Appropriations Request—Congressman Sam Johnson

Fiscal Year 2010

Deadline: February 20, 2009

FY 2010 requests will not be accepted without a completed application form for each project submitted. With 435 Members of Congress making requests the appropriations process can be intensely competitive. Your completion of a request does not in any way guarantee the Congressman’s support nor its funding. In addition, please also include a Recipient Request Certification Form (per Republican conference rules), a detailed finance plan and a completed Committee form. Individual subcommittee deadline requests may vary.

*Be advised that all information submitted may potentially be subject to full public disclosure.

Organization/Grantee Making Request: (Please include full mailing address, department, office, division, etc)

Contact Person(s) in Organization: (Please include full mailing address, telephone number and email address. If applicable, please include any Washington, D.C. representative.)


Department (if applicable):

Agency and Account:

Project Name:

Is this a new project?

Amount Requested: (Include future years, if applicable; e.g.: "$100,000 for FY2011"; “$50,000 for FY2012 and $150,000 for FY2013"; “$100,000 for FY2014-- ongoing program after FY2010")

Report Language Requested (if any):

Amount/Policy in President's Budget Request for FY2010:

Federal funding history: (e.g.: "$0 in FY2009, $100,000 in FY2008 and $100,000 in FY 2007, which was the last year the program was authorized")

Did you make a similar request last year (FY2009)?

Sources and amounts of matching funds (if any):

Relevant authorization Law/Bill/Status: (e.g.: "Public Law 106-111"; "FY2001 DOD Authorization"; "Currently pursuing authorization through Agriculture Committee"; "Small project, does not need specific authorization")

Current status of project for which request is made:

Background/Justification for this request: (You probably will need to attach separate sheets; please attach any supporting materials you feel may be helpful, i.e.: budget projections, reports, brochures, letters of support, etc.)

Please list all locations that would be impacted by this request: (In addition, please include the percentage and dollar amount of funding that each location is expected to receive.)

Number of jobs that will be affected by Fiscal Year 2010 funding: (This may include new jobs and/or current jobs.)

Have you contacted any other Members of Congress, specifically the Texas Delegation (either Senate or House), regarding this request?

Additional Information:

If you have additional requests, please attach a priority list of your projects along with your forms.

Requests may be sent to Mark Williams


Fax: (202) 226-0247