Direct Observation
Draw hand from life (direct observation) using correct proportion and including all details. / 4
Accurately drew hand from direct observation, showing correct proportion and all details. / 3
Drew hand from direct observation showing mostly correct proportion and most details. / 2
Drew hand from direct observation showing somewhat correct proportion and limited details. / 1
Drew hand without observation and no evidence of correct proportion or detail. / 0
Did not draw hand.
Hand Size
Draw hand to scale or larger than life. / 4
Drew hand to scale or larger. / 3
Drew hand somewhat smaller than life. / 2
Drew hand much smaller than life. / 1
Drew hand significantly smaller than life. / 0
Did not draw hand.
Used increased technical skill in rendering the hand by shading with at least 5 values and transitioning smoothly between them. / 4
Rendered realistic values of the hand from direct observation, including at least 5 shades of value with smooth transitions between those values. / 3
Rendered most of the realistic values of the hand including only 4 shades of value, with mostly smooth transitions between those values. / 2
Rendered some realistic values of the hand including only 3 shades of values. Did not create smooth transitions between those values. / 1
Included only 2 values of shading, dark and light. / 0
Did not include any shading.
Present a neat, clean, complete drawing that shows skillful use of the media. / 4
Drawing is complete, with no visible contour pencil lines or erasures and shows skillful pencil techniques. / 3
Drawing is mostly complete, with few pencil lines or erasures and shows good pencil techniques. / 2
Drawing is somewhat complete, with many
lines or erasures and shows limited pencil technique. / 1
Drawing is filled with lines or erasures, is not complete, and lacks pencil skills. / 0
Drawing is not complete and shows no pencil skills.

Rubric: Realistic hand rendering with value