Language Arts

Mrs. Kieft

Welcome to Miraleste Intermediate School. Below is a general course policy so we can start the year with similar expectations; please read it carefully with your parent(s)/guardian(s), and together sign the form. Return the signed portion by Friday; keep the remainder for reference.


** Required: You are required to bring all materials to class daily. You will not be able to leave class in order to retrieve materials from your locker.

Intermediate School Assignment Notebook (Agenda/Planner)

A one or two inch binder with pockets in the front

Packet of five binder dividers

Two sharpened number two pencils

Two working blue or black pens

One working red pen

Two working highlighters (different colors)

College-ruled blank paper

Free reading book

General Rules

  • To show respect for learning, it is important that you are in your seat with your materials out when the bell rings so that we may begin class promptly. Failure to be in your seat when the bell rings will result in a tardy. Students are expected to look at the agenda on the board and begin working as soon as the bell rings. You are excused from your seat at the end of class when the teacher excuses you, not when the bell rings at the end of the period.
  • During a class discussion, please raise your hand when you have a question or wish to contribute an answer. Your job as a student isn’t simply to regurgitate information; it is to analyze, question, debate and construct knowledge and information.
  • Your best effort is expected on all assignments.
  • Since students who are hydrated make the best learners, water bottles are permitted in the classroom; however, no gum, food or other beverages are allowed during class time. Healthy snacks are permitted during nutrition break during period three.
  • Follow all school rules.

Class Rules

  • Give your personal best
  • Be Kind and Caring
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible


  • Homework is to be completed thoughtfully and carefully.
  • Be sure to include the proper heading (as outlined in the Miraleste Agenda) on all work; this will ensure that you get full credit for what you accomplished. If you leave your name off your paper there will be consequences that could affect your grade.
  • You will always be notified when homework is due. Homework will be posted on the homework board and you can also refer to Edlio ( for assignments.
  • If homework is late, points will be deducted for tardiness.
  • For an excused absence, you have as many days to make up your assignments as you were absent, except for long-term assignments. Long-term assignments must be turned in the day that they are due.
  • If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the missed assignments and turn them in for credit. Please make sure you have the names of at least two other students in this class to call if you are absent. If you miss three or more days, your parents may request homework to be compiled by all your teachers by contacting the office.


  • Your academic grade will be determined on a strict point basis. You will earn points on homework, quizzes, binder checks, in-class activities, and tests. Extra credit will rarely be made available. Your grade will be based on the percentage of the total points earned.
  • Your citizenship grade will be determined by classroom behavior, participation, and work habits. Please see the citizenship rubric in the Miraleste agenda for a detailed explanation. Also, please note that gum chewing is strictly prohibited on campus. It is a school wide consensus that if a student is caught with gum in class it will result in an automatic “N” in citizenship.
  • Grades will be posted on Aeris. If there is a question about a grade, please email the question as taking up class time to discuss grades with teachers can negatively impact other students. If you do not have access to Aeries, please make this known to the teacher.


Dear Parents:

Ilook forward to teaching your child this year at Miraleste Intermediate School. Please read over these policies carefully with your student and sign at the bottom.

During the course of the year we may watch full films and segments of other films, each for different instructional purposes. These films and screened excerpts are from G and PG films. Signing below gives permission for your student to view chosen G and PG films and excerpts.

Again, I am excited to work with your child and watch him/her develop his/her gifts and talents in reading and writing. Thank you for your support of Miraleste Intermediate School.


Mrs. Rebecca Kieft

Language Arts

X 707

I have read and reviewed the course policies for Writing/Study Skills.

Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature


Print namePrint name
