A summary of the Actions or Planned Actions by the University-wide General Education Committee (UWGEC) with regard to the Recommendations of the University of Arizona General Education Review Committee, 2005.

Items in Review Specifically addressed to UWGEC / Action / Result
Incorporating “sexual orientation” to the description of classes designated Gender, race, class, and ethnicity. / Sexual orientation was added to the list and the list renamed: Diversity Emphasis Classes / Completed
18 October 2006
Consider renaming the GENED Program / Considered. Decision was to not change the name at this time. / Completed
18 October 2006
Create a periodic review process for Tier I and Tier II courses / 20% of Tier I courses will be reviewed each year. / Approved 18 April 2007. Method for review will be addressed in 19 September 2007 meeting
Plan for reviewing Tier II course will be addressed in 19 September 2007 meeting
Improve clarity of expected overall outcomes for GENED and Foundations / Comprehensive Plan drafted as part of the work of the Leadership Team on Outcomes Assessment / Plan developed but not yet approved by UWGEC. Will be on agenda for fall 2007 UWGEC meetings
Establish process for investing new faculty in GENED and survey of faculty about GENED Teaching experiences / Incorporated into the UWGEC Communications and Promotion Sub-Committee charge / Motion passed on 18 April 2007 to enhance the GENED Website with information for students, faculty and about the general education program structure, value, policies and procedures.
A new friendlier format for submittal of new courses was developed during Summer 2007 and is posted on GENED Website.
Work out an “Honors Track” in GENED. / Addressed by UWGEC working group. / Motion passed 18 April 2007:
a. affirming importance of honors sections in GENED
b. recommending adjustments in course transfer policies for Honors GENED students
c. afford Honors students opportunity to take additional Tier II class in lieu of a Tier I class in all strands
Identify assessable outcomes and measures for strands and whole of GENED / Being addressed by the Leadership Team on Outcomes Assessment / No action by UWGEC yet.
Once outcomes are agreed upon UA should develop assessment mechanism for determining if students are or are not meeting the UA’s objectives / Being addressed by the Leadership Team on Outcomes Assessment / No UWGEC action yet. Process developed and feasibility being evaluated in 6 Tier II courses in Fall 2007
Review and clarify substitution guidelines for GENED courses / No working group established yet / Will be subject of action in fall 2007 by UWGEC.

JJRiley 10 September 2007A summary of the Actions or Planned Actions by the University.doc