Town of Bowdoinham

Land Use Ordinance

Town of Bowdoinham
Land Use Ordinance
Proposed Amendments
February 23, 2012

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Town of Bowdoinham

Land Use Ordinance

Table of Contents:

Article 1: General 7

A) Title 7

B) Authority 7

C) Purposes 7

D) Applicability 7

E) Conflicts with Other Ordinances 8

F) Ordinance Supersedes Prior Ordinances 8

G) Validity and Severability 8

H) Effective Date 8

I) Amendments 8

J) Availability 9

K) Annual Administrative Review 9

Article 2: Definitions 10

Article 3: Nonconformance 39

A) Purpose. 39

B) General 39

C) Non-conforming Structures 39

D) Non-conforming Uses 40

E) Non-conforming Lots 41

Article 4: Performance Standards 42

A) Access Management 42

B) Back lots. 43

C) Erosion and Sedimentation Control 43

D) Home Occupation 44

E) Lighting 44

F) Road Standards 45

G) Subsurface Wastewater Disposal 45

H) Signs 45

I) Temporary Buildings 45

J) Timber Harvesting 45

K) Vernal Pools 46

L) Water Quality Protection 46

M) Wind Mills 46

Article 5: Land Use Districts 47

A) Establishment of Districts 47

B) Rules Governing Base District Boundaries 47

C) Land Use Requirements. 47

D) Residential/Agricultural District- 48


Article 6: Shoreland Overlay Districts 53

A) Purpose 53

B) Applicability 53

C) Districts and Zoning Map 53

D) Scale of Map. 54

E) Certification of Official Shoreland Zoning Map. 54

F) Changes to the Official Shoreland Zoning Map. 54

G) Interpretation of District Boundaries. 54

H) Land Use Requirements. 54

I) Establishment of Districts 55

1) Resource Protection District. 55

2) Limited Residential District. 56

3) Limited Commercial District. 56

4) General Development I District. 56

5) General Development II District. 57

6) Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities District. 57

7) Stream Protection District. 57

J) Table of Uses 59

Article 7: Shoreland Zoning 62

A) Shoreland Zone Application & Review Procedures 62

1) Permits Required. 62

2) Fees. 62

3) Review Process 63

4) Submission Requirements. 65

B) General Provisions 66

C) Approval Criteria 66

D) Performance Standards 67

1) Minimum Lot Standards. 67

2) Principal and Accessory Structures. 68

3) Piers, Docks, Wharves, Bridges and Other Structures and Uses Extending Over or Below the Normal High-Water Line of a Water Body or Within a Wetland 70

4) Campgrounds. 70

5) Individual Private Campsites. 71

6) Commercial and Industrial Uses 71

7) Parking Areas. 72

8) Roads and Driveways. 72

9) Stream Crossings. 74

10) Signs. 74

11) Storm Water Runoff. 75

12) Septic Waste Disposal. 75

13) Essential Services. 75

14) Mineral Exploration and Extraction. 75

15) Agriculture. 76

16) Timber Harvesting. 77

17) Clearing or Removal of Vegetation for Activities Other Than Timber Harvesting. 84

18) Erosion and Sedimentation Control. 86

19) Soils. 87

20) Water Quality. 87

21) Archaeological Site. 87

22) Marinas. 88

E) Nonconformance 88

1) Purpose. 88

2) General. 88

3) Non-conforming Structures. 89

4) Non-conforming Uses. 91

5) Non-conforming Lots. 91

F) Special Exceptions. 92

Article 8: Floodplain Management 94

A) Purpose 94

B) Floodplain Application & Review Procedures 94

1) Permit Required 94

2) Fees 94

3) Application Review Procedures 94

4) Review of Standards 96

5) Application Submission Requirements 96

C) Development Standards. 98

1) Construction Standards 98

2) Water Supply 98

3) On Site Waste Disposal Systems 98

4) Watercourse Carrying Capacity 98

5) Residential 98

6) Non Residential 99

7) Manufactured Homes 99

8) Recreational Vehicles 100

9) Accessory Structures 100

10) Floodways 101

11) Enclosed Areas Below the Lowest Floor 101

12) Bridges 102

13) Containment Walls 102

14) Wharves, Piers and Docks 103

D) Conditional Use Review 103

E) Certificate of Compliance 104

F) General Provisions 104

Article 9: Subdivision 105

A) Purpose. 105

B) Administrative Procedures 105

1) Review & Approval Authority. 105

2) Classification of Projects. 105

3) Fees. 105

C) Application Review Procedures 106

1) Pre-Application Procedures (Minor & Major Subdivisions). 106

2) Preliminary Plan. 109

3) Final Plan. 110

4) Subdivision Amendment. 111

D) Application Submission Requirements 112

1) Site Inventory & Analysis. 112

2) Preliminary Plan. 113

3) Final Plan. 117

4) Additional Requirements for Major Subdivisions - Final Plan. 120

5) Subdivision Amendment. 120

E) Final Approval and Filing 120

F) Approval Criteria 121

G) Performance Standards & Design Standards 123

1) Vehicular Access 123

2) Traffic 131

2) Visual Impact 132

3) Utilities 132

4) Water Supply 133

5) Sewage Disposal 134

6) Fire Protection 134

7) Financial Capacity 135

8) Technical Ability 136

9) Shoreland 136

10) Floodplain 137

11) Wetlands & Waterbodies 137

12) Historic & Archaeological 137

13) Groundwater 138

14) Wildlife Habitat 139

15) Natural Areas 140

16) Open Space 140

17) Environmental Impact 141

18) Solid Waste Management 141

19) Air Quality 141

20) Water Quality 141

21) Stormwater 142

22) Sedimentation & Erosion Control 144

23) Compliance with Ordinances 144

24) Impact of Adjoining Municipality 144

25) Spaghetti-lots 144

26) Liquidation Harvesting 145

H) General Provisions 145

I) Waivers 146

J) Inspections & Violations 147

1) Inspections 147

2) Violations 147

Article 10: Site Plan Review 149

A) Purpose 149

B) Site Plan Application Review Procedures 149

1) Review & Approval Authority 149

2) Classification of Projects 149

3) Fees 151

4) Review Procedures 152

5) Application Submission Requirements 156

C) Approval Criteria 161

D) General Performance Standards 163

1) Vehicular Access 163

2) Internal Vehicular Circulation 164

3) Pedestrian Circulation 165

4) Municipal Services 165

5) Visual Impact 166

6) Lighting 166

7) Signage 166

8) Buildings 167

9) Landscaping 168

10) Buffering 168

11) Utilities 168

12) Water Supply 168

13) Sewage Disposal 168

14) Fire Protection 169

15) Capacity of Applicant 169

16) Special Resources 169

17) Historic & Archaeological 169

18) Groundwater 170

19) Wildlife Habitat 170

20) Natural Areas 170

21) Environmental Impact 170

22) Solid Waste Management 171

23) Hazardous, Special & Radioactive Materials 171

24) Air Quality 171

25) Water Quality 171

26) Stormwater 171

27) Sedimentation & Erosion Control 172

28) Noise 172

E) Use-Specific Performance Standards 172

1) Asphalt/Concrete Plant/Fabrication 173

2) Automobile Graveyard & Junkyard 173

3) Automobile Service Station 173

4) Bank/Financial Institution 173

5) Bed & Breakfast 173

6) Boarding House 173

7) Campground 174

8) Daycare, Center 174

9) Daycare, Home 174

10) Distribution Center 175

11) Dog Kennels 175

12) Food Processing 175

13) Gravel Pit 175

14) Home-Based Business 175

15) Hotel, Motel, & Inn 176

16) Manufactured Housing Park 176

17) Non-Roadside or Cross-Country Distribution Lines (greater than 34.5kV) 176

18) Restaurant 176

19) Retail 176

20) Self Storage Facility 176

21) Telecommunication Tower 177

22) Warehouse 177

23) Wood Processing Facility 177

F) General Provisions 177

Article 11: Administration, Enforcement, & Penalties 180

A) Administering Agencies 180

B) Permits Required 181

C) Permit Application Review Procedure 182

D) Permit Application Submission Requirements 184

E) Enforcement 185

Article 12: Appeals 187

A) Appointment and Composition 187

B) Conflict of Interest 188

C) Powers and Duties 188

D) Meetings 190

E) Voting 191

F) Application Procedure 191

G) Hearings 191

H) Decisions 192

I) Reconsiderations 192

J) Appeal to Superior Court 192

Appendix 1: Community Association Documents and Conservation Ownership and Management Plan Submission Requirements 194

Appendix 2: IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT (sample letter) 195

Appendix 3: IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT (sample letter) 197

Appendix 4: Four-Step Design Process 198

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Town of Bowdoinham

Land Use Ordinance

Article 1: General

A)  Title

This Ordinance and the accompanying land use map shall be known and may be cited as the “Land Use Ordinance of the Town of Bowdoinham, Maine.”

B)  Authority

1)  This Ordinance has been prepared and adopted pursuant to the enabling provisions of Article VIII, Part 2, of the Maine Constitution, the provisions of Title 30-A MRSA Section 3001 (Home Rule), the Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation Act, Title 30-A MRSA, Sections 4312 et.seq., Section 4352, Zoning Ordinances, and the Mandatory Shoreland Zoning Act, Title 38 MRSA Sections 435 et. seq.

2)  The Town of Bowdoinham has the legal authority to adopt land use and control measures to reduce future flood losses pursuant to Title 30-A MRSA, Sections 3001-3007, 4352, 4401-4407, and Title 38 MRSA, Section 440.

3)  The areas of special flood hazard, Zones A, A1-30, AE, AO, and AH, are identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a report entitled "Flood Insurance Study - Town of Bowdoinham, Maine, Sagadahoc County," dated November 19, 1997 with accompanying "Flood Insurance Rate Map" dated November 19, 1997, which are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Ordinance.

C)  Purposes

1)  The purposes of this Ordinance are:

2)  To implement the provisions of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan;

3)  To direct growth to identified growth areas of the Town, and to manage growth in the rural areas;

4)  To promote the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the community;

5)  To encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the Town;

6)  To promote traffic safety;

7)  To provide safety from fire and other elements;

8)  To manage and conserve natural resources;

9)  To protect buildings and lands from flooding and accelerated erosion; and

10)  To conserve natural beauty and open space.

D)  Applicability

The provisions of this Ordinance shall govern all land and water areas of the Town of Bowdoinham and all structures within the Town’s boundaries, including any structure built on, over, or abutting a water body.

E)  Conflicts with Other Ordinances

Whenever a provision of this Ordinance conflicts with or is inconsistent with another provision of this Ordinance or of any other ordinance, regulation or statute, the more restrictive provision shall control.

F)  Ordinance Supersedes Prior Ordinances

This Ordinance supersedes, repeals, and replaces the following Ordinances:

1)  Land Use Regulation & Shoreland Zoning Ordinance which originally became effective on September 15, 1975 and was revised through June 11, 2008.

2)  Shoreland Zoning Ordinance which originally became effective on September 17, 1998 and was revised through January 8, 2008.

3)  Building Permit Ordinance which originally became effective on March 3, 1969 and was revised through January 8, 2008.

4)  Floodplain Management Ordinance which enacted on June 24, 1998.

5)  Ordinance Regulating Mobile Homes and House Trailers which originally became effective on January 25, 1988 and was revised through April 18, 1988.

6)  The Bowdoinham Multi-Family Dwelling Ordinance which became effective on March 18, 1983.

7)  Site Plan Review Ordinance which originally became effective on June 23, 1987 and was revised through June 11, 2008.

8)  Subdivision Ordinance which originally became effective on June 13, 2007 and was revised through June 11, 2008.

9)  Residential Growth Ordinance which originally became effective on June 11, 2002.

G)  Validity and Severability

Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid, such decision shall not invalidate any other section or provision of this Ordinance.

H)  Effective Date

1)  The effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date of adoption by the legislative body on June 10, 2009.

2)  The shoreland zoning provisions of this Ordinance, having been adopted by the legislative body on June 10, 2009, shall be effective upon the date of adoption provided that it is subsequently approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection. A certified copy of the Ordinance, attested and signed by the Municipal Clerk, shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection for approval. If the Commissioner fails to act on the shoreland zoning provisions of this Ordinance within 45 days of his/her receipt of the Ordinance, it shall be deemed approved. Upon approval of the shoreland zoning provisions of this Ordinance, the shoreland zoning ordinance previously adopted on September 17, 1998 is hereby repealed.

I)  Amendments

1)  This Ordinance may be amended by a majority vote of the legislative body.

2)  For amendments involving the shoreland zoning provisions of this Ordinance, copies of the amendments, attested and signed by the Municipal Clerk, shall be submitted to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection following adoption by the municipal legislative body and shall not become effective unless approved by the Commissioner. If the Commissioner fails to act on any amendment within 45 days of his/her receipt of the amendment, it shall be deemed approved. Any application for a permit submitted to the municipality within the 45 day period shall be governed by the terms of the amendment, if such amendment is approved by the Commissioner.

J)  Availability

A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk and shall be accessible to any member of the public. Copies shall be made available to the public at reasonable cost at the expense of the person making the request. Notice of this availability shall be posted.

K)  Annual Administrative Review

1)  The Code Enforcement Officer, Planning Board and Board of Appeals each shall report annually, in the month of January, to the Board of Selectmen on their respective experience with the administration of this Ordinance during the previous year. Their reports to the Board of Selectmen shall include any recommended amendments that would:

2)  Enhance their ability to more effectively meet their respective administrative responsibilities under this Ordinance; and

3)  Enhance the implementation of the purposes of this Ordinance contained in Article 1, Section 1, above.

a)  The failure of any person or board to comply with this provision shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Ordinance in any way.

Article 2: Definitions

In the interpretation and enforcement of this Ordinance, all words other than those specifically defined in the Ordinance shall have the meaning implied by their context in the Ordinance or their ordinarily accepted meaning. In the case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this Ordinance and any map, illustration or table, the text shall control.