Mr. Oberholtzer Name______
Honors World History
Unit: The Industrial Revolution Date______Pd.______
Text WS Chap 29 pt. 2 pp. 660-674 “Industrial Society” The Industrial Revolution
Thomas Malthus-
Transcontinental Migration-
Utopian Socialists-
Karl Marx-
Frederich Engels-
The Communist Manifesto-
Trade Unions-
Crystal Palace-
Robert Owen-
Charles Fourier-
Division of Labor-
Industrial Society
1. Industrialization brought______benefits in its train: inexpensive______products, rising ______of______, and ______growth.
2. Industrialization also unleashed dramatic and often unsettling social change. T or F
3. Massive internal and external______took place as millions of people moved from the ______to work in new ______cities, and European migrants crossed the______by the tens of ______to seek opportunities in the less densely populated lands of the ______hemisphere.
4. Industrialization did not lead to the creation of new social classes as the old order remained.
T or F
5. What did reformers seek to alleviate during the Industrial Revolution?
6. Who were the most influential critics of the Industrial Revolution?
A. capitalists B. proletarians C. socialists D. the church
7. ______brought efficiencies in ______that flooded markets with ______manufactured goods.
8. What was the “American System of Manufacturing”? Explain completely.
9. In many ways, Industrialization raised material standards of living. T or F
10. What could all but the most desperately poor afford by the early 19th century due to the Industrial Revolution? List them:
11. The populations of ______and Euro-______peoples ______sharply during the ______th and ______th centuries, and they reflected the rising ______and ______of______that came with______. Between 1700 and 1800 the population of Europe increased from 105 million to 180 million, and during the 19th century it more than ______to ______million. Demographic growth in the Western Hemisphere was even greater. Explain why:
12. The rapid population growth in ______and the ______reflected changing patterns of ______and______.
13. What did English physician Edward Jenner discover and how did this impact mortality rates and population growth?
14. Industrialization and population growth strongly encouraged ______and______. Within industrial societies, migrants flocked from the ______to ______centers in search of ______. Industrial ______led the world in ______.
15. Describe the Urban Environment during the Industrial Revolution. What was it like for people living in these large, industrial cities? Discuss completely:
16. ______determined the degree of ______and ______offered by city life.
17. Government never got involved in regulating the economy or solving social problems caused by industrialization during the Industrial Revolution. T or F
18. Who gained increased stature and responsibility during the Industrial Age? Circle one:
Sources from the Past, page 664 Thomas Malthus on Population1. According to Malthus, poverty and distress were caused by:
2. What is the tendency in all animated life with regard to population?
3. If left unchecked, how fast does human population grow and at what type of ratio?
4. What is the ultimate check to population growth?
5. What are immediate checks and how do you think they work to control population?
6. What are preventative checks and how do they work to keep population down?
7. What are positive checks?
8. Why do you think Thomas Malthus is considered a pessimist? Is there any hope in his view for mankind to escape the problem of overpopulation?
9. Were Malthus’s fears about a lack of food realized during the Age of Industrialization, or did aspects of the new industrial society in fact help to prevent those fears from being realized?
10. In the long run, do you think Malthus will eventually be proven right, why or why not, and what do you think is in store for the future of humanity in an industrialized world?
19. Internalizing the work ethic of the industrial age, how did professional men seek to improve themselves?
20. How did the working class, the industrial workers, spend their leisure time? Do you think they shared the same passion for self-improvement that the owners of the factories did?
21. How did working class women help to support their families? What occupations did they work in and why were they so prevalent in the labor force in the early textile mills?
22. Industrialization profoundly influenced the ______experience. Why was industrial labor exploitative of children? How were child laborers treated? Do you think it is possible for children to grow and develop properly in this environment? What do you think the cost to society was? Was it worth it in the long run? Explain:
23. Among the most vocal and influential critics of early industrial society were the ______, who worked to alleviate the ______and ______problems generated by ______and industrialization.
24. What did the socialists deplore the most about industrial life under capitalism and what did they want to do to alleviate the situation? What were they primarily concerned with?
25. ______and______believed that the social problems of the 19th century were the inevitable results of a ______economy. They held (believed) that ______divided people into ______main classed, each with its own economic interests and social status: the ______, who owned the industrial machinery and factories (means of production) and the ______, consisting of wage workers who had only their labor to sell.
26. Intense ______between ______trying to realize a ______resulted in ruthless exploitation of the working class. Which social class controlled the state and its coercive institutions?______.
27. Marx once referred to religion as the “opiate of the masses.” T or F
28. Marx and Engels co-authored The ______.
29. Marx believed that human history was the history of class struggle. T or F
30. According to Marx the future lay with the Capitalist class. T or F
31. Marx believed that a socialist revolution would result in a “Dictatorship of the______”.
32. Did socialism win control of any European government in the 19th Century?
YES NO (circle one)
Sources from the past, page 670Marx and Engels of Bourgeoisie and Proletarians
1. According to Marx in the Communist Manifesto, what was different about the Industrial Era that made it unique among other historical periods and led to revolutionary change? Explain Completely:
2. Why does the bourgeoisie (capitalists) expand all over the Earth? Why does capitalism and machine production spread everywhere?
3. According to Marx, the Bourgeoisie created the new class that will one day destroy Capitalism and bring forth socialism. What is that class?______
4. According to Marx and Engels, capitalism is required before communism can occur.
T or F
33. Social Reformers and Trade Unions, along with governmental intervention, gradually improved the conditions for industrialized labor. T or F
34. Industrialization did not have an impact on the global economy. T or F
35. What is Economic Interdependence? Describe, explain and provide examples in a paragraph:
36. Putting the Industrial Revolution into perspective, how did it change the world and how transformative was the change for humanity? Was Industrialization a good thing for humanity in the long run, was it a bad thing, or is it still too soon to tell? How do you think you fit into the global industrial economy? Explain Completely: