey-Elves, for a while they settlet in the country about lake Nenuial and Galadriel and Celeborn was regarded as Lord and Lady of the Eldar in Eriador.

Second Age.

0350/400 - 1350. Celebrian was born.

0700. Celeborn and Galadriel percieved an evil in Middle-Earth stretching out from the East. Galadriel and Celeborn therefor went Eastwards about this year of the Second Age.

0750. They came to Eregion and established the realm of Eregion and the main city Ost-in-Edhil where Celebrimbor were the master. During the next 2 - 300 years the pover of Celeborn and Galadriel increased and they came in contact with the Nandorian-Elves in Lòrinand on the other side of the Misty Mountains.

1350-1400. Galadriel left Eregion with Amroth and Celebriand but Celeborn would not enter the Mansions of Moria and stayed behind.

1697 - 1701. Celeborn had to flee Eregion as it was sacked in the War of Elves and Sauron, but he survived in Imladris where Galadriel bringing Celebriand with her found him while Lòrinand was committet to Amroth, .

1701 - 1981. Later they all three went to the little land between Gwatlò and Anduin in Belfalas at the place later called Dol-Amroth.

1981. At this time Celeborn and Galadriel went to Lòrinand.

Third Age.

3021.After the departure of Galadriel it is said Celeborn went to Rivendell to dwell there but there is no record of the day when he at last sought the Grey Havens, and with him went the last living memory of the Elder Days in Middle-Earth.

Date of Birth: Unknown

Left Middle-earth: Sometime in the early Fourth Age

Residences: Doriath; Eregion; Lothlorien

Parents: Father - Galadhon; Mother - name unknown

Sibling: 1 brother - Galathil

Spouse: Galadriel

Child: 1 daughter - Celebrian

Hair color: Silver

Christopher Tolkien wrote: "There is no part of the history of Middle-earth more full of problems than the story of Galadriel and Celeborn, and it must be admitted that there are severe inconsistencies 'embedded in the traditions'; or, to look at the matter from another point of view, that the role and importance of Galadriel only emerged slowly, and that her story underwent continual refashionings." (UT, p. 228) This biography attempts to consolidate the various versions of their story and to point out the major differences among them. For the full versions, see "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn" in Unfinished Tales.

Celeborn was the Lord of Lothlorien. His wife was Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood. Celeborn was said to be the wisest Elf in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age. During the War of the Ring, Celeborn defended Lothlorien and led the assault on the Enemy stronghold of Dol Guldur. Celeborn remained in Middle-earth for a time at the beginning of the Fourth Age, but eventually he joined his wife in the Undying Lands.

There are differing accounts of Celeborn's origins. In an early version, Celeborn was already the Lord of Lothlorien when Galadriel came there near the end of the First Age. In another story, Celeborn lived in the Undying Lands in Alqualonde, where he joined Galadriel to oppose the Kinslaying and then sailed with her to Middle-earth. But these stories do not fit in well with the rest of the history of Galadriel and Celeborn.

The most commonly accepted story is that Celeborn was a Prince of Doriath and a kinsman of Thingol, the King of Doriath. Celeborn was said to be the grandson of Thingol's brother Elmo. Celeborn's father was Galadhon and he had a brother named Galathil. Celeborn was tall and he had silver hair.

Doriath was a hidden forest realm in Beleriand in far northwestern Middle-earth. The Elves of Doriath were Sindarin Elves - those who remained in Beleriand while others made the Great Journey to the Undying Lands.

Around the year 52 of the First Age, Galadriel came to Doriath. Galadriel was one of the Noldor who had come to Middle-earth from the Undying Lands in defiance of the Valar in order to retrieve the Silmarils stolen by Morgoth. Celeborn and Galadriel fell in love and were married.

It is not clear how long Celeborn and Galadriel dwelled in Beleriand. According to one story, they left Beleriand and crossed the Blue Mountains into Eriador before the fall of Nargothrond in 495. But according to another story they remained in Beleriand until the end of the First Age.

Around 502, King Thingol of Doriath summoned Dwarf craftsmen to set a Silmaril in Nauglamir, the fabled Necklace of the Dwarves. The Dwarf craftsmen coveted the necklace and especially the Silmaril, and they demanded that Thingol give it to them. When Thingol refused, they killed him and took the necklace set with the Silmaril.

The Dwarf craftsmen were pursued by Elves of Doriath, who killed the Dwarves and retrieved the necklace. But two Dwarves escaped and returned to Nogrod in the Blue Mountains and rallied their kinsmen to seek vengeance on the Elves of Doriath. An army of Dwarves attacked Doriath and defeated the Elves. They took the necklace once more, but it was again reclaimed by Beren.

Doriath was briefly reinhabited by Beren's son Dior, but the sons of Feanor came to try to take the Silmaril. Though Dior's daughter Elwing escaped with the Silmaril, Dior was killed and Doriath was ruined and abandoned.

Celeborn's distrust of Dwarves began at this time. His role in these events is unknown, although in one account it is written that Celeborn escaped the sack of Doriath.

The First Age ended with the War of Wrath and the defeat of Morgoth. Beleriand was ruined and sank beneath the Sea. Many of the Noldor returned to the Undying Lands with the pardon of the Valar, but Galadriel remained in Middle-earth with Celeborn.

Celeborn and Galadriel probably lived for a time in Lindon, a coastal region west of the Blue Mountains. Gil-galad was the High King of the Elves who dwelled in Lindon. But many of the Elves in Harlindon - the part of Lindon south of the Gulf of Lune - were Sindarin Elves like Celeborn, and he may have ruled a fiefdom there under Gil-galad.

At some time early in the Second Age, Celeborn and Galadriel are said to have moved eastward into Eriador with a number of Elves in their following. They may have lived for a while near Lake Evendim. Their daughter Celebrian may have been born during this time. They began to move eastward again around the year 700 of the Second Age because Galadriel sensed a growing evil in Middle-earth that she felt duty-bound to oppose.

The realm of Eregion was founded in 750, and Galadriel and Celeborn are said to have dwelled their for a time along with Celebrimbor and the Elven-smiths. The Elves of Eregion had dealings with the Dwarves of Khazad-dum nearby. But Celeborn still distrusted Dwarves and would not enter Khazad-dum, although the Dwarves there had nothing to do with the destruction of Doriath.

The Elves of Eregion also had contact with the Elves of Lothlorien on the other side of the Misty Mountains. According to one story, Galadriel went to dwell in Lothlorien around 1350 to 1400 while Celeborn remained in Eregion. But in other versions of the story both Galadriel and Celeborn stayed in Eregion.

Sauron came to Eregion in a fair disguise in 1200 and deceived the Elven-smiths, who began forging the Rings of Power under his instruction in 1500. Sauron forged the One Ring to rule the others around 1600, and the Elves hid from him the Three Rings that they had made without his help. Sauron was enraged and attacked Eregion in 1697.

Celeborn led a sortie from Eregion to meet the vanguard of Sauron's army. Celeborn was able to drive the enemy back long enough to join forces with Elrond, who brought reinforcements from Lindon. But Sauron's army was greater than their combined forces and Eregion soon fell. Celebrimbor was killed and Sauron took the Nine Rings and at least six of the Seven Rings. Sauron was finally driven back to Mordor in 1701.

The movements of Celeborn and Galadriel after the fall of Eregion are unclear. Celeborn may have gone to Lothlorien to help strengthen their defenses against Sauron. He and Galadriel may have lived there for a time, but they did not become the rulers of Lothlorien then. The King of Lothlorien at that time was Amdir, who was killed in the War of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age and was succeeded by his son Amroth. (In one story, Amroth is said to be the son of Celeborn and Galadriel, but this was almost certainly a rejected idea.)

Celeborn and Galadriel may also have lived for a while in Rivendell, the home of Elrond. At some point, they may have travelled to the coastal region of Belfalas in the south to be near the Sea.

Celeborn and Galadriel's daughter Celebrian married Elrond in 109 of the Third Age. Elrond and Celebrian had three children: twin sons Elladan and Elrohir, born in 130, and a daughter Arwen, born in 241.

Around 1050, the stronghold of Dol Guldur was built across the Anduin from Lothlorien by the Necromancer, who was actually Sauron. Celeborn and Galadriel are said to have returned to Lothlorien to investigate the Necromancer and ensure the safety of Lothlorien. But after a time, they once again departed, possibly for Rivendell. Lothlorien remained under the rule of King Amroth.

A Balrog awoke in Khazad-dum in 1980. Many of the Elves of Lothlorien fled, including Amroth's lover Nimrodel. Amroth followed Nimrodel and he later perished at Sea. Lothlorien was left without a leader, so Celeborn and Galadriel returned there and became the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien in 1981. They dwelled on a flet in Caras Galadhon, the City of the Trees.