FTD® Preferred Vendor

Vendor Management System (VMS) Manual



  • You must use Internet Explorer as your web browser. Functionality is not supported in Netscape Navigator.
  • Users of Microsoft Office 2000 or XP must install a patch prior to using VMS for the first time. Use the following link to install the patch:

Getting Started

VMS is a web-based program. Access the Internet and go to the following address:


The following screen should appear:

To log into the system, enter the following information provided by FTD:

  • Enter your User Id (formerly Group ID).
  • Enter your password in the Password field.

After you log in, you will be automatically redirected to “My Desktop”.

My Desktop

This screen will show you what functions are available to you.

  • Clicking on “View Open PO” will display all your open orders. Any order that has not been invoiced will be displayed.
  • Clicking on “Download Shipping Information” will download all of your open orders into an Excel file.
  • Clicking on “Process PO by line items with invoice #” will allow you to invoice your open purchase orders for payment.
  • Clicking on “Change Password” will allow you to change your password.

My Desktop (cont’d)

You can also use the Vendor Self Service drop down box in the left column to select a function.

View Open PO (Line Items)

This function displays all your openpurchase orders.

  • To search for a purchase order by date key in the specific dates (MM/DD/YY format) or click on the calendars.
  • To search for a purchase order by item, key in the specific item code.
  • You can invoice from this screen by checking the boxes in the SELECT ALL column. After selecting which items you want to invoice, you would click ENTER RECEIPTS FOR SELECTED PO’S at the bottom of the screen and that would take you to the Process PO’s by Line Item with Invoice Number screen. See below and follow the directions listed under that section to invoice from there.

Download Shipping Information

When you click on this option it will go right to a screen (seen below) that allows you to view you’re your current orders and enable you to save them as an Excel spreadsheet. The downloaded screen will show you all important details of the order

  • This can be saved as an Excel file by:
  • Click FILE up in the top left toolbar.
  • Select SAVE AS
  • Save the file as whatever name you wish however make sure to specify what FILE TYPE.
  • Some important notes about the Download Shipping Information option:
  • To return back to where you began this process, click on your back button on your web browser.
  • You can download purchase orders as often as you wish, but it must be done at least once per day.
  • The batch # on the downloaded file indicates when the purchase order was downloaded. A batch # of ‘0’ means that this is a brand new purchase order. If the PURCHASE ORDER was previously downloaded, it will have a batch # that is greater than 0.
Process PO’s by Line Item with Invoice Number

This screen will allow you to invoice by purchase order.

  • Determine which purchase order you shipped and need to invoice.
  • Enter purchase order # and hit “get details”. You will then be taken to the next screen.
Process PO’s by Line Item with Invoice Number (cont’d)

This screen will allow you to invoice the purchase orders that you selected on the previous screen.

  • Enter the invoice date in MM/DD/YY format, or click on the calendar to select the date.
  • Key in your invoice number.
  • Double-check the quantity and price.
  • Each purchase order must have a separate invoice number.
  • You may enter the tracking # if it is available. You can still invoice even if the tracking # is not entered here.
  • Under the Options column click the down arrow and select ship. Selecting request to cancel will send a note to the VMS Administrator who will contact your company for follow up.
  • Once you have determined that all information has been entered and is correct, select PROCESS Shipment.
  • After successful invoicing you should receive a batch # as confirmation.

VMS Manual 2006.doc1

Last Update: 10/24/2018