Registry, Appraisal & Qualification




The Ministry of Transportation’s Registry, Appraisal, & Qualification System (RAQS) is an electronic web- based system used to register, qualify, and maintain a corporate performance rating for contractors and consultants who want to conduct business with the ministry in a broad range of technical and professional categories. RAQS is accessible through the Internet (World Wide Web).

As a registered user of RAQS, your municipality can participate in the ministry’s qualification system that are key requirements in undertaking business with the Ontario government.

This document outlines the system requirements to access the RAQS Website, offers directions to set up your software to increase access speed, and provides step-by-step instructions to complete the online application to register your municipality on RAQS.

There are two ways to access the RAQS web site:

  1. Access the ministry’s web site at

Left click on your language of choice.

Left click on Business Opportunities

Left click on one of the menu choices to view current opportunities in the ministry.

  1. Directly access the RAQS web site at


Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • Pentium 100 or equivalent, 32 MB RAM, 28.8 K modem.

Internet Connection:

  • Access to the Internet through an Internet service provider (ISP). Contact a local ISP for details.
  • Internet email address.

Software Requirements:

  • Internet Explorer 5.0+ with 128-bit encryption.

Note:Internet Explorer offer downloading of the 128-bit encryption free of charge. This may be downloaded from our RAQS Website, if you click on the security link located under the General section.

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Your Internet browser settings must be set correctly to access the full functionality of RAQS. Instructions for browser settings are provided below for Internet Explorer.

Note:Initialsystem performance will seem slow. As your browser stores shortcuts to web sites you visit, the access speed will increase. If you delete your computer’s cache or cookies, your browser will slow down, as it will have to recreate the shortcuts.

  1. Left click on “Tools” on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Left click on “Internet Options”.

  2. Left click on the “General” tab.
  1. Under “Temporary Internet files”, left click on “Settings…”.

  1. Under “Check for newer versions …”, left click in the circle to the left of “Automatically”.
  1. Left click on “OK” to save the setting.
  1. Left click on “OK” to exit “Internet Options”.

As you will visit our RAQS Website often, we recommend you save this Website as a bookmark in your Internet Explorer's Favourites folder.


How to Apply to Register:

  1. Access the RAQS web site at: The RAQS main menu will appear on your screen.

  1. Left click on “New Registration” on the menu bar on the left hand side of the screen.

  1. Left click on “Register” at the bottom of the drop down menu.

  1. To determine the “Type of Application:”, left click on the “What is this?” link.

  1. Left click in the circle to the left for a "Municipality"

In the section below, you will be entering information about your company. A red asterisk (*) denotes mandatory information that must be provided to process your application.

  1. In the “Company Name:” field, enter the full legal name of your company.
  1. In the “Contact Name:” field, enter the first and last name of the individual you want us to contact if we have any questions regarding your application to register your company.
  1. In the “Address:” field, enter the suite or room number, floor, building number, street name and any other information that would normally be included to identify the location of the company.
  1. In the “City:” field, enter the name of the city where your company is located.
  1. In the “Province/State:” field, no change is required, as only municipalities, in Ontario may register.
  1. In the “Country:” field, no change is required no change is required, as only municipalities, in Ontario, Canada may register.
  1. In the “Postal/Zip Code:” field, enter the postal code for the address given above. The format for a postal code must be A#A A#A.
  1. In the “Phone Number:” field, enter the area code and telephone number of the company in the format ###-### ####.
  1. In the “Phone Extension:” field, enter the extension number of the contact person lists above, if applicable.
  2. In the “Fax Number:” field, enter the area code and telephone number of the company in the format ###-### ####.
  1. In the “Email':” field, enter the full email address the ministry is to use to contact your company in the format .

17.“Common Ownership Company Information:” applies only if you selected “Qualified Contractors” in step 5. above. Please proceed to number 19.

  1. Left click on “Submit” to forward your application to the ministry.

Note:When a mandatory field is blank or information is not formatted as specified, your application form will not be submitted. Please check the mandatory fields and the specified format for errors, and retry “Submit”. Contact the RAQS Help Desk at: 1-855-327-6780 if you continue to experience problems in submitting your application.

Your computer screen will display this notification when your application has been received by the ministry:

20.The Ministry requires verification that you are a registered municipality within Ontario. Please fax this information to us on your letterhead, to: 1-905-704-2855.

Note: Your company’s registration on RAQS cannot be completed until the appropriate documentation has been received.

Within ten (10) business days of receipt of your application, the ministry will send written notification of your request for registration on RAQS to the email address provided in the application form you submitted.

Should you have any questions, comments or concern, please do not hesitate to contact our RAQS Help Desk at: 1-855-327-6780.

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