Why is Maxient so Important???

Ways to explain it to others who need to know!

Ways to increase our number of reports (hopefully)!

1.  Admin Council has endorsed the use of Maxient as the College’s official record of concerning behavior and intervention.

2.  Maxient use prevents silos of information that may occur within departments and/or campuses.

3.  Maxient use allows identification of multiple reports across the college.

4.  Everyone does not call the police when they know of a concerning behavior(and not every situation needs police presence). But Maxient is a method of reporting concerns that may be more attractive to some.

5.  It allows us to address concerning behavior in the absence of a college counseling center.

6.  We can make better decisions by using correct and relevant information rather than what is simply interesting.

7.  We normally report to our peers/friends/parents/workmates. This online form is the next logical step.

8.  The Maxient report may provide witnesses that allow a fuller perspective of the situation and, thus, a more thorough investigation of the incident.

9.  It is a means of identifying and documenting predatory, targeted violence.

10.  Perpetrators of serious campus violence don’t just “snap.” They have a history of acts and communications that may seem small individually but need to be documented.

11.  These incidents are not usually impulsive or random; reports may allow identification of the risk potential of an individual.

12.  It’s a tool for prevention. Most (75%) of those who commit acts of violence “plan, prepare, and discuss with others before the attack!”

13.  The system creates a centralized process to oversee college behavioral concerns.

14.  The response to a Maxient report may help an individual understand early on that his/her behavior is not OK before it continues or escalates. It allows staff to intervene and make a difference.

15.  It’s a great tool for problem-solving and maintaining campus safety!

2012 – NOVA Office of Student Mental Health and Behavior