St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
It is recommended that you obtain legal advice when making a Will and/or using a sample gift clause in your Will.
“I give to St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (ABN 91 161 127 340) my residuary estatefor it’\s …………………. (insert either “general purposes” or insert a specific purpose from the list below)
and the receipt of its authorised officer for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my executors for the gift.”
“I give to St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (ABN 91 161 127 340) ………. % of my residuary estatefor its ……………….. (insert either “general purposes” or insert a specific purpose fromthe list below) and the receipt of its authorised officer for the time being is a sufficientdischarge to my executors for the gift.”
“I give to St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (ABN 91 161 127 340) my whole estatefor its
…………………. (insert either “general purposes” or insert a specific purpose from the list below)
and the receipt of its authorised officer for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my executors for the gift.”
“I give to St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (ABN 91 161 127 340) the sum of $...... for its …………………. (insert either “general purposes” or insert a specific purpose from the list below) and the receipt of its authorised officer for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my executors for the gift.”
“I give to St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (ABN 91 161 127 340) my ………….(insert precise detail of a specific gift) for its …………………. (insert either “general purposes” or insert a specific purpose from the list below) and the receipt of its authorised officer for the time being is asufficient discharge to my executors for the gift.”
Examples of specific purposes:
- St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
- Matthew Talbot Hostel (now known as St Vincent de Paul Society NSW Support Services)