8th Grade United States History, Lanier Middle School Go Purple Pups!

Teacher: Andrew Newhouse, Room # 138

I. Materials

A. Everyday

1. Agenda

2. Blue/Black Pens

3. Pencils

4. Red Pens

5. Social Studies Binder w/ notebook paper

6. Personal Pencil Sharpener

B. In your locker and ready to go when notified

1. Colored Pencils w/ personal sharpener

2. Extra Pens

C. Available at Home

1. Poster-boards

2. Notebook paper

3. Markers

4. Map Pencils

II. Classroom Rules (See posted)

1. In all situations in and out of the classroom, we choose appropriate behavior

2. Wait your turn to speak

3. Respect other’s personal space

4. Use only school accepted language

III. Classroom Expectations (See posted)

1. Arrive on time

2. Follow all school & classroom rules

3. Keep the classroom neat and clean

4. Be engaged in learning…..participate

5. Respect other’s feelings & personal property

6. Learn many new & exciting things everyday

IV. Classroom Procedures

A. Tardies

1st Tardy – Sign Tardy Book

2nd Tardy – Sign Tardy Book, Tardy Assignment, & Phone Call Home

3rd Tardy – Detention, Tardy Assignment, Phone Call Home

4th Tardy – Detention and AP contact

B. “Entering Our Classroom”

1. Enter quietly and orderly

2. Pick-up your next Homework assignment (handout)

3. Go straight to your desk and sit-down

4. Get out your agenda, Social Studies Binder, HW, and pen or pencil

5. Put everything else under your desk out of the aisles

6. Begin copying new homework in your agenda

7. Begin working on the warm-up and finish it

8. Get previous HW ready to grade with red pen or ready to turn-in,

depending on HW assignment.

Email contact:

V. Be Prepared

A. Homework 2 – 4 times per week

B. Vocabulary & Key Concepts Weekly Quizzes

C. To use critical thinking skiils

D. To be engaged / participating everyday

VI. Make-Up Work

A. Only allowed for Excused Absences

B. Students will not be allowed to make-up work if the absence is unexcused

C. It is impossible to learn everything you need to know if you are missing


D. Do not wait to ask me for the make-up work (Your Responsibility)

VII. Tutoring Schedule

Thursdays 3:35pm – 4:15pm

** Before school tutoring must be scheduled in advance (a hall pass is required)

VIII. Grades

Grading Scale is:Your Nine (9) Week Grade Breakdown:

100% - 90%A25% - Major Grades (Tests & Projects)

89% - 80%B.30% - Quizzes

79% - 75%C35% - Daily Grades

74% - 70%D10% - Homework

69% - belowF


Mr. Newhouse’s Class


I have read and understand the 8th Grade Social Studies expectations and procedures:

Student Name Printed Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature