Załącznik 2 SnowWhite & seven brownies

In a castle

A King: Oh. I’m so unhappy...My dear, beautiful wife died...what should I do now..??...My sweet little daughter hasn’t got a mother...

A bad Queen:Why don’t you merry me?

A King: Oh....Ok...Why not..This baby needs a mother..

A bad Queen: Mirror , mirror tell me please...who is the most beautiful you can see?

Mirror: You my queen are the most beautiful woman in the whole world!!!

...... 18 years later

A bad Queen: Mirror , mirror tell me please...who is the most beautiful you can see?

Mirror: You are very beautiful my queen but now , the most beautiful woman is your step daughter-princess Snow White

A bad Queen: Oh, no!!! It can’t be truth!!! You stupid mirror! ....I must do something....I...I...have to kill her...Yes.....Servant!...Hey , servant!

A servant: Yes , my queen?

A bad Queen: Take princess Snow White to the forest ...and...and...Kill her!

A servant: What???!

A bad Queen: You have heard me...Kill Snow White in the forest. Go now..! Do it!

A servant: Yes , my queen...( going away..) Oh no..I can’t do it...Come on Dear princess..

Snow White: OK..but what happened? ../ Where are we going?

In the forest

A servant:We’re going just for a walk..Look! ..what a beautiful flower..

Snow White: Yes...very nice..and it smells...fantastic..

A servant: (going away quietly...)Oh no! I couldn’t kill her..but a wild bear will probably eat her..My poor princess...(crying)

Snow White: Servant...servant..where are you?..Oh no..I don’t know the way to the castle and the night is coming ...And what is this? A small house? Who can live here? It is very interesting...I have to check it..

Seven brownies: Hey ho, hey nice it is to go... Hey ho, hey nice .. to go...

Brownie 1 Hey..somebody is here..

Brownie2 A stranger..oh no.. I’m afraid of him...

Brownie3 You coward..Look here..It is a girl.

Brownie4 A very beautiful girl...I think ..I fell inlove with her...

Brownie 1 Stop it! ..We must know who she is..Hey..pretty lady ..wake up!

Snow White: What? Where am I...Who are you?

Brownie 1 We are seven brownies..and you are in our house..but we don’t know who are you ???

Snow White: My name is Snow White & I am a princess..One of my servants left me here in the forest..and..and I don’t know what to do..( crying)

Brownie4 Oh stop crying beautiful lady ..You can live with us..if you want..

Snow White: Oh really?...(smiling) Of course I want..Thank You very much!!

Seven browniesSnow White: Hey ho, hey happy we are all ! Hey ho, hey ho,/ Hey ho, hey ho,how happy.. all

In a castle:

A bad Queen: Mirror , mirror tell me please...who is the most beautiful you can see?

Mirror: : You are beautiful my queen but the most beautiful woman is still your step daughter-princess Snow White

A bad Queen: Oh no!!! She is alive?? I have to kill her myself...Where is she? Where does she live?

Mirror: She lives in the middle of the forest , the 7 brownies’ house.

A bad Queen: I have poisoned this apple..ha, Ha..I’m sure it will kill her!..I hope she won’t recognise me..( walking to the forest and...knocking to the brownies’ house..door)

In the forest

Snow White: Who is there??

A bad Queen It’s me ...a good country woman..I have some delicious apples for you..

Snow nice of you..Please come in..

A bad Queen Taste it my ..dear..

Snow White ( tasting an apple and falling down..)

A bad Queen: ( laughing)..Ha, I’m the most beautiful again..!!

Seven brownies..Hey ho...hey nice it is go home...

Brownie 6 &7 Oh no !! Snow White is dead !! / Somebody has killed her!!

Brownie2 Maybe he will kill us, too.. Oh no..I’m so frightened..

Brownie 1 Stop crying..We have to check it..Yes..Unfortunately she is dead..

Brownie5 But..she is still so beautiful..We can’t just burry her. Let’ put her here ..and build her a glass coffin......

...... After some time...

Prince: What a strange little cottage is standing the forest..( to the brownies) What happened? Why are you crying? And who is this beautiful girl???

Seven brownies:This is Princess Snow White..Her step mother killed her..She has probably eaten this dirty apple...

Prince: Oh , she is so beautiful...I have to kiss her..( kissing the princess..)

Snow White:Oh, I had such a nice dream..A very handsome prince came here and kissed me..

Seven brownies: You are alive..!! Snow White is alive..Hey ho..hey happy we are all,

hey ho, hey ho/*3

Prince:Will you marry me?

Snow White:Yes but you have to promise me you will always wash all fruit before eating...

Prince:Yes.. I promise ..

Snow White & Prince:Please remember: ALWAYS WASH FRUIT & HANDS BEFORE


Brownie 1

And they lived long and ...healthy

The end