• Sample online OSSLT for Schools.
  • Principals have access to the secure site through their login to EQAO
  • Secure access allows schools to undertake a trial of the online administration in a proctored school setting. Please note:
  • The Sample online OSSLT is available through the EQAO online kiosk (a secure application) that must be downloaded to each device;
  • Students will be able to use passwords to log into the test through the kiosk;
  • Schools will have access to feedback on their students’ performance on multiple choice questions immediately following the sample test to help them identify students who may benefit from additional support; however, they will need to keep track of students.
  • Support documents available from EQAO
  • EQAO Online Technical Guide
  • EQAO Online Frequently Asked Questions

Logistics for administering the test

What to consider for October 20th ‘Early Opportunity’:

  • This communication is being sent to all Principals, Vice-Principals, and Literacy Leads.
  • Schools are encouraged to identify a local “IT contact” and invite them to be a part of the Literacy Team as they prepare for the Online OSSLT.
  • TCDSB Information Technology (IT) central staff have reviewed the minimum device hardware and software specifications. Based on this information, TCDSB IT central staff will test the online OSSLT kiosk application on a representative set of Board-owned devices being used for the assessment to determine suitability.
  • Personal devices may not be used for the assessment.
  • TCDSB IT central staff will install the online OSSLT kiosk application on the identified devices the schools will be using to administer the OSSLT.
  • Schools will need make decisions on which classrooms will be used and the devices to be allocated to those classrooms for the OSSLT. At the start of the new school year this information will be collected from the schools to assist TCDSB IT central staff to arrange and prepare the required devices for the OSSLT.
  • Teachers administering the test are encouraged to become familiar with the proctor site Login, scroll down to OSSLT, click on the LINK: “EQAO ONLINE PROCTOR INFORMATION”. (Please see your administrator for the login/password.)
  • and tools (e.g., note taking, masking, highlighting); text-to-speech software is also available as an accommodation. In September, teachers may direct students to the following site to access the public sample online OSSLT. ( )
  • On October 20th there may be two possible back-to-back sittings of the assessment in all schools.

Ideally we would like all students to be given the opportunity to try the online version of the OSSLT on October 20th; however, we recognize that for some schools that may not be realistic due to cohort size, technology available, and networkbandwidth. Try to maximize this opportunity, based on the number of devices available in your school and plan for two back-to-back sittings of the assessment. The decision, as to who or how many will be involved in the online OSSLT in October, will be made at the local level.

We realize that there will be many questions as we move forward in this first province-wide implementation of the online OSSLT. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we learn together.


Nick D’Avella

Superintendent of Student Success

Toronto Catholic District School Board

80 Sheppard Avenue East

Toronto, Ontario

M2N 6E8

Telephone: 416-222-8282 Ext. 5370