Where I'm From Poem
CATEGORY / Exceeds(A) / Meets(B) / Average(C) / NeedsWork(F)
Repetition / Repeats I am From every two lines or says from....to...
5 / Repeats I am from every 4 lines
4 / only repeats I am from every once in awhile
3 / doesn't say I am from
Follows Directions / has the correct amount of lines, has poetic elements, is decorated etc, not typed
10 / is missing only 1 item from the directions
9 / is missing 2-5 items from the directions
8 / is missing more than 5 things from the directions
Decorations / It is obvious that time and energy has been spent. Has pictures, color, and decorations
20 / Nicely done, but not fantastic.
18 / Needs color, needs pictures or decorations
16 / wrinkled, in pencil, typed, no color, torn
Imagery / has mostly strong images that can be seen in the mind –uses the 5 senses
20 / has a few strong images, but mostly just average images
18 / no strong images, everything very general-very abstract
16 / no images at all –all abstract ideas
Poetic Elements
1 personification
1 metaphor
1 simile
1 end rhyme
2 alliteration
1 hyperbole
1 internal rhyme / uses all of the poetic elements asked for and adds a few more
30 / uses all poetic elements asked for
28 / missing 1-2 elements
26 / missing more than 2 elements
Presentation / Speaks clearly, no ums, makes eye contact more than 5 times
15 / speaks clearly, maybe a few ums, makes eye contact at least 3 times
13 / a little mumbly, laughter, does distracting habits, hides face, makes eye contact at least two times
11 / laughs, does distracting habits, can barely be heard or can't be heard, no eye contact, mumbles all the way through