November 3, 2009

Present: G. Booth, G. Chao, B. Cooper, A. Kirca, J. Luft, H. McKnight, M. Moch, R. Spreng, J. Wiggins, E. Wilson, J. Lada, L. Rodammer, C. Witt

R. Spreng called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.

J. Wiggins moved to approve 10/06/09 minutes, seconded by H. McKnight and approved unanimously by the committee.

Action Items

a. MKT 412 – title, content and description change – R. Spreng

J. Wiggins moved to approve course change for MKT 412, seconded by A. Kirca, and approved unanimously by the committee.

New Business

a. Spring dates chosen – R. Spreng

Specific dates will be chosen and provided to committee.

b. Spreadsheet Skill-building in business Classes – Joan Luft

J. Luft explained that Accounting is doing an inventory of spreadsheet usage to determine areas that students may be lacking. They will be polling departments to see what skills are being taught and assignments being requested involving spreadsheets (pivot tables, data analysis, tables, charts, etc.). Employers and recruiters are interested in students with higher level ability. Each department representative is to ask their department and provide feedback to Joan.

Information Sharing and Updates

a. Academic Dishonesty Report System – E. Wilson

E. Wilson provided a demonstration of the Academic Dishonesty Reporting System. Now when a student is sanctioned for dishonesty on a test there is a way to capture this information and deposit it in a central location. The instructor initiates the report. The student will be informed through an email and so will the appropriate Associate Dean. The Associate Dean will also have access to all such instances which provides the ability to see if a pattern of dishonest behavior exists. Previous to this system, only sanctioned course grades were reported. This system was approved by UCAP and launched in September 2009. The Dean sent information to Department Chairs. Committee representatives are to encourage their Chairs to send this information to faculty in their departments if not previously done.

Old Business

a. Assurance of Learning Goals - R. Spreng

The Assurance of Learning goals and descriptions were reviewed. G. Chao provided an update for Goal 3, Team Skills which is more aligned with what is actually being taught. A. Kirca provided updates for Goal 2, International Awareness. He has additional suggestions where he may be able to add some pieces which better fit what is being taught. M. Moch discussed Goal 4, Presentation Skills and provided criteria used in evaluation. M. Moch also discussed Goal 5, Written Communication and provided the three criteria used in grading the 460 paper. Discussion was held on the first piece of criteria which could be used for AOL purposes. Every major has a Tier II writing class and that is where the assessment comes from for AOL. The Department Chair is responsible to give material out. Committee members are to find out what is being done. At the next meeting the committee will discuss coordination matters and whether it matches up. Further updates and whether another goal should be added will also be discussed at the next meeting. Potential goals are critical thinking and/or quantitative skills. Writing could encompass critical thinking. Would like to see quantitative skill measuring - are our students comfortable with manipulating numbers and understanding what they mean? Would need to consider where this could be captured (capstone or other required course). R. Spreng will pursue what the University is doing regarding Liberal Learning and report at the next meeting. If we will be capturing these goals for the university, perhaps we can make them a little more robust for the business college AOL purposes. New goals could be established and processes started for 2010. We would need at least two data points. The accreditation review is set for February 2011.


a. ITM Specialization – H. McKnight

H. McKnight stated the ITM specialization is being considered for Moratorium. He asked what information the committee would like to know about the program so it could be gathered. Dean Booth discussed Central Administration budget cuts across campus and that ITM and GBL Prelaw are on the blocks.

b. Tentative meeting date 11-17-09 – R. Spreng

Since there are no new curricular items, the meeting will be canceled.

J. Luft moved to adjourn, seconded by G. Chao. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle J. McNure, Recording Secretary.

UPC Minutes 11-3-09 Page 2